Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Unit 12: The Asian games - Nguyễn Văn Tạo

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Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Unit 12: The Asian games - Nguyễn Văn Tạo
Date: February 24nd, 2011
Period 72
Lesson 	 	 READING
I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
deduce the meaning of some words in certain context to undersand the passage. 
express their own ideas sources of energy. 
II. Language Focus:
New words: alternative, reserve, exhaust, released, limited . . . . 
III. Teaching Aids: cassette player, textbook . . . .
IV. Procedures:	
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
Warm – up
(5 minutes)
-T shows Ss some pictures of sports game and then asks them:
 1. What sports do you see in the photo?
 2. Which one do you want to play? Why?
 -T asks Ss to work in pairs and answer the above questions.
* Expected answers:
 1. They are volleyball, basketball, table tennis, rugby, hockey,
 tennis, football, wushu, bodybuilding . . . 
 2. I like to play . . . . . . because it makes me healthy. 
-T listens to Ss’answers, giving feedback and leading to the new lesson. 
T1 Ss
Ss1 Ss
Pre –
(15 minutes)
-T asks Ss to work in groups. On their notebooks, T asks them to add to the chart.
What I know about Asian Games.
Questions I like to ask about Asian Games.
What I learn from the text.
A lot of sports are introduced in the Asian Games.
How often are the Asian Games held? 
How many countries take part in the Asian Games.
-T elicits or explains some new words before reading.
Vocabulary Pre-teach
+ effort (n) attempt = struggle
+ aquatic (adj): e.g: aquatic sports (sport connected with water)
+ to appreciate (v): to understand the value of sb/sth
+ to advance (v): to make progress
+ facility (n) equipment that is provided for a particular purpose.
+ enthusiasm (n)
Tasks 1 – Gap – filling 
-T asks Ss to work in pairs to do Task 1 in the textbook.
-T goes around and control Ss to do the task.
-T asks Ss to compare their answers with others.
-T gives feedback and correct mistakes.
* Expected answers:
1. facility
2. aquatic 
3. enthusiasm
4. effort
5. advancing
6. appreciated
Ss 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
S 1 S
T 1 Ss
While – reading
(10 minutes)
Task 2 – Grid / Table Completion 
-T asks Ss to read the passage and complete the table in Task 2.
-T has Ss work in pairs to fill in the table with the years and the events.
-T lets Ss compere their answers with other pairs.
-T calls on some Ss to go to the board and copy their answers on the table (prepared by teacher beforehand) 
-T gives feedback and correct answers. 
* Expected answer:
(1) 1951
(2) The 2nd Asian Games in Manila.
(3) 1958
(4) Squash, rugby, fencing, and mountain biking
(5) 2002
S 1 S
Ss 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
(9 minutes)
Task 3 – Questions and Answers 
-T asks Ss to read the passage again silently and answer their questions.
-T asks Ss to compare their answers with a partner.
-T calls on some Ss to read their answers.
-T has Ss work in pairs, aking and answering the questions.
-T goes around the class and provides help if necessary.
-T calls on some representatives of groups to act out the activity in front of the class.
-T comments and gives the suggested answers. 
* Expected answer:
1. The purpose of the Asian Games is to develop intercultural
 knowledge and friendship within Asia.
2. 9,919 participants took part in the 14th Asian Games.
3. They won the gold medals in bodybuilding, billiards and
 women’s karatedo at the Busan Games. 
Ss 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
Post – reading
(9 minutes)
Game – Lucky number 
-T asks Ss to close their books. 
-T divides the class into two groups. Then T draws a table with 12 numbers on the board. Some of the numbers are lucky. If Ss call out one of them, they will get 2 marks and they have the right to choose another number. One mark will be for each other question. The group that can score more points will win the game. 
-T goes around to control the game. 
-T gives feedback and declares the winner. 
* Suggested Questions and Answers: 
1. How often are the Asian Games held? ¦ Every 4 years.
2. When was the first Asian Games? ¦ In 1951
3. Lucky number
4. How many athletes took part in the first Asian Games? 
 ¦ 489 athletes from 11 nations.
5. Where was the second Asian Games held? 
 ¦ In Manila, The Philippines
6. Which sports are added at the 3rd Asian Games? 
 ¦ Tennis, volleyball, table tennis and hockey.
7. Who in Vietnam won the first golden medal in karatedo in the
 Asian Game? ¦ Thuy Hien
8. Where was the Asian Games held in the year 2002?
 ¦ In Korean
9. Lucky number
10. The 13th Asian Games was held in New Delhi, India. Right or
 wrong? ¦ Wrong
11. How many countries participated in the 14th Asian Games? 
 ¦ 42
12. Lucky number 
T 1 Ss
Ss 1 Ss
(2 minutes)
-T asks Ss to search the internet to find some more inforamtion about the Asian Games. 
-T asks Ss to learn all of the new words by heart and prepare SPEAKING for the next period. 
T 1 Ss
Date: February 28th, 2011
Period 73
Unit 12(cont.) THE ASIAN GAMES
I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
ask for and give some information about Asian Games.
express their own ideas about sports results and about their favourite games or athletes. 
II. Language Focus:
New words: 
III. Teaching Aids: textbooks, pictures . . . .
IV. Procedures:
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
Warm – up
Games – Stop the bus 
-T pus Ss in teams.
-T draws two lines on the board and label them with two categories. 
Group A
Group B
-T gives Ss a letter from the alphabet, for example letter M. As quickly as possible, they should think of a word connected with each category beginning with letter M and write down. For example: 
 Country: Malaysia
 Sports: Mountain climbing . . . 
-The first team to write down one word for each category should shout: “Stop the bus”. If the words are correct, give the team one point then choose another letter. 
-T checks Ss’ understand the instructions.
-T goes round and control Ss to play the game. 
* Suggested ideas:
 T, P, V; B. C. M
T: Thailand – Table tennis / Tennnis 
P: Philippines /Pakistan – Ping pong
V: Vietnam – Volleyball
B: Brunei – Basketball / Boxing / Bodybuilding
C: Cambodia – Chess
M: Malaysia / Myanmar – Mountain biking/clibming
S: Singapore – Snookers / Squash
Ss 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
Pre – speaking
(8 minutes)
Lead in: 
-T asks Ss to work in groups and answer the questions:
 1. What Asian countries have taken part in the Asian Games?
 2. What sports have been introduced in the Asian Games?
 (2 groups find the countires / 2 groups find the sports) 
-T asks S from each group to copy them on the board. 
Asian countries
-T asks SS to open their books and look at the information about the Asian Games in the table to check with countires have been the host countries in the Asian Games until now.
-T asks Ss to look at the dialogue on pgae 139.
-T elicits the language from Ss.
* Useful Language: 
+ Use simple past tense to talk about events in the past.
+ Passive voice can be used to talk about the year the Asian Games took place. 
 The first Asian Games were held in 1951 in New Delhi, India.
Ss 1 Ss
Ss 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
While – speaking
(10 minutes)
Task 1 – Practising the dialogue
* Activity 1 – Repetition
-T has Ss repeat the dialogue after the T.
-T models the conversation with a S.
-T has Ss role play the conversation in pairs.
-T calls some pairs to the front of the class to act out the conversation.
* Activity 2 – Substitution 
-T asks Ss to work in pairs to use the information in the table to substitute for the suitable information in the model dialogue. 
-T moves around to control and give help if necessary.
-T gives feedback.
T1 Ss
T1 S
S 1 S
S 1 S
(10 minutes)
Task 2 – Reporting 
-T asks Ss to take turns to talk about the sport results of the Vietnamese athletes at 14th Asian Games, using the information from the table on page 140 – Task 2.
-T calls on some Ss to go to the board and make their reports. 
-T moves around to give help to Ss.
Example: At the 14th Asian Games held in Busan, Korea, in bodybuilding, the Vietnamese athletes won on gold medal and on bronze medal. In billiards, they won one gold medal and one silver medal. 
S 1 S
S 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
Post – speaking
(10 minutes)
Find someone who 
-T delivers the handouts to each S.
-T asks Ss to move round, asking the questions in the Find SO who table. If someone says “Yes”, ask some more details and write his or her name.
-T tells Ss not to write the same name for different questions. 
* Handouts (see appendix) 
Ss 1 Ss
(2 minutes)
-T asks Ss to search the Internet to find out some more information about the Asian Games. 
-T has Ss prepare LISTENING for the next period. 
T 1 Ss
Find SO who ..?
hates sports?
what soprts? why?
plays sports everyday?
how often?
has ever won s sport competition? 
has his or her sport idol?
has never watched sports on tv? 
has never missed a football match on tv?
favourite team?
watches the asian games very often
which game like best?
prefers sea games to asian games?
Date: March 1st, 2011
Period 74
Unit 12(cont.) THE ASIAN GAMES
I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
listen to specific information. 
express their own ideas about the preparations for the coming Asian Games. 
II. Language Focus:
Grammar: revision
New words: to come live, freestyle, gymnasium, gymnast, bar, to land . . . .
III. Teaching Aids: cassette player, textbook, board . . . 	
IV. Procedures:	
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
Warm – up
Game – Bingo game
-T asks Ss to write down nine words of sports on a square.
-T says out words of sports at random. Ss listen and tick the word they have on their list. When they make a straight line with all the words ticked, they shout “BINGO” to win the game. 
-T leads in the new lesson by asking Ss a question.
 Which sport from your list do you like bets? Why? 
T 1 Ss
Pre –listening
(8 minutes)
-T asks Ss to look at the pictures in the textbook (page 141) and answer the questions:
 1. What are the names of these sports?
 2. Have you ever watched sports like these on TV?
Pre-teaching vocabulary
-T elicits some new words from Ss before letting them listen to the recording. 
+ to come live: to be sent out while the event is actually happening
+ freestyle (n) (picture)
+ gymnassium (n): gym ¦ a gymnast (n)
+ bar (n) 
+ to land (v)
-T helps Ss to understand the meaning of the above words.
-T lets the whole class pronoun these new words. 
S 1 S
T 1 Ss
(12 minutes)
Task 1 – Multiple Choice 
-T asks Ss to work individually and listen to the text.
-T plays the tape more than once if necessary.
-T asks Ss to compare the answers with their partners.
-T invites some Ss to explain their answers in front of the class. 
-T goes over the answers with the whole class. 
-T gives feedback and correct answers 
* Expected answers: 
1. C
2. A
3. B 
4. B
5. D
S 1 S
T 1 Ss
(12 minutes)
Task 2 – Questions and Answers 
-T asks Ss to work individually to listen to the tape again.
-T plays the tape again and asks Ss to do Task 2.
-T plays the tape several times if necessary. 
-T lets Ss discuss the answers with a partner. 
-T comments and gives correct answers.
* Expected answers:
 1. It was at 10.15 p.m.
2. They have won six gold medals.
3. He took part in the long jump twice.
4. High-jump.
5. He looked very disappointed.
S 1 S
T 1 Ss
Post- listening
(6 minutes)
Role play
-T asks Ss to play the role of an interviewer and an athlete who has just taken part in the Asian Games. He or she has just set a new record or has just failed the competition. 
-T asks Ss to work in pairs to ask about the preparations for the Asian Games, the experiences, the feelings . . . 
-T goes around the class and helps Ss with their speaking. 
-T has some Ss present their ideas in front of the class. 
-T asks for comments from other Ss. 
-T gives out his remarks on Ss’s presentation. 
T 1 Ss
Ss 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
(2 minutes)
-T asks Ss to learn the new words by heart. 
-T asks Ss to prepare WRITING for the next period. 
 T 1 Ss
Date: March 2nd, 2011 
Period 75
Unit 12(cont.) THE ASIAN GAMES
Lesson 	 WRITING
I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
Describe the preparations for the coming Asian Games. 
II. Language Focus:
Grammar: revision 
New words: revision
III. Teaching Aids: an extra board, textbook, poster and handouts . . . 
IV. Procedures:	
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
(3 minutes)
Game – Hangman Game
Key word: FACILITY
-T leads in the new lesson by asking:
 What facilities do you think we need to have for the Asian Games?
-T brainstorms Ss’ ideas and copy them on the board. 
* Expected answers:
+ National stadium / local stadium
+ National sport center
+ Training areas
+ Sport buildings and roads to sport buildings
+ Car parks
+ Hotels
+ Guest houses
+ Facilities for disable athletes
T 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
(10 minutes)
Pre-teaching vocabulary
-T asks Ss to work in pairs to match a word in A with a line in B to find out the meaning of the new words.
1. to upgrade (v)
a. to advertise sth in order to make it popular.
2. to promote (v)
b. to find new people to join an organization.
3. to recruit (v)
c. to change something so that it is of a higher standard. 
Expected answers: 1 – c; 2 – a; 3 – b 
-T asks Ss to look at some activities suggested in the box, the sample writing and elicits some useful languages from Ss.
* Useful languages: Sequence adverbs 
 + First / Firstly / First of all . . 
 + Then . . . 
 + Next . . . 
 + After that . . . 
 + Finally 
* Structure: [ need to be + PP = need + V-ing]
 Example: The national stadium needs to be upgraded. 
T1 Ss
S1 S
T1 Ss
(22 minutes)
Activity 1 – Writing sentences 
-T asks Ss to use the information in the box and write a meaningful sentences, combining the verb in column 1 with the phrases in column 2. (page 142)
-T sets the time limited in five minutes. 
-T goes around the class and gives help where needed.
Activity 2 – Writing a composition 
-T asks Ss to work in groups of four to write a paragraph of about 120 words to describe the preparations for the coming Asian Games in Vietnam.
-T moves around to give Ss help if necessary.
-T gives Ss the limited time.
-T gets some Ss to read aloud their writings.
-T gives feedback. 
T 1 Ss
Ss 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
Post- writing
(8 minutes)
-T asks Ss to work in groups of four to talk about the preparations for the next Asian Games. 
 “What should we do to meet the need of modern facilities for the
 next Games?”
-T asks Ss to use the useful languages they have studied in the lesson. 
-T moves around the class and gives help to Ss.
-T calls on some Ss to present their ideas in front of the class. 
-T collects remarks from other Ss.
-T gives feedback. 
Ss 1 Ss
S 1 Ss
T 1 Ss 
(2 minutes)
-T asks Ss to rewrite the comparison of the chart into their notebooks.
-T asks students to prepare Language Focus for next period. 
T 1 Ss
Date: March 6th,2011
Period 76
Unit 12(cont.) THE ASIAN GAMES
I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
practise pronunciation and distinguish the sounds / str /, / skr/ and / skw/.
revise the use of Relative clauses. 
understand and write sentences with omission of relative pronouns. 
II. Language Focus:
Grammar: as above
New words: 
III. Teaching Aids: textbooks, poster, pictures . . . 	
IV. Procedures:	
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
Game – Sentence completion 
-T hangs a flipchart of some words on the board. 
square strong squeezed
 screamed scratch
street screen strange
-T copies the following sentences on the board and asks Ss to find words beginning with the sound str- to complete the 1st sentence, scr- for the 2nd sentence, sqw- for the 3rd sentence. 
-T sets the time limited in 1 minutes.
 1. The  man standing in the  looks very 
 2. In the , a little girl  aloud when she saw a 
 deep  on her leg.
 3. My mother  an orange and put it on the  
 table in front of my face.
* Expected answers:
 1. strange / street / strong
 2. screen / screamed / scratch
 3. squeezed / square 
Lead – in:
-T asks Ss to read the sentences aloud. 
-T elicits the consonant clusters / str /, / skr/ and / skw/ by asking Ss some questions:
a. The first three words have the same sound. Which sound is it? 
 ¦ / str/
b. Which is the same sound for the second three words? ¦ / skr /
c. How about the last two sounds? ¦ / skw /
 -T asks Ss to notice the sounds and leads in the the new lesson. 
T 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
(7 minutes)
Activity 1 – Listen and repeat
-T demonstrates the sounds / str /, / skr/ and / skw/ by pronouncing them exactly and clearly.
-T instructs the ways to pronounce the sounds. 
-T asks Ss to pronounce the sounds several times.
-T makes sure that Ss are aware of the difference between the sounds. 
Activity 2 – Practise these sentences
-T plays the tape and asks them to repeat. 
-T calls on some Ss to repeat the sounds clearly and slowly.
-T asks Ss to work in pairs and practise the sentences.
-T introduces peer correction.
-T goes around the class and provides help if necessary. 
T 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
Ss 1 Ss
(12 minutes)
A. Presentation 
Relative clauses and the omission of relative prnouns
-T asks Ss to recall the use of Relative Clause.
-T copies the sentences below on the board and then asks Ss to read them carefully. T elicits the use of relative pronouns as subject or object. 
a. Relative Pronouns as subjects:
 The woman who / that lives next door is a doctor.
 Where is the cheese which / that was in the fridge? 
b. Relative Pronouns as objects:
 The woman (who / whom / that) I wanted to see was away.
 You can get back the tax (which / that) you’ve paid. 
* Notice: We can leave out the pronoun when it is not the subject of the relative clause. Clauses without pronouns are very common in informal English. 
 + The woman Gary met knows your sister.
 + The dress Ann bought doesn’t fit her very well. 
T 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
(7 minutes)
B. Practice 
Activity 1 – Sentence Completion 
-T asks Ss to do exercise 1 individually, using a suitable sentence in the box to make a relative clause without a relative pronoun. 
-T asks Ss to compare the answers with their partners.
-T calls on some Ss to read aloud the sentences.
-T gives feedback and correct answers.
* Expected answers:
1. Have you found the bike you lost? 
2. Most of the classmates he invited to the birthday party couldn’t
3. The short stories John told were very funny. 
(To be continued ¦ see the textbooks) 
S 1 S
T 1 Ss
(7 minutes)
Activity 2 – Sentence Completion 
-T asks Ss to do exercise 2 individually, using a suitable sentence in the box to male a relative clause with a preposition. 
-T gets Ss to do Exercise 2 individually.
-T goes around and gives helps to Ss.
-T asks Ss to compare their results with others.
-T gives feeback and correct answers. 
* Expected answers:
1. I enjoy my job because I like the people I work with.
2. The dinner party we went to wasn’t very enjoyable.
3. The house we are living in is not in good condition. 
(To be continued ¦ see the textbooks) 
S 1 S
T 1 Ss
(7 minutes)
Activity 3 – Choosing the omission of relative prnouns

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