Đề kiểm tra Unit 3 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10

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Đề kiểm tra Unit 3 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10
A. Listen to Kate telling Emma about her family. Where is each person going today? You will hear the conversation twice.
1. Kate’s mother 	A. concert
2. Tanya 	 	B. dentist's
3. Len 	 	C. driving school
4. Tom 	 	D. golf club
5. Kate’s father	 	E. hairdresser’s
F. shops
G. Spanish class
H. tennis club
B. Listen to Pete talking to a friend about his holiday. What was the weather like each day? You will hear the conversation twice.
1. Tuesday 		A. cloud
2. Wednesday 		B. cold
3. Thursday 		C. fog
4. Friday 		D. rain
5. Saturday 		E. snow
F. sun
G. warm
H. wind
II. Replace the underlined words with the correct form of these phrasal verbs.
come along • end up • get through • go for • set out
1. Shayne never dreamt that he'd become a national celebrity.
2. The band are leaving on a European tour next week.
3. Everyone was excited when I told them I'd been successful at the audition.
4. Josh is nervous about auditioning for The X Factor, but we think he should try it and see what happens!
5. There aren't any job vacancies at the moment, but I’ll let you know if an opportunity becomes available.
III. Complete the article with the correct form of the words in capitals.
 How many (1)......TV shows have you watched this week? Reality TV didn't exist until the (2)......of Big Brother in 2000. Now reality shows fill our screens as we watch 'ordinary people' become overnight celebrities. Many reality shows are similar to (3)......talent contests. But now TV viewers decide which (4)......wins. Critics have been predicting the death of reality TV for a long time now. But shows like The X Factor and Big Brother are still (5).......popular. Reality TV is not just limited to (6)......and drama, of course. Last year, a 'reality' history series transported people back to the early twentieth century so they could experience what (7)......was like during the First World War. But while reality shows are often extremely (8)......not everybody loves them. Critics have several complaints about the shows. They are (9)......about the amount of bullying that occurs on some shows. They (10)......of the way producers encourage people to make fools of themselves for the cameras. And finally, they say that taking part in these shows could harm some people psychologically. This, they argue, isn't (11)...... .
IV. Rewrite the sentences using the words in capitals. Use between two and five words, including the word given.
1. It's a long time since Shayne contacted me. 	HEARD
 I.................................for ages.
2. Georgia doesn't go to the theatre very often. 	RARELY
 Georgia.................................to the theatre.
3. We started the journey two weeks ago. 	HAVE
 We.................................two weeks.
4. I am not a great fan of classical music. 	NOT
 I.................................classical music very much.
5. My sister always plays her music loudly, which is annoying. 	IS
 My sister.................................her music too loudly.
6. The actress moved here three years ago. 	FOR
 The actress.................................three years.
7. I've never seen such a good film. 	EVER
 This is the best film .................................in my life.
8. This will be his first stage performance. 	NEVER
 He.................................on stage before.
V. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1. every / football / John / plays / Saturday 	............................
2. breakfast / ever / hardly / I / prepare 	............................
3. Ben / class / in / Net / sometimes / surfs / the 	 	............................
4. always / athletics / does / Leila / on / Thursdays 	............................
5. a / at / for / go / meal / out / the / usually / We / weekend 	............................
6. Brian / does / housework / never / the 	............................
VI. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words below (adjective or adverb).
early easy fast careful fluent hard clear late
1. I feel safe with her in the car! She drives very ............
2. Let's take a taxi! I don't want to be .......
3. It's a big city, so you can ........ get lost.
4. He's got a nice house and a ....... car.
5. Tanya speaks ........Spanish.
6. It's always good to arrive ...... for an interview.
7. She works ........ and gets a lot of money.
8. Please speak ........, so I can understand you!
VII. Rewrite the sentences and questions. Correct the mistakes.
1. Do you can speak Chinese? 	............................
2. We don't can play darts tonight. 	............................
3. She can't to type well. 	............................
4. They no can come to the party. 	 ............................
5. John doesn't can understand the waiter. 	............................
6. Do you can come bowling with us? 	............................
VIII. Rewrite these sentences, using the words and phrases in brackets in the best order, as in the example. Note that none of these sentences is emphatic.
0. My parents (allowed/hardly ever) us to (late/on weekdays/stay up).
 " My parents hardly ever allowed us to stay up late on weekdays.
1. Owen kicked the ball (into the net/just before half-time/skilfully).
2. Foxes (often/be seen/can) scavenging (on the streets of London/at night).
3. David (well/behaves/quite) when he is at home but he (at school/causes trouble/often).
4. The post (arrive/sometimes/on time/doesn't) in this part of the city.
5. Jennifer (immediately/didn't/recognise) the man waving (at the end of the show/ frantically/from the balcony)
6. Such losses (have/would/normally/avoided/been) by the use of back-up devices.
7. These children (never/have/had/probably) the opportunities we take for granted.
8 (no longer/is/unfortunately, access to the Internet) available (on weekday mornings free of charge/at our libraries).
9. We (unable/offer/are/usually/to) refunds on the spot, but we will examine (thoroughly before the end of the week/your claim).
10. Many of the old masters had assistants who would prepare the oil pigments (each morning/by hand/in their studios)
VII. Complete the sentences with suitable verbs from the box. Use the past simple or past continuous. 
announce • blow • collapse • cook • decide • feel • hit • leave • live • manage • mention • press • run into • see • set off • settle down • soar • spend • stand • start study • take
1. I......at the bus stop when I......the car slam into the lamp-post.
2. The icy wind......through the trees as we.......on our journey.
3. Brad......exhausted so he.......onto the sofa, ......the button on the remote control and......for an evening vegetating in front of the box.
4. The twins......the afternoon shopping because they......for their flatmates that evening.
5. Unfortunately for us, we.....on the wrong side of Miami when Hurricane Andrew......the city.
6. Share prices......when the government.......record growth figures.
7. Karen and Anna first......writing to each other about their research when they......for their doctorates.
8. I......early the next morning so I......to have an early night.
9. My younger brother......the driving test five times before he......to pass.
10. I.......Clare at the supermarket the other day and she......that you might be looking for work.
IX. Find eight mistakes with past forms and correct them. Tick (√) the correct sentences.
1. Lady Jane Grey used to be Queen of England for only nine days in 1553.
2. What were the children doing while their mother was visiting her sister in the hospital?
3. The huge liners doing the journey from Europe to the United States would be extremely comfortable for the first class passengers but those travelling in steerage suffered appalling conditions.
4. The victim was talking on her mobile phone while her attacker struck from behind.
5. Mary didn't join us yesterday evening because she expected a phone call from her son in Australia.
6. Before printing and literacy became widespread, people would get news from the town crier, who would shout out anything newsworthy for the whole town to hear.
7. I'm sure that children didn't use to being so undisciplined when we were at school!
8. The fox cubs were coming into our garden several times during the spring to try to get our chickens.
9. Gerald wasn't used to having such dark hair - do you think he's coloured it?
10. Sorry I'm late. I was expecting to catch the early train but I got held up in traffic on the way to the station.
11. Would your mother work when you were a child or did she stay at home?
12. I found it really difficult when I got the job on the early news programme as I really wasn't used to getting up at five o'clock in the morning!
X. Combine the pairs of sentences to complete one new sentence. Think carefully about articles and determiners.
1. I saw a man. You were talking about him earlier. I saw the man you were talking about earlier.
2. She had a mobile phone. It was a really thin one - I’m sure you know them.
 She had one..............................................
3. I heard a sound. It was a dog barking in the distance.
 I heard.....................................................
4. Some of you have finished. If so, you can go home.
 Those of..................................................
5. She was driving down a road. It went to London.
 She was...................................................
6. It was a terrible meat. He’s never cooked a worse one.
 It was......................................................
7. In his pocket I could see a handle. It was part of a gun.
 In his.......................................................
8. I stayed in a hotel. You recommended it.
 I stayed....................................................

Tài liệu đính kèm:

  • docPractice Test 3 (10).doc
  • mp3A. Kate.mp3
  • mp3B. Pete.mp3