Đề ôn thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Tuần 1 - Năm học 2016-2017 - Trường THPT Minh Phú (Có đáp án)

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Đề ôn thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Tuần 1 - Năm học 2016-2017 - Trường THPT Minh Phú (Có đáp án)
Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút
SECTION A: vocabulary
I. Select the best option (A, B, C or D) that fits each blank.
Her hands were swollen and wrinkled, but she still had her nails _________ regularly.
A. manufactured
B. managed
C. maintained
D. manicured
The girl’s large, heavy earrings had ________ had her earlobes permanently.
A. displaced
B. disfigured
C. dismayed
D. diseased
More and more people are having satellite dishes _________ on their roof. 
A. introduced
B. implanted
C. installed
D. inserted
Cut flowers may _________ lack of water.
A. wilt
B. collapse
C. drop
D. fail
The ____________ cheered when the final goal was scored in the match today.
A. viewers
B. onlookers
C. spectators
D. audience
Most people ___________ family heirlooms and keep them safe.
A. cosset
B. cherish
C. nourish
D. nurture
The barriers suddenly collapsed and the crowd of supporters ________ forward on to the pitch.
A. swirled
B. gushed
C. surged
D. trickled
After several ferocious punches both boxers were ________ unsteadily on their feet.
A. bouncing
B. swaying
C. swinging
D. lunging
A burst tire caused the car ________ off the road and into the river. 
A. swerve
B. fire
C. curve
D. skate
She didn’t ___________ the idea of having to go to the party on her own.
A. relish
B. agree
C. savor
D. delight
Many athletes have reached their ____________ when they are twenty.
A. summit
D. top
C. peak
D. point
She tells her small boy every day not to be rude, but it’s like water off a duck’s _________
A. beak
B. back
c. wings
D. feathers
The unmarried ladies regard him as a very __________ young man.
A. eligible
B. ineligible
C. illicit
D. illegible
Mr. Hung _______ to work harder in the future.
A. agreed
B. accorded
C. accepted
D. excepted
Oliver Twist had already had his fair __________ of food.
A. help
B. ratio
C. ration
D. division
16. My late grandmother __________ me this silver teapot.
A. bequested
B. willed
C. inherited
D. bequeathed
Some great men have had an __________ school record.
A. undistinguished
B. indistinguishable
C. extinguished
D. indistinct
Buyers and sellers were __________ over the prices
A. haggling
B. hacking
C. hugging
D. heckling
19. Within a few weeks all this present trouble will have blown _____________.
A. along 
B. out 
C. away
D. over
In his student days he was as poor as a church _____________
A. pauper
B. miser
C. mouse
D. begger
II. Use the right form of the word given in parentheses to fill in the blank in each sentences	
	Albert and Betty Cheetham hit the headlines recently thanks to an astonishing list of coincidences. On holiday in Tunisia, the (1. retire) ________________ couple found themselves (2. Dinner) ________________ opposite another retired couple – Albert and Betty Rivers. And, also (3. Coincidence), ________________ Mr. Cheetham and Mr. Rivers had both previously worked for a railway company, while Mrs. Cheetham and Mrs. Rivers had both worked for the post office. The two couples also made the (4. Discover) ________________ that they both two sons and five grandchildren and, to their (5. Amazing) ________________, that the date and the time of their (6. Marry) _______ was exactly the same i.e 2p.m. August 15th, 1942.
	A more sustained coincidence is that seven of the eight US presidents who died in office were elected at exactly 20 years intervals between 1840 and 1960. It was eventually Ronald Reagan, beginning his (7. President) ________________ in 1980, 20 years after John F. Kennedy, who broke the cycle after surviving an (8. Assassinate) ________________ attempt and finishing his last term (9. Live) ________________
	“You are what you think you are”, says self-hypnotist Jonathan Atkinson. So there are 20 of us lying on our backs trying to communicate with our (10. Conscious) ________________ minds. We start by describing our problems. I’ve got the usual (11. Complain) _______________: tiredness, insomnia, (12. Anxious) ______________.
	Six years ago, Jonathan was a typical 40 cigarettes-a-day executive under too much (13. Stressful) ________________. Then he learnt self-hypnosis. What is particularly (14. impress) ________________ is that he can stop the bleeding when he cuts himself shaving, and his teeth filled without needing an (15. Inject) ________________ 
	Gradually what started off as weird becomes (16. Understand) ________________. Why in hypnosis, Jonathan tells us that whenever we count to ten, with the (17. Intend) ________________ of going into self-hypnosis, we’ll be able to do it. (18. Amazing) ________________ , it seems to work. 
Retired	2. dinning	3. coincidentally	4. discovery	5. amazement
6. marriages	7. Presidency	8. assassination	9. alive	10. subconscious
11. complaints	12. Anxiety	13. Stress	14. impressive	15. Injection
16. understandable	17. Intension	18. amazingly 	
I. Read the passage and choose the best word or combination of words to fill in each blank. 
Do you want to take part in the battle to save the world’s wildlife? Animal Watch is the book which will (1) ______ you in the fight for survival that (2) ______ many of our endangered animals and show how they struggle on the (3) ______ of extinction. As you enjoy the book’s 250 pages and over 150 colour photographs, you will have the (4) ______ of knowing that part of your purchase money is being used to (5) ______ animals (6) ______. From the comfort of our armchair, you will be able to observe the world’s animals close-up and explore their habitats. You will also discover the terrible results of human (7) ______ for land, flesh and skins.
	Animal Watch is packed with fascinating facts. Did you know that polar bears cover their black noses (8) ______ their paws so they can hunt their prey in the snow without being seen, for example? Or that (9) ______ each orang-utan which is captured, one has to die?
	This superb (10) ______ has so (11) ______ Britain’s leading wildlife charity that it has been chosen as Book of the Year, a (12) ______ awarded to books which are considered to have made a major contribution to wildlife conservation. You will find Animal Watch at a special low introductory price at all good bookshops, but hurry while stock last.
A. combine
B. bring
C. lead
D. involve
A. faces
B. meets
C. opposes
D. forces
A. start
B. limit
C. edge
D. end
A. enjoyment
B. satisfaction
C. virtue
D. value
A. help
B. enable
C. allow
D. assist
A. preserve
B. conserve
C. survive
D. revive
A. interest
B. care
C. greed
D. concern
A. with
B. by
C. for
D. from
A. with
B. on 
C. by 
D. for
A. publication
B. periodical
C. publicity
D. reference
A. imposed
B. persuaded
C. impressed
D. admired
A. title
B. symbol
C. trademark
D. nickname
II. Read the passage and choose the best option. 
In 776 B.C, the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to honor the Greek’s chief god, Zeus. The warm climate for outdoor activities, the need for preparedness in war, and their lifestyle caused the Greeks to create competitive sports. Only the elite and military could participate at first, but later the games were opened to all free Greek males who had no criminal record. The Greek emphasized physical fitness and strength in their education youth. Therefore, contests in running, jumping, javelin, throwing, boxing, and horse and chariot racing were held in individual cities, and the winners competed every four years at Mount Olympus. Winners were greatly honored by having olive wreaths placed on their heads and having poems sung about their deeds. Originally these contests were held as games of friendship and any wars in progress were halted to allow the games to take place. They also helped to strengthen bonds among competitors and the different cities presented.
The Greek attached so much importance to the games that they calculated time in four-year cycles called “Olympiads”, dating from 776 B.C. The contest coincided with religious festivities and constituted an all-out effort on the part of participants to please the gods. Any who disobeyed the rules were dismissed and seriously punished. These athletes brought shame not only to themselves but also to the cities they represented. 
1: What is the main idea of this passage?
A. Physical fitness was an integral part of the life of ancient Greeks.
B. The Greeks severely punished those who didn’t participate in physical fitness programs.
C. The Greeks had always encouraged everyone to participate in the Games.
D. The Greeks had the games coincide with religious festivities so that they could go back to war when the games were over.
2: Why was the Olympic Games held?
A. To honor Zeus
B. To stop wars
C. To crown the best athletes
D. To sing songs about the athletes
3: The word “elite” is closest in meaning to ______.
A. brave
B. muscular
C. aristocracy
D. intellectual
4: What is an “Olympiad”?
A. The time between games
B. The time it took to finish the games
C. The time it took to finish a war
D. The time it took the athletes to train
5: Which of the following is not true?
A. Winners placed olive wreaths on their own heads
B. The games were held in Greek every four year.
C. Battles were interrupted to participate in the games.
D. Poems glorified the winners in song.
6: Which of the following was ultimately required of all athletes competing in the Olympics?	 	 
A. They had to be Greek males with no criminal record
B. They must have completed military service
C. They had to attend special training session
D. They had to be very religious
7: The word “deeds” is closest meaning to ________________
A. accomplishments
B. ancestors
C. documents
D. properties
8: The word “halted” means mostly nearly the same as?
A. stopped
B. continued
C. started
D. fixed
9: What activity is NOT included in the Olympics?
A. boxing
B. jogging
C. jumping
D. chariot-racing
10: What conclusion can we draw about the ancient Greeks?
A. They did not like women athletes
B. They were very simple
C. They couldn’t count so they used “Olympiads” for dates.
D. They believed athletic events were important.s
I. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the one printed before it.
It is said that he escaped to a neutral country.
He ______________________________________________________________________.
Although Huong was severely disabled she participated in many sports.
Despite her _______________________________________________________________.
The truth only came out on the publication of the general’s personal diaries.
Only when ________________________________________________________________.
If the work is finished by lunchtime you can go home.
Get _____________________________________________________________________.
You can use it as long as you like, and it won’t wear out.
No matter ________________________________________________________________.
We’d prefer you not to smoke.
We’d rather _______________________________________________________________.
Provided your handwriting is legible the examiner will accept your answer.
So long as the examiner ____________________________________________________.
You really should be able to dress yourself by now!
It’s high time ______________________________________________________________.
In spite of the forecast it stayed fine.
Although rain ______________________________________________________________.
Oil was slowly coating the edge of the shore.
The edge of the shore _______________________________________________________.
1. He is said to have escaped to a neutral country.
2. Despite her severe disability Huong participated in many sports.
3. Only when the general’s personal diaries were published did the truth come out.
4. Get the work finished by lunchtime and you can go home.
5. No matter how long you use it, it won’t wear out.
6. We’d rather you didn’t smoke/ stopped smoking.
7. So long as the examiner can read your handwriting he’ll accept your answer.
8. It’s high time you were able to dress yourself.
9. Although rain was forecast it stayed fine.
II. For each of the sentences, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, using the word given in CAPITALS. This word must not be altered in any way.
1.	 I find it easy to speak German	 EASE	
2.	He got over his operation very quickly.	 	RECOVERY
3.	How has the strike affected student attendance?	EFFECT
4.	She began to suffer from irrational fears. 	 	PREY
5.	Mr. Son was the only man who didn’t smile. 	 	EXCEPT
6.	I assume you’re hungry	 GRANTED
7.	The book was not as good as he had hoped	 	EXPECTATIONS
8.	You would benefit from a change	GOOD
9.	He works when it suits him.	 	 FEELS
10.	I don’t care whether you come or not. 	DIFFERENCE
I speak German with great ease.
He made a very quick recovery from his operation.
What effect has the strike had on student attendance?
She fell prey to irrational fears.
All the men smiled except Mr. Son.
I take it for granted you’re hungry.
The book fails to come up to his expectations.
A change would do you good.
He works when he feels like it.
It makes no difference to me whether you come or not.
III. Write a composition of about 150 words about the following topic: It has been said, “Not everything that is learned is contained in books” and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which resource is more important? Why? 
The End

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