Đề kiểm tra Unit 6 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10

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Đề kiểm tra Unit 6 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10
I. Choose the best options to fill the blanks.
1. Parents' behaviors may _______ their children's personalities greater than they expect.
A. effect	B. affect	C. influence on
2. Hoang and Trang are lazy. Their mother has to _______ them to do their homework every evening.
A. allow	B. make	C. force
3. We don't allow any kind of _______ against our staff.
A. equality	B. inequality	C. discrimination
4. You should take a rest. You look _______ after working for so many hours.
A. relieved	B. exhausted	C. refreshed
5. There is no _______ on the number of female students that can enrol in this course.
A. limitation	B. ban	C. extent
6. The leaders decided to _______ that country from the organization.
A. eliminate	B. include	C. prevent
7. We are holding a meeting this afternoon to ______ the recent issues in our company.
A. address	B. concentrate	C. talk
II. Complete the sentences using the given phrases.
childcare worker	increasingly more challenges	promote gender equality	
joined the army	gender discrimination	eliminate inequality	
enrolment rate	address poverty
1. We are trying to_____________ in schools in Vietnam.
2. There are _____________ for illiterate people.
3. Working as a _____________ helps her earn some money while still looking for a new job.
4. My grandfather_____________ when he was young and left one leg in a battle.
5. We need to _____________ so that students from poor families can go to school.
6. What is the _____________ in primary schools in remote areas in Vietnam?
7. Equal salaries and opportunities are necessary to _____________ at work.
8. Women are more likely to become victims of _____________ than men.
III. Decide the following statements are True or False.
1. Lan has to prepare for a speaking test.
2. Lan's grandmother only completed high school.
3. In Lan's school, some girls are not treated equally.
4. In mountainous areas, boys have to do more work on the fields than girls.
5. Girls cannot study Fire Fighting.

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