Đề thi học kỳ I môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 (Chương trình thí điểm)

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Đề thi học kỳ I môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 (Chương trình thí điểm)
Time: 45m
Choose one word that has difference in the underline part
A.best 	B. test 	C. contest 	D. modest
A. legend B. defend C. lend D. pretend
A.band B. land C.demand D. Husband
A.belong B among C. strong D. long 
A. advertisement 	B. movement 	C. comment 	D. announcement 
Choose the best answer.
 I ........Louisiana state University now. 
A. am attending B. attend C. was attending D. attended
7.	Some snakes are poisonous, _______ other are harmless. 	
 	A. but	B. so	C. for	D. despite
8. Tomorrow I............my grandparents 
A. am going to visit B. will have visited C. have visited D. visit 
9. I think the weather............nice later. 
A. will be B. be C. had D. has been 
 10. My father is a ............................., who is responsible for the family finances..
 	 A. breadwinner B. homemaker C. housewife	 D. cook
 11. _____ is led by the brain and nerves, it allows us to move, talk and feel emotions.
	A. Circulatory system	B. Digestive system	C. Nervous system	D. Skeletal system
12. “Suoi Mo”, the  album by Trinh Cong Son, is sweet and gentle.
	A. one	B. debut	 C. old	D. new
13. A lot of . gathered at their idol’s home to see her after the contest.
	A. contestant	B. competitors	 C. judges	 D. fans
14. They are living in a house that ......................... in 1930.
is built
was built
was building
15. Last year, my class _______ to teach the children in a remote area.
	A. volunteer	B. voluntary	C. volunteered	D. volunteers
16. Most people consider it women's........to take care of children and do housework.
A. limit B. responsibility C. relationship	D. respect
17. __ food is a kind of food that is quick and easy to prepare and eat, but it is thought be bad for your health.
	A. sweet 	B. junk	C. slow	D. quick
18. The Olympic Games............every four years. 
A. take place B. takes place C. took place D. is taking place 
19. Since............,I have heard nothing from him.
 A. he had left B. he left C. he has left D. he was
20. We all feel _______ about going on tours around Hanoi. 
	A. interested	B. excited	B. bored	D. tired
21. Foods are broken down and converted into energy in the ______ system.
 A. digestive	B. digest	C. digesting	D. digestion
 John asked Joan to attend the meeting ________ she was unable to go.
	A. and	B. so	C. but	D. or
Thank you for looking up the children while I was out. 
	 A B	 C	D
The teacher opened the windows for getting some fresh air in the room. 
	 A	 B	 C	D
25. Frank usually swims before work , but this morning he jogs.
	A	B	C	D
26. My sister coughs a lot, so she doesn’t allow to smoke in her room.
	 A	B	C D
27. I find the film “An Eight-Year-Old Bride” on VTC7 very bored.
	A	B	C	 D
Most people believe that musicians are born with special talents.
A. natural ability	 B. mental capacity	C. good taste	D. wisdom
29. “Thank God you are here” is one of the most successful entertainments in Vietnam.
A. worldwide	B. smash hit	C. good	D.bad
30. Acupuncture can ease pain and treat from simple to complicated ailments.
A. easy	B. treatments	C. difficult	D. diseases
31. My brother always compliments me on my success.
A. say good things	B. say bad things	C. criticize 	D. shout
Read the text about Mother Teresa and answer question that follow.
 Mother Teresa was one of the most influential personalities of the twentieth century. However, her life was neither easy nor glamorous. She was born in Skoje, Macedonia in 1910. At the age of 18 she left her home in Skopje and joined the Sisters of Loreto, an Irish community of nuns with missions in India. She went to India as a missionary. She became a teacher of English in a secondary school. The school was in a nice area but there were slums nearby Conditions there were absolutely terrible. She was horrified by what she saw. She insisted on leaving her comfortable convent and going to live among the poor. At first her superiors tried to discourage her from leaving the convent but in the end they agreed to let her go.
Soon other people heard about her work and came to help her. Although she had no money herself, she succeeded in building shelters for the dying and schools for the poor. By the 1990s she had become famous and she was eventually given the Nobel Prize for her service to the poor. Mother Teresa died on September 5th, 1997.
Where was Mother Teresa born?
in India B. in Macedonia	C. in Ireland D. in America
When did she join the Sisters of Loreto?
In 1918 B. In 1910	C. In 1928 	D. in 1982
What was her job in India?
She was a politician B. She was a journalist C. She was a teacher D. She was a tourist
What did she insist on when she saw the poor living conditions in India?
She decided to leave India	B. She decided to change her job
C.She decided to live among the poor	D. She decided to live alone.
Why was she given the Nobel Prize?
Because of her great contributions to the improvement of the life for the poor
Because she was a teacher of English
Because she had no money	D. Because she had a lot of money
"Well done. Jerry, you've passed the driving test!"
A. I told Jerry about her passing the driving test. B. I congratulated Jerry on passing her driving test.
C. I told that Jerry had passed her driving test. D. I told Jerry that she had done well in her driving test.
38. Although he is rich, he never does the charity
Although he is rich but he never does the charity. B.In spite the richness, he never does the charity
C.Despite the richness, he never does the charity. D. In spite of the rich, he never does the charity.
My parents don’t let me go out in the evening.
I am not let to go out in the evening. B. I am not allowed to go out in the evening.
C.I am not allowed going out in the evening. D. My parents don’t allow me going out in the evening.
They finished a new hospital in my neighborhood yesterday
They have finished a new hospital in my neighborhood yesterday
A new hospital has finished in my neighborhood yesterday.
A new hospital has just finished in my neighborhood.
A new hospital has just finished in my neighborhood yesterday.

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  • docxde_thi_hoc_ky_i_mon_tieng_anh_lop_10_chuong_trinh_thi_diem.docx