Đề thi Toeic - Đề 3

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Đề thi Toeic - Đề 3
TOEIC Test 3, Questions 
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In the listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. The entire 
listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. 
Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. 
When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the 
picture by marking the correct answer option: A, B, C, or D on the answer sheet. The statements will not be 
printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. 
(A) There is only one rescue vehicle in the picture. 
(B) One of the buildings in the picture is on fire. 
(C) A large crowd is watching the rescue efforts. 
(D) There are two people trapped in the car. 
Statement (A), “There is only one rescue vehicle in the picture,” is the best description of the picture, so you 
should mark answer (A). 
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Question (1) 
Question (2) 
Question (3) 
Question (4) 
TOEIC Test 3, Questions 
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Question (5) 
Question (6) 
Question (7) 
Question (8) 
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Question (9) 
Question (10) 
Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will not be 
printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response to the question or 
statement and select (A), (B), or (C) to mark your answer on the answer sheet. 
You will hear: Where did you last see Ms. Montgomery? 
You will also hear: 
(A) Yes, I can see it on the flat screen. 
(B) It was about three weeks ago. 
(C) At the First Street coffee shop. 
The best response to the question “Where did you last see Ms. Montgomery?” is choice (C), “At the First Street 
coffee shop.,” so (C) is the correct answer. You should mark answer (C). 
TOEIC Test 3, Questions 
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Directions: You will hear several conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer three 
questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and 
mark answer (A), (B), (C), or (D) on the answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book 
and will be spoken only one time. 
(41) Where is this conversation most likely taking 
 (A) In an office 
 (B) In a restaurant 
 (C) In a gymnasium 
 (D) In a grocery store 
(42) What does the woman ask the man about his 
 (A) What kind he wants 
 (B) How much it costs 
 (C) How he wants it cooked 
 (D) When she should serve it 
(43) What will the man probably say next? 
 (A) Ranch, please. 
 (B) No thank you. 
 (C) That would be fine. 
 (D) A blue dress. 
(44) What position does the man probably hold? 
 (A) Busboy 
 (B) Cashier 
 (C) Doorkeeper 
 (D) Accountant 
(45) What mistake did the man make? 
 (A) He charged the woman the wrong price. 
 (B) He sold the woman the wrong product. 
 (C) He asked the woman the wrong question. 
 (D) He gave the woman the wrong change. 
(46) What does the woman ask the man to do? 
 (A) Give her four quarters for a dollar. 
 (B) Charge her an extra $10. 
 (C) Make change for a $10 bill. 
 (D) Sell her $10 worth of groceries. 
(47) What does the man ask Jean about? 
 (A) Business cards 
 (B) Work orders 
 (C) Project reports 
 (D) Changing jobs 
(48) Why does the man tell Jean to wait? 
 (A) The company's address might change. 
 (B) Business cards cost too much money. 
 (C) Raymond told Stephen about a mistake. 
 (D) She is likely to be promoted to manager. 
(49) How does the woman feel about the news the 
man tells her? 
 (A) Angry 
 (B) Floored 
 (C) Surprised 
 (D) Encouraged 
(50) Who is the woman? 
 (A) An architect 
 (B) A landlord 
 (C) A realtor 
 (D) An insurance agent 
(51) What are the speakers talking about? 
 (A) A condominium 
 (B) An apartment 
 (C) An office building 
 (D) A house 
(52) What does the man want to do? 
 (A) View the home online 
 (B) Buy the home 
 (C) Visit the home 
 (D) Take pictures 
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(53) What are the speakers mainly discussing? 
 (A) Painting estimates 
 (B) Budgeting concerns 
 (C) Starting times 
 (D) Contract terms 
(54) What does the woman say about Paint Pros? 
 (A) They are unreliable. 
 (B) They have high quality. 
 (C) They charge the lowest price. 
 (D) They cannot start immediately.
(55) What does the woman offer to do? 
 (A) Negotiate a lower price 
 (B) Confirm a starting date 
 (C) Adjust the budget 
 (D) Respond to all the bidders 
(56) Where is this conversation most likely taking 
 (A) At a university 
 (B) At a convention 
 (C) In an office 
 (D) In a supermarket 
(57) What does Katie want the man to do? 
 (A) Interrupt Brad's meeting. 
 (B) Call Jasmine 
 (C) Give Brad a message 
 (D) Correct two invoices 
(58) What is NOT true? 
 (A) Katie works in accounting. 
 (B) Brad will be free at 11 o'clock. 
 (C) Brad is in a meeting. 
 (D) The man will tell Brad that Katie called. 
(59) What does the man ask Bridget to do? 
 (A) Read a catalogue 
 (B) Create mock pages 
 (C) Buy some T-shirts 
 (D) Check for errors 
(60) Why can't Bridget help immediately? 
 (A) She has to finish another task. 
 (B) She needs to make a phone call. 
 (C) She is making some copies. 
 (D) She is pricing T-shirts. 
(61) Where do the speakers most likely work? 
 (A) At a newspaper 
 (B) At a clothing company 
 (C) At a supermarket 
 (D) At an insurance firm 
(62) Why is the woman calling the man? 
 (A) To buy a dishwasher 
 (B) To report a problem 
 (C) To confirm an appointment 
 (D) To request a refund 
(63) What is the woman having trouble with? 
 (A) A utility 
 (B) A tool 
 (C) A warranty 
 (D) An appliance 
(64) What does the man promise to do? 
 (A) Refund the woman's money 
 (B) Replace the woman's dishwasher 
 (C) Send someone to the woman's home 
 (D) Charge the woman for a warranty 
(65) What is the purpose of the man's phone call? 
 (A) To solicit for charity 
 (B) To promote a business 
 (C) To request an interview 
 (D) To offer an annual gift 
(66) What does the woman imply? 
 (A) She does not like the Mission Shelter's work. 
 (B) She has already donated money to another 
 (C) She does not have as much money as last 
 (D) She dislikes phone calls from telemarketers. 
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(67) How does the man convince the woman to 
 (A) He reminds her she can get a tax deduction. 
 (B) He makes her feel guilty for neglecting the 
 (C) He tells that she can wait until next year to 
 (D) He promises to refund part of her 
(68) When is this conversation most likely taking 
 (A) During an employee review 
 (B) During a job interview 
 (C) During a media report 
 (D) During a sales meeting 
(69) What is the man's current position? 
 (A) Salesman 
 (B) Department head 
 (C) Vice president 
 (D) CEO 
(70) What can be inferred about the man? 
 (A) He is inexperienced. 
 (B) He is nervous. 
 (C) He is confident. 
 (D) He is immodest. 
TOEIC Test 3, Questions 
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Directions: You will hear several talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions 
about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark answer (A), (B), 
(C), or (D). The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. 
(71) What is the main purpose of the report? 
 (A) To give shopping advice 
 (B) To announce a cereal sale 
 (C) To warn shoppers of fraud 
 (D) To help shoppers save money 
(72) What does the speaker encourage shoppers to 
 (A) Buy food in bulk packages 
 (B) Consider food volume 
 (C) Pay the lowest prices 
 (D) Eat more breakfast cereal 
(73) How often does the speaker give shopping 
 (A) Daily 
 (B) Weekly 
 (C) Monthly 
 (D) Annually 
(74) What position does Denise likely hold? 
 (A) Company CEO 
 (B) Newspaper reporter 
 (C) Administrative assistant 
 (D) Bank officer 
(75) What problem does Clara Belle Warner have? 
 (A) She can't contact Jeff Pritchard. 
 (B) She didn't receive financial information. 
 (C) She has missed her story deadline. 
 (D) Denise hasn't returned her call. 
(76) What can be inferred about Jeff Pritchard? 
 (A) He works with Clara Belle Warner. 
 (B) He is an international celebrity. 
 (C) He does not like to read newspapers. 
 (D) He is in a different part of the country. 
(77) Who is the speaker? 
 (A) A businessman 
 (B) An artist 
 (C) A politician 
 (D) A musician 
(78) What happened when the speaker was 8 years 
 (A) He became an international star. 
 (B) He saw orphans in a park. 
 (C) His father declared bankruptcy. 
 (D) His family's furniture was stolen. 
(79) What is true of the speaker's foundation? 
 (A) It focuses on orphans. 
 (B) It was founded by his father. 
 (C) It helps keep children healthy. 
 (D) It has helped about 50,000 kids. 
(80) What is the speaker mainly discussing? 
 (A) The structure of the Internet 
 (B) The route of one bit of information 
 (C) How the Internet works 
 (D) The Network Access Point 
(81) What happens in New York City? 
 (A) Government e-mail is processed. 
 (B) Fiber cables are connected by hand. 
 (C) Bits are received via underwater cable. 
 (D) Bits are prepared to cross the Pacific. 
(82) What is NOT true of the Network Access 
 (A) It is located in New York City. 
 (B) It is located at a major data-pipe intersection. 
 (C) It processes the US government's e-mail. 
 (D) It is located in the state of Virginia. 
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(83) Where would this announcement most likely 
be heard? 
 (A) In an airport 
 (B) At a train station 
 (C) In a subway 
 (D) At a bus stop 
(84) What are passengers for Flight 582 doing? 
 (A) Waiting for an arrival 
 (B) Checking in their luggage 
 (C) Getting on the plane 
 (D) Eating at the food court 
(85) What does the speaker ask listeners to do? 
 (A) Eat dinner in the food court 
 (B) Check in their suitcases 
 (C) Get tickets for Eagle Air Flight 644 
 (D) Have their boarding passes ready 
(86) What will Derek McClaskey talk about? 
 (A) His childhood 
 (B) Streets of Salt Lake 
 (C) A new television show 
 (D) His plans for next year 
(87) What does the speaker remind listeners to 
 (A) Applaud Derek McClaskey 
 (B) Silence their electrical devices 
 (C) Eat and drink only after the show 
 (D) Save their questions until the end 
(88) What will happen at the end of Derek's talk? 
 (A) Listeners will ask questions 
 (B) Derek will sign autographs 
 (C) Derek will pose for pictures 
 (D) Listeners will see a video clip 
(89) What is being advertised? 
 (A) A sale 
 (B) A store 
 (C) Holiday specials 
 (D) New hours 
(90) What does the speaker say about 
 (A) It has the lowest prices in town. 
 (B) It has eight different locations. 
 (C) It is having a special holiday sale. 
 (D) It is convenient and efficient. 
(91) SuperCenter is mentioned as having all of the 
following EXCEPT 
 (A) Electronics 
 (B) Sporting goods 
 (C) Video games 
 (D) Jewelry 
(92) What is the purpose of the talk? 
 (A) To review for a test 
 (B) To trick the listeners 
 (C) To teach a new skill 
 (D) To introduce new rules
(93) What should listeners do first when 
multiplying a two-digit number by 11? 
 (A) Add the digits of the number 
 (B) Round the 11 to a 10 
 (C) Insert a sum between the digits 
 (D) Estimate the answer 
(94) What does the speaker suggest about the 
second quick trick? 
 (A) It doesn't always work. 
 (B) It is fun to use at a party. 
 (C) It is easy to remember. 
 (D) It was invented by Albert Einstein. 
(95) What is the main purpose of the message? 
 (A) To route telephone calls 
 (B) To promote BigCom Cable 
 (C) To announce operating hours 
 (D) To train BigCom operators 
(96) What is the listener calling to inquire about? 
 (A) Telephone service 
 (B) Internet service 
 (C) Cell phone bill 
 (D) Cable TV service
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(97) What does the speaker say about this phone 
 (A) The government is recording it. 
 (B) A supervisor might be listening to it. 
 (C) It will take 20 minutes to complete it. 
 (D) It will not go through after 5 p.m. 
(98) What can be inferred about Ernest Crowley? 
 (A) He was afraid of flying. 
 (B) He did not like children. 
 (C) He was a local resident. 
 (D) He was internationally renowned. 
(99) What happened in 1959? 
 (A) Ernest Crowley's first jump 
 (B) A smoke-jumping tragedy 
 (C) Establishment of a program 
 (D) Promotion to superintendent 
(100) What will happen on Saturday? 
 (A) An announcement 
 (B) A party 
 (C) A mass 
 (D) A funeral 
This is the end of the listening test. Please continue with the Reading Test. 
TOEIC Test 3, Questions 
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In the reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading comprehension 
questions. The entire Reading Test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and directions are given for each 
part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed. 
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below 
each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark answer (A), (B), (C), or (D). 
(101) The new prices are _____ on March 1st. 
 (A) effect 
 (B) effective 
 (C) effecting 
 (D) effected 
(102) Martin and Scott will give _____ presentation tomorrow. 
 (A) his 
 (B) its 
 (C) their 
 (D) theirselves 
(103) Orders for banquet tickets will be _____ this afternoon. 
 (A) taken 
 (B) given 
 (C) played 
 (D) stationed 
(104) Will the last person leaving the office please remember to _____ the lights? 
 (A) shut down 
 (B) close 
 (C) turn off 
 (D) cancel 
(105) The Butler Building is _____ the corner of Fifth and Vine. 
 (A) in 
 (B) against 
 (C) between 
 (D) on 
(106) All our steaks are seared in the oven, and then seasoned to _____. 
 (A) prediction 
 (B) perfection 
 (C) perdition 
 (D) permission 
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(107) Would you mind _____ me the phone, please. 
 (A) to bring 
 (B) bringing 
 (C) brought 
 (D) brings 
(108) The play's long run on Broadway will _____ come to an end tonight. 
 (A) totally 
 (B) very 
 (C) temporarily 
 (D) finally 
(109) The bank is closed now, _____ you will have to wait until tomorrow to make the deposit. 
 (A) so 
 (B) as 
 (C) because 
 (D) and 
(110) Could I see your driver's _____ please? 
 (A) card 
 (B) permit 
 (C) license 
 (D) identification 
(111) We're _____ copy paper. Could you please order some more? 
 (A) through with 
 (B) down to 
 (C) out of 
 (D) used up 
(112) Lowman Bros. Inc. cordially ____ you to its annual fund-raising dinner. 
 (A) invited 
 (B) invites 
 (C) invite 
 (D) inviting 
(113) The contract _____ on Dec. 31st. 
 (A) expunges 
 (B) finishes 
 (C) cancels 
 (D) expires 
(114) If my flight is on time, I should be _____ your office by 2 o'clock. 
 (A) at 
 (B) near 
 (C) over 
 (D) on 
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(115) Ace Architecture was honored for its commitment to green, _____ development. 
 (A) sustaining 
 (B) sustained 
 (C) sustainable 
 (D) sustains 
(116) Knowledge of computers is a ______ for this position. 
 (A) credential 
 (B) requirement 
 (C) legality 
 (D) certificate 
(117) Juan had just finished ______ the project when Keith walked in. 
 (A) to review 
 (B) reviewing 
 (C) reviewed 
 (D) reviews 
(118) Unlike our competitors, who opened too many stores last year, we need to expand ______. 
 (A) quickly 
 (B) exponentially 
 (C) substantially 
 (D) gradually 
(119) ______ the economy improves soon, we will have to have another round of layoffs. 
 (A) Unless 
 (B) Until 
 (C) If 
 (D) Because 
(120) Have you ever ______ to Geneva? 
 (A) gone 
 (B) come 
 (C) been 
 (D) went 
(121) Increased sales of its new smart phone application have put the firm in the ______ this quarter. 
 (A) red 
 (B) green 
 (C) black 
 (D) yellow 
(122) You can exchange your item for something of equal or lesser value, provided you have the original ______. 
 (A) recipe 
 (B) reception 
 (C) receptacle 
 (D) receipt 
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(123) Sampson & Sons Inc. will issue ______ annual report on the 19th. 
 (A) their 
 (B) its 
 (C) his 
 (D) our 
(124) I ______ while you were working out. 
 (A) was sleeping 
 (B) had been sleeping 
 (C) slept 
 (D) sleep 
(125) Please fill out the form and return it at your ______ convenience. 
 (A) soonest 
 (B) least 
 (C) earliest 
 (D) quickest 
(126) Flying would have ______ almost twice as much as taking the train. 
 (A) spent 
 (B) cost 
 (C) lasted 
 (D) paid 
(127) I'll have the estimate for the painting ready for you in a ______ more days. 
 (A) little 
 (B) few 
 (C) several 
 (D) short 
(128) Congratulations on your _____ to senior vice president. 
 (A) raise 
 (B) qualification 
 (C) advance 
 (D) promotion 
(129) We did not hire John Delany due to ______ lack of previous experience. 
 (A) her 
 (B) their 
 (C) his 
 (D) us 
(130) If Kevin's Cleaners ______ be willing to lower their fees by 10 percent, I'd be willing to contract with them. 
 (A) would 
 (B) should 
 (C) could 
 (D) won't 
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(131) We named him Washington, ______ the father of our country. 
 (A) beside 
 (B) after 
 (C) over 
 (D) before 
(132) We believe that demand is driven largely by ______. 
 (A) scarcity 
 (B) scariness 
 (C) sacrifice 
 (D) synchronicity 
(133) Are you ready ______ ? 
 (A) ordering 
 (B) orders 
 (C) to order 
 (D) ordered 
(134) Could I have tea ______ coffee? 
 (A) rather for 
 (B) prefer to 
 (C) better than 
 (D) instead of 
(135) The company's board of directors rejected ACJ's hostile ______ bid. 
 (A) makeup 
 (B) takeover 
 (C) takeoff 
 (D) pulldown 
(136) Bonus pay is ______ upon the quality of your performance. 
 (A) depending 
 (B) dependent 
 (C) depended 
 (D) dependable 
(137) Mr. Morgan is out of the office right now, ______ I expect him back shortly. 
 (A) but 
 (B) and 
 (C) so 
 (D) therefore 
(138) A federal ______ prevented Mega Bank's financial failure. 
 (A) deposit 
 (B) contribution 
 (C) subsidy 
 (D) donation 
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(139) The bond will mature on Dec. 31st, 2020, or the holder's 60th birthday, ______ comes first. 
 (A) whenever 
 (B) whatever 
 (C) whichever 
 (D) whoever 
(140) Because the firm was losing money, Susan was ______ from her management position. 

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