Đề luyện bổ trợ và nâng cao Unit 4 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10

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Đề luyện bổ trợ và nâng cao Unit 4 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10
I. Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each group:
1. A. special	B. parent	C. mental	D. very
2. A. every	B. easy	 C. why	D. gradually
3. A. provide	B. primary	C. sign	D. province
4. A. difficult 	B. commune	C. running	D. suffer
5. A. realize	B. teacher	C. reason	D. feature
6. A. action	B. fourteen	C. instead	D. active
7. A. acted	B. jogged	C. retarded	D. sacred
8. A. dumb	B. rob	C. book	D. bring
9. A. education	B. question	C. examination	D. attraction
10. A. wrong	B. word	C. west	D. with
II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1. A. education	B. specialty	C. opposition	D. demonstration
2. A. special	B. mental	C. fourteen	D. within
3. A. luggage	B. retard	C. happen	D. lesson
4. A. subtract	B. parent	C. message	D. passage
5. A. disable	B. manager	C. condition	D. parental
6. A. sorry	B. happy	C. commune	D. subject
7. A. instead	B. welcome	C. construct	D. arrive
8. A. primary	B. everything	C. afternoon	D. exciting
9. A. province	B. prepare	C. finger	D. meeting
10. A. better	B. standing	C. attend	D. open
III. Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1. Why did the parents oppose to the idea of sending their children to the special class at first?
	A. important	B. specific	C. good	D. major
2. In Tra Bong District, Quang Ngai province, the class began seven years ago with a mix of children, some dumb, deaf or suffering a lisp and others mentally retarded.
	A. went	B. performed	C. started	D. appeared
3. Their parents were forced to work on farms all day to make money for their family, which robbed them of a chance to give their children an education.
	A. offer	B. supply	C. suggestion	D. opportunity
4. At first, there was a lot of opposition from the parents of the disabled children as they did not believe that their children could learn anything at all.
	A. trust	B. say	C. report	D. rumor
5. Gradually more children were sent to the class as their parents realized that the young teacher was trying her best to help their poor kids.
	A. Progressively	B. Firstly	C. Slowly	D. Weakly
6. During a small lesson, she raised both arms and opened up her fingers one by one until all ten stood up.
	A. lifted	B. went up	C. continued	D. got
7. What would happen to the disabled children in Tra Xuan Commune if a special class was not organized for them?
	A. go to	B. leave for	C. occur	D. take
8. The children have every reason to be proud as it usually takes them at least three months to learn how to pronounce one word.
	A. honored	B. capable	C. happy	D. fortunate
9. What do you often do in the breaks between the periods?
	A. times	B. areas	C. intervals	D. stops
10. What are visitors to the class welcomed with?
	A. guests	B. callers	C. sightseers	D. lookers-on
IV. Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1. Which ones do you think would be difficult for blind and deaf people?
	A. slight	B. easy	C. light	D. soft
2. Which ones do you think would be difficult for blind and deaf people?
	A. clear	B. sharp-sighted	C. smooth	D. dauntless
3. But for the determination of Pham Thi Thu Thuy, twenty-five disabled children in Tra Xuan Commune would still be stuck at home instead of in primary school learning how to read and write.	
 A. vigorous	B. interested	C. wealthy	D. learned
4. But for the determination of Pham Thi Thu Thuy, twenty-five disabled children in Tra Xuan Commune would still be stuck at home instead of in primary school learning how to read and write. 	 
 A. later	 B. following	C. subordinate 	D. secondary
5. In Tra Bong District, Quang Ngai province, the class began seven years ago with a mix of children, some dumb, deaf or suffering a lisp and others mentally retarded.
	A. loud	B. heavy	C. garrulous	D. strong
6. Gradually more children were sent to the class as their parents realized that the young teacher was trying her best to help their poor kids.
	A. good	B. rich	 C. strong	 D. lucky
7. At first, there was a lot of opposition from the parents of the disabled children as they did not believe that their children could learn anything at all.
	A. doubt	B. reply	 C. regret	 D. ignore
8. Fill each of the blanks below with a suitable word from the reading passage.
	A. unimportant 	B. irrelevant	C. uninteresting	D. impossible
9. Work with a partner and fill in the blanks with the right questions.
	A. sick	B. liberal	C. unhealthy	D. improper
10. Why did the parents oppose to the idea of sending their children to the special class at first?
	A. unlimited	B. everyday	C. normal	D. undefined
V. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1. We're going to try to keep________ as we grow older.
	A. act	B. active	C. action	D. activity
2. The________ of policy is not our business - our job is to put it into practice.
	A. determine	B. to determine	C. determination 	D. determined
3. His wife was possibly the most highly________ prime minister of this century.
	A. educate	B. education	C. educational	D. educated
4. My sister wasn't enjoying the chance so she thought she'd spoil it for everybody else - it was very________ of her.
	A. children	B. childish	C. childhood	D. childlike
5. We’re sorry that we weren't________ to telephone you and your friends yesterday afternoon.
	A. able	B. unable	C. enabled	D. disabled
6. I feel so________ because there's nothing I can do to make the youngster better.
	A. help	B. helpful	C. helpless	D. helper
7. _______, we ask for a deposit of $200 beforehand.
	A. Added	B. Addition	C. Additional	D. Additionally
8. The kids really liked the museum,________ the elephants.
	A. special	B. specialty	C. specialize	D. specially
9. Travelers to the nation have been asked to fill in a thorough _______.
	A. question	B. questionnaire 	C. questioner	D. questionable
10. He had an________ for a job with a foreign company two days ago.
	A. interview	B. interviewee 	C. interviewer	 D. interviewing
VI. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences:
1. It’s true________ your aunt's gone back to teaching, isn’t it?
	A. that	B. when	C. which	D. where
2.________ of your brothers and sisters do you feel closer to?
	A. Who	B. What	C. Whose	D. Which
3. We met in an ancient building,__ underground room had been converted into a chapel.
	A. that	B. whose	C. whom	D. which
4. I’m going to meet a woman with________ I used to study.
	A. who	B. whose	C. whom	D. that
5. My teacher asked me if I knew________ had got that job.	
	A. who	B. whom	C. that	D. which
6.________ are they doing that for? Please tell me.
	A. Whom	B. That	C. What	D. Why
7. My older sister was just getting into the kitchen________ the receiver rang.
	A. when	B. where	C. what	D. which
8. There is no reason________ they shouldn't be successful. 
 A. that	B. what	C. why	D. when
9. Her uncle lived in Barcelona for several years,________ he taught Spanish.
	A. when	B. where	C. which	D. that
10.________ movie would you prefer to see – “Romeo and Juliet” or “Titanic”?
	A. What	B. Who	C. Whom	D. Which
VII. Find the one mistake (A, B, C or D) in these sentences and then correct them:
1. (A) When I (B) was younger, I (C) used not to be allowed (D) eating too many sweets.
2. He (A) used to love dogs but one (B) attacked him and he (C) doesn't like them (D) no more.
3. It (A) was (B) one of (C) the better plays (D) we've ever seen.
4. Is it true that (A) French (B) were defeated (C) at Vietnam (D) in 1945?
5. (A) The death of her daughter (B) was an experience (C) from that she never (D) fully recovered.
6. You've seen (A) her new car, (B) haven't you? (C) What does it (D) like?
7. That (A) will make, Dung. We don't want to see (B) any more of (C) that sort of (D) behavior again.
8. Trickery (A) detectives are investigating that company, two of (B) which senior executives have (C) already been (D) arrested.
9. (A) The visitor list reads (B) such as a (C) Who's Who of (D) top British businessmen.
10. His wife was (A) merely twenty (B) when she (C) had her (D) one infant.
VIII. Read the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
Special Education, specially designed instruction to (1)________ the unique needs and abilities of disabled or gifted children. Disabled children have conditions (2)________ adversely affect their progress in conventional education programs. Gifted children, who demonstrate high capacity in intellectual, (3) _______, or artistic areas, may also fare poorly in regular education programs. Special education services can help both disabled and (4)________ children make progress in education programs. Most children served by special education programs are (5)________ the ages of 6 and 17.
In the United States, federal law requires states to identify and serve all children (6)________ disabilities. Public education and health officials in the United States identified approximately 5.4 million infants, toddlers, (7) _______, and youth as disabled in 1994. That same year, the U.S. Department of Education reported that 12.2 percent of all children (8)________ the age of 21 received some form of special education. The most frequently reported disabilities are speech or language impairments; mental retardation and (9)________ developmental disorders; serious emotional disturbance; and specific learning disorders, (10)________ memory disorders. Other disabilities include hearing, visual, or orthopedic impairments; autism; (11)________ traumatic brain injury. An increasing number of children in the United States are identified as having attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and (12)________ special education services. 
Many schools in the United States provide special education services (13)________ gifted children, although federal law does not mandate these services. Gifted children demonstrate (14)________ high abilities in intellectual, creative, academic, leadership, or artistic areas. Estimates of the gifted (15)________ in the United States range from 3 to 15 percent of all schoolchildren.
1.	A. meet B. see	C. have	D. find
2.	A. what	 B. that	C. whom	D. this
3.	A. create	B. creation	C. creative	D. creature
4.	A. poor	 B. rich	C. learned	D. gifted
5.	A. among	B. between	C. in	D. inside
6.	A. with	B. by	C. for	D. of
7.	A. men	B. women	C. children	D. adults
8.	A. below	B. above	C. under	D. over
9.	A. another	B. other	C. each other	D. together
10.	A. as	B. like	C. for instance 	D. such as
11.	A. and	B. but	C. or	D. so
12.	A. have	B. give	C. throw	D. receive
13.	A. for	B. with	C. by	D. to
14.	A. except	B. exception	C. exceptional	D. exceptionally
15.	A. people	B. peoples	C. population	D. communities
I. Match the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column B to make meaningful sentences:
1. The engineer ..... is my father’s friend.
A. that ever won the title “Greatest Soccer Player”.
2. Long and Huy, ..... have become professional footballers. 
B. who is only 36
3. The lake ..... is a kilometer wide.
C. who invented that machine
4. We have nothing to do, .....
D. they rowed across
5. Pelé is the best footballer .....
E. which you have done.
6. He will pay a visit to the company.....
F. which makes us bored.
7. My sister was very glad to find the schoolbag .....
G. which disappeared a week ago.
8. Mr. Vinh, ....., doesn’t really like new fashions.
H. whom you met two weeks ago
9. Let me see all the homework .....
I. whose trousers are silly
10. Mr. Cao, ....., is the new manager of that company. 
J. where his mother works.
II. Fill each gap with a word from the list below:
education, period, contact, provided, escape, away, scheduled, sign, labor, delays
1. Long________ are predicted on the motorway because of the accident.
2. It's a country which places great importance on _______.
3. May 1st is________ day in a lot of countries.
4. The study will be carried out over a six-month _______.
5. £ is the________ for the British pound.
6. I'd hate to lose________ with my old school friends.
7. The meeting has been________ for tomorrow afternoon.
8. He's welcome to come along,________ that he behaves himself.
9. The recent flood has swept________ the footbridge.
10.________ from this window and return to the main menu.
III. Supply the correct form of the word in brackets:
1. She had the ability to explain things clearly and concisely.
2. The amazing thing is that it was kept secret for so long.
3. She told us how easy it was to use the computer, then by way of demonstration simply pressed a few keys on the keyboard.
4. It gives you a sense of achievement if you actually make it to the end of a very long book.
5. The treasurer has been taking a more optimistic view of economic recovery in his recent public pronouncements.
6. A lot of the children at the school do not live in the town, but come in from the surrounding countryside.
7. It is the judgment of this court that you are guilty of murder.
8. The athlete's third, and winning, jump was an exhibition of skill and strength.
9. The article was about the international aid organizations.
10. The government repeatedly stressed its support for parental choice in the selection of a child's school.
IV. Complete the sentences with “used to+V” or “didn’t use to+V”:
1. Tom________________ a famous singer but he doesn’t sing now.
2. They eat rice now but they________________ potatoes when they were in the village.
3. Now most of us have a motorbike to get to work. We__________ a bike to school when we were pupils.
4. Now there are several restaurants in this town but there____________________ only one a few years ago.
5. When my brother was a little boy she____________________ play in rains but he doesn’t now.
6. The little girl doesn’t cry now but she_____________________ a lot after she was born.
7. He likes jogging now but he___________________ doing it.
8. My neighbors play with me now but they________ with me and my sisters.
9. My uncle__________________ but now he has given up smoking.
10. She lives with her parents now but she____________________ alone.
V. Combine the sentences to make one sentence. Make any necessary changes:
1. The bus goes up Hung Vuong street. It doesn’t stop at the hospital.
→ ________________________________________________________.
2. My younger brother is lazy. This annoys his teachers.
→ ________________________________________________________.
3. The fashion show went on for three hours. It was carefully prepared.
→ ________________________________________________________.
4. The plant had died. We cut it down last week.
→ ________________________________________________________.
5. Phong usually comes to class late. This makes his form teacher angry.
→ ________________________________________________________.
6. My friend decided to choose the red motorcycle. He had wanted a red motorcycle before.
→ ________________________________________________________.
7. Next Saturday my brother will have to visit the doctor again. He hates visiting a doctor.
→ ________________________________________________________.
8. Oanh works very hard and always gets good marks. This pleases her parents a lot.
→ ________________________________________________________.
9. They are talking about Nam. Nam is very interested in math.
→ ________________________________________________________.
10. Mr. Quang has a lot of money. This puts him in trouble with his friends.
→ ________________________________________________________.
VI. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one:
1. We haven’t seen her since 1999.
→ We last __________________________________________________.
2. How long have you learning English?
→ When ___________________________________________________?
3. My mother doesn’t have anyone make clothes for her.
→ My mother makes __________________________________________.
4. They went to Paris for the first time.
→ It was ____________________________________________________.
5. Our friends recognized that man immediately.
→ Immediately our friends knew _________________________________.
6. That policeman arrived too late, so the robber escaped.
→ By the time that policeman arrived, _____________________________.
7. Do you know New York at all?
→ Have you ever _____________________________________________?
8. When did you buy your laptop?
→ How long _________________________________________________?
9. Her visit interrupted my family’s dinner.
→ My family was _____________________________________________.
10. We last saw your sister in May.
→ We haven’t ________________________________________________.
VII. Arrange the words to make complete sentences:
disable/the/ the/ building/ and/ then/ alarm /system/ enter.
someone/who/ I /knew/ up/ in/ was/ mixed/ corruption/ scandal/ that.
 3. accused/ broadcasters /The General Synod/ down /religious/of/dumbing/ programs.
 4. the /flat /terrible/ condition/ they/ left /in /a – there/ mess/ everywhere// was .
 5. for/ children/ it's/ a good important/ to/ get /education.
 6. are/ in /the/unions/opposition/to/over/the/the government/of/privatization/issue.
 7. that/all/he/believes/children/with/are/born/equal/intelligence.
8. is/on/the meeting/ the fifth/ hoping/everyone/will/attend/and/we're.
 9. been/a/there/as/gradual/improvement/sales/figures/in/our/last/two/over the/years.
10.starts/when/the novel/of/unknown/a/child/parentage/is/the house/left/at/local/priest/of/the.
VIII. Read the passage below carefully, and then decide whether the statements are true (T), false (F) or not given (N):
 Education of students who are hard of hearing or deaf may involve the use of powerful amplification devices, such as hearing aids, or it may use captions (printed words that appear on a television screen or computer monitor). Many deaf or hard of hearing students learn sign language, an organized system of gestures for communication. Others learn to speechread (lipread), a method of interpreting speech by “reading” the patterns of a person’s mouth as he or she speaks. Some deaf students receive cochlear implants, which are receivers surgically implanted behind the ear and connected to electrodes placed in the cochlea of the inner ear, enabling individuals to hear sounds to a varying degree. 
Gifted children are often moved through the regular school curriculum at a faster pace than their peers. Some children with exceptionally high ability in a particular subject area may be allowed to reduce the time they spend in their other subjects to permit more time to focus on challenging content in their specialty. A high school student who is particularly gifted in math, for example, may attend advanced math classes at a local college rather than music classes at the high school. Some gifted students may also skip grades or they may enter kindergarten, high school, or college at an early age. 
1. Hearing aid is a device worn inside or next to the ear by people who cannot hear well in order to help them to hear better.
2. Just few deaf or hard of hearing students learn sign language.
3. Several dumb students receive cochlear implants.	
4. The first paragraph is about deaf and hard of hearing students.
5. There are many deaf students in the United States of America.
6. Gifted children often find it easier to move through the regular school curriculum at a faster pace than their friends. 
7. All the children have to spend equal time in their study in these schools.	
8. A gifted high school student may attend any classes at a local college that he or she wants to. 
9. Education in foreign countries i

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