Đề kiểm tra học kỳ II môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 (Chương trình chuẩn) - Mã đề 457 (Có đáp án)

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Đề kiểm tra học kỳ II môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 (Chương trình chuẩn) - Mã đề 457 (Có đáp án)
MÃ ĐỀ: 457
 MÔN: ANH VĂN LỚP 12(CHUẨN) Thời gian: 45 minutes 
 Họ và tên: ........................................................SBD: 
 I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
 1. A. stopped 	B. stretched 	C. kicked 	D. survived 
 2. A. energy	 	 B. environment	 C. encourage	 D. endanger.
II. Choose the word which is stressed different from the rest.
 3. A. windsurfing	B. vertical	C. canoeing	D. synchronized.
 4. A. habitat	 B. personality	C. expedition	D. epidemic.
III. Choose a,b,c, or d that best completes the following sentences; substitutes the underlined part ; 
 or has a close meaning to the original one
 5. We had wanted to stay until the end of the game, _________ it got too late for us.
 A. so	B. yet	C. however	D. but
 6. She is _________ ill
 A. seriously	 	B. serious 	C. seriousnesss D.more serious
 7. A/an species is a population of an organism which is at risk of becoming exctinct.
 A. dangerous	B. endanger	C. endangered	D. endangerment
 8. Peter has been working for 10 hours. He.be very tired now.
 A. must	B.needn’t	C. has to	D. should
 9. become addicted to the Internet.
 A. The most people B. The more and more people C.More people and people D. More and more people 
10. you use ,the higher your bill will be.
 A.The more electricity	B.The electricity	C.More electricity	D.The electricity more
11.P1: It is dark in here . P2: Can I __________ the lights ?
 A. fill in	B. look at	C. take off	 D. turn on 	 
12. Many species of animals have disappeared. They have become __________ .
 A. extinct B. death 	C. die 	 D. dangerous 
13. John asked me if .that film the night before.
 A.	 I saw	B. I had seen	C. had I seen	 D. I have seen
14. The letter to him because he won’t read it.
 A. shouldn’t be sent	B. should send	C. should be sending	 D. should sent
15. Because of the bad weather, my train was delayed for several hours.
 A.	 kept up with	B. got through	C. held up 	 D. got over
16. I wish I ______ a car. I’m tired of catching the bus to work every day.
 A. had 	B. had 	had	C. have 	D. will have
17. ________ Columbus was one of _________ first people to cross ______ Atlantic .
 A. Ф / the / the	B. The / the / the	C. Ф / the / Ф	D. Ф / a / an
18. We try to help our mother ________ household chores .
 A. take	 	B. do	C. building	D. making 
19. It was quite cold ____________ it was very sunny .
 A. although	B. because	C. so that	D. As
20. P1:_ “ A motorbike knocked Ted down.” P2: _ “ _________ ”
 A. What is it now	B. Poor Ted !?	C. What ’s the matter with him ? D. What a motorbike !
21. P1:_ “ I have bought you a toy. Happy birthday to you! ” P2: “_________”
 A. The same to you B. What a lovely toy! Thanks C. What a pity! D. Have a nice day !
22. I will have your bicycle ________ before returning it to you.
 A. repaired	B. to repair	C. repairing	D. repair
23. My ________ is broken. I want to have a new one. 
	 A. cup for tea	B. cupping tea	C. tea cup	D. cup of tea
24. People say that playing football is the most interesting
A. Playing football is said to be the most interesting. B.It is said that playing football was the most interesting.
 C. It was said that playing football is the most interesting D. The most important thing is played football.
25. Doctor / whom /see / party /my friend.
A.The doctor whom you saw at the party is my friend. B.This is the doctor who you see at the party is my friend.
C.My doctor is who you saw at the party is my friend. D.The doctor is whom you see at the party is my friend.
MÃ ĐỀ: 457
 III. Choose a,b,c, or d that best completes the following sentences; substitutes the underlined part ;
 or has a close meaning to the original one
26. No one has used this machine for 3 years.
 A. This machine has not to be used 3 years. B. This machine has been used for 3 years by any one.
 C. This machine has not been used for 3 years . D.This machine has not used 3 years. 
VI. Identify the underlined word or phrase A, B, C, or D that must be changed for sentence to be correct:
27. He never(A) goes(B) home before he will finish(C) his work(D).
28. The(A) sun is so(B) bright for us to look at(C) directly(D).
29. If you had the(A) chance to meet(B) famous writers,(C) what did(D) you ask them?
30. DOCTOR: You needn’t(A) take more than(B) two of these pills at once(C). Three may be(D) fatal.
V. Read the following passage and choose the best option: 
 It is difficult to know (31)elephants once lived in the continent,but there may have been least 3-5 million elephants in Africa in the early part of the twentieth century. People have always (32) elephants for meat,hides, and ivory.In the late 1970s and early 1980s there was a huge (33) in the number of elephants due to the increase in poaching. A (34) was given on all international trade in ivory in 1989,and many governments started to give poachers severe punishments.Thanks to such timely actions,some elephant populations have recovered over the last decade.(35), numerous threats remain for Africa’s elephants.
31.A. how much	B. how many	C. how about	D. how old
32.A. hunted	B. kept	C. collected	D. chosen
33.A. rise	B. decline	C. increase	D. grow
34.A. ban	B. rule	C. role	D. gaol
35.A. So	B. Therefore	C. However	D. But
VI. Read the following passage and choose the best option:
In 1945 leaders from 51 countries met in San Francisco, California and organised the United Nations (often called the UN). World War II had just ended. Millions of people had died and there was destruction everywhere.People hoped they could build a future of world peace through this new organisation.
The United Nations has four main goals and purposes:
 1. To work together for international peace and to solve international problems;
 2. To develop friendly relations among nations;
 3. To work together for human rights for everyone of all races, religions, lang and of both sexes.
 4. To build a centre where nations can work together for these goals.
Today almost every country in the world is a member of the UN. Each country signed an agreement that says: 
 • All members are equal.
 • All members promise to solve international problems in a peaceful way.
 • No member will use force against another member.
 • All members will help the UN in its actions.
 • The UN will not try to solve problems within countries except to international peace.
Obviously, the United Nations has not been completely successful in it. There have been several wars since 1945. However, the organization has helpel peace to some countries that were at war. It has helped people who left their countries because of wars. It has helped bring independence to colonies.
36. Which is the main idea of the passage?
 A.The main goals of the UN. 	B. the main activities of the UN.
 C. All members are equal. 	 	D. To develop friendly relations among nations.
37. When was the UN established ?
 A. before 1945	B. after 1945.	C. in 1945.	D. in 1954.
38. The UN is a ________________ organization .
 A. health	B. peacful	C. war	D. trade
39. How many main objectives was set by the UN?
 A. 4. B. 8. 	 C. 5.a 	 D. 9.
40. What was not mewntioned as one of the world situation when the UN was established ?
 A. Many homeless people.	B. Millions of people died .	
 C. World War II.	D. destruction was found everywhere.
Notes: destruction [< to destroy] sự hủy diệt, phá hủy - colonies: các thuộc địa
 -------------- the end -------------- 
MÃ ĐỀ: 030457
 MÔN: ANH VĂN LỚP 12(CHUẨN) Thời gian: 45 minutes 
 Họ và tên: ........................................................SBD: 
 I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
 1. A. stopped 	B. stretched 	C. kicked 	D. survived 
 2. A. energy	 	 B. environment	 C. encourage	 D. endanger.
II. Choose the word which is stressed different from the rest.
 3. A. windsurfing	B. vertical	C. canoeing	D. synchronized.
 4. A. habitat	 B. personality	C. expedition	D. epidemic.
III. Choose a,b,c, or d that best completes the following sentences; substitutes the underlined part ; 
 or has a close meaning to the original one
 5. We had wanted to stay until the end of the game, _________ it got too late for us.
 A. so	B. yet	C. however	D. but
 6. She is _________ ill
 A. seriously	 	B. serious 	C. seriousnesss D.more serious
 7. A/an species is a population of an organism which is at risk of becoming exctinct.
 A. dangerous	B. endanger	C. endangered	D. endangerment
 8. Peter has been working for 10 hours. He.be very tired now.
 A. must	B.needn’t	C. has to	D. should
 9. become addicted to the Internet.
 A. The most people B. The more and more people C.More people and people D. More and more people 
10. you use ,the higher your bill will be.
 A.The more electricity	B.The electricity	C.More electricity	D.The electricity more
11. It is dark in here . Can I __________ the lights.
 A. fill in	B. look at	C. take off	 D. turn on 	 
12. Many species of animals have disappeared. They have become __________ .
 A. extinct B. death 	C. die 	 D. dangerous 
13. John asked me if .that film the night before.
 A.	 I saw	B. I had seen	C. had I seen	 D. I have seen
14. The letter to him because he won’t read it.
 A. shouldn’t be sent	B. should send	C. should be sending	 D. should sent
15. Because of the bad weather, my train was delayed for several hours.
 A.	 kept up with	B. got through	C. held up 	 D. got over
16. I wish I ______ a car. I’m tired of catching the bus to work every day.
 A. had 	B. had 	had	C. have 	D. will have
17. ________ Columbus was one of _________ first people to cross ______ Atlantic .
 A. Ф / the / the	B. The / the / the	C. Ф / the / Ф	D. Ф / a / an
18. We try to help our mother ________ household chores .
 A. take	 	B. do	C. building	D. making 
19. It was quite cold ____________ it was very sunny .
 A. although	B. because	C. so that	D. As
20. _ “ A motorbike knocked Ted down.” _ “ _________ ”
 A. What is it now	B. Poor Ted !?	C. What ’s the matter with him ? D. What a motorbike !
21. _ “ I have bought you a toy. Happy birthday to you! ”
 A. The same to you B. What a lovely toy! Thanks C. What a pity! D. Have a nice day !
22. I will have your bicycle ________ before returning it to you.
 A. repaired	B. to repair	C. repairing	D. repair
23. My ________ is broken. I want to have a new one. 
	 A. cup for tea	B. cupping tea	C. tea cup	D. cup of tea
24. People say that playing football is the most interesting
A. Playing football is said to be the most interesting. B.It is said that playing football was the most interesting.
 C. It was said that playing football is the most interesting D. The most important thing is played football.
25. Doctor / whom /see / party /my friend.
A.The doctor whom you saw at the party is my friend. B.This is the doctor who you see at the party is my friend.
C.My doctor is who you saw at the party is my friend. D.The doctor is whom you see at the party is my friend.
MÃ ĐỀ: 030457
 III. Choose a,b,c, or d that best completes the following sentences; substitutes the underlined part ;
 or has a close meaning to the original one
26. No one has used this machine for 3 years.
 A. This machine has not to be used 3 years. B. This machine has been used for 3 years by any one.
 C. This machine has not been used for 3 years . D.This machine has not used 3 years. 
VI. Identify the underlined word or phrase A, B, C, or D that must be changed for sentence to be correct:
27. He never(A) goes(B) home before he will finish(C) his work(D).
28. The(A) sun is so(B) bright for us to look at(C) directly(D).
29. If you had the(A) chance to meet(B) famous writers,(C) what did(D) you ask them?
30. DOCTOR: You needn’t(A) take more than(B) two of these pills at once(C). Three may be(D) fatal.
V. Read the following passage and choose the best option: 
 It is difficult to know (31)elephants once lived in the continent,but there may have been least 3-5 million elephants in Africa in the early part of the twentieth century. People have always (32) elephants for meat,hides, and ivory.In the late 1970s and early 1980s there was a huge (33) in the number of elephants due to the increase in poaching. A (34) was given on all international trade in ivory in 1989,and many governments started to give poachers severe punishments.Thanks to such timely actions,some elephant populations have recovered over the last decade,(35), numerous threats remain for Africa’s elephants.
31.A. how much	B. how many	C. how about	D. how old
32.A. hunted	B. kept	C. collected	D. chosen
33.A. rise	B. decline	C. increase	D. grow
34.A. ban	B. rule	C. role	D. gaol
35.A. So	B. Therefore	C. However	D. But
VI. Read the following passage and choose the best option:
In 1945 leaders from 51 countries met in San Francisco, California and organised the United Nations (often called the UN). World War II had just ended. Millions of people had died and there was destruction everywhere.People hoped they could build a future of world peace through this new organisation.
The United Nations has four main goals and purposes:
 1. To work together for international peace and to solve international problems;
 2. To develop friendly relations among nations;
 3. To work together for human rights for everyone of all races, religions, lang and of both sexes.
 4. To build a centre where nations can work together for these goals.
Today almost every country in the world is a member of the UN. Each country signed an agreement that says: 
 • All members are equal.
 • All members promise to solve international problems in a peaceful way.
 • No member will use force against another member.
 • All members will help the UN in its actions.
 • The UN will not try to solve problems within countries except to international peace.
Obviously, the United Nations has not been completely successful in it. There have been several wars since 1945. However, the organization has helpel peace to some countries that were at war. It has helped people who left their countries because of wars. It has helped bring independence to colonies.
36. Which is the main idea of the passage?
 A.The main goals of the UN. 	B. the main activities of the UN.
 C. All members are equal. 	 	D. To develop friendly relations among nations.
37. When was the UN established ?
 A. before 1945	B. after 1945.	C. in 1945.	D. in 1954.
38. The UN is a ________________ organization .
 A. health	B. peacful	C. war	D. trade
39. How many main objectives was set by the UN?
 A. 4. B. 8. 	 C. 5.a 	 D. 9.
40. What was not mewntioned as one of the world situation when the UN was established ?
 A. Many homeless people.	B. Millions of people died .	
 C. World War II.	D. destruction was found everywhere.
Notes: destruction [< to destroy] sự hủy diệt, phá hủy - colonies: các thuộc địa
 -------------- the end -------------- 

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