Đề kiểm tra học kỳ I môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 (Có đáp án)

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Đề kiểm tra học kỳ I môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 (Có đáp án)
®Ò kiÓm tra häc k× i 
M«n : TiÕng Anh ( khèi 12 )
Thêi gian : 60 phót
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. unwise	B. develops	C. values	D. equals
2. A. ancestor	B. celebrate	C. conical	D. certain 
3. A. weather	B. appear	C. measure	D. pleasure
Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others.
4. A. confidence	B. experience	C. financial	D. technique
5. A. disaster	B. encounter	C. determine	D. government
Choose the best answer.
6. It is believed that “men build the house and women make it home”.
A. generally	B. generalize	C. general	D. generous
7. We can raise our hand slightly to show that we need assistance.
A. help	B. attention	C. communication	D. food 
8. He that he had been chosen to play in the national team. 
A. said her	B. told 	C. talked to her	D. told her
9. A new year is often devided two semesters.
A. in	B. about	C. for	D. into
10. That’s the coffee bar I usually meet my friend.
A. which	B. that 	C. in that	D. where
11. A new road.. round the city.
A. is being built	B. will been built	C. is going to build 	D. has built
12. If Bill Gates hadn’t invented windows software, he a millionaire. 
A. would have become	B. might not have become	C. might not become D. couldn’t become
13. You can choose to get a job when you have finished the.. part of your education .
A. secondary	B. compulsory	C. primary	D. school
14. . His poor condition , Jim tries to study very well.
A. Although	B. In spite of	C. Because of	D. But
15. My little brother is very . collecting sea shells.
A. keen in	B. keen on	C. fond on	D. interested of 
16. Your car is too dirty ! When did you have it ?
A. wash 	B. be washed 	C.being washed 	D. washed 
17. A large number of Indian men agree that it is unwise in their wives.
A. to confide	B. confiding	C. confide	D. confided
18. I on the left because I have lied in Britain for a long time.
A. used to drive 	B. am used to drive 	 	C. used to driving 	D. am used to driving 
19. The woman asked get lunch at school.
A. can the children B. whether the children could 	C. If the children can D. could the children
20. Someone told us. on the stairs.
A. don’t sit 	B. not sit 	 C. not to sit 	 	D. to not sit 
21. If your work isn’t to your. , please notify us within 60 days.
A. satisfy	B. satisfactory	C. satisfaction	D. satisfied
22. Many of picturesfrom outer space are presently on display in the public library.
A. sent	B. sending	C. to sending	D. that sent
23. We were madefifty new words everyweek.
A. to learn 	B. learning 	C.learn	 	D. for learning 
24. A computer can store of information.
A. large amount	B. a large number	C. large number	D. a large amount 
25. Reforms went through opposition from teachers.
A. because of 	B. in spite of 	 	C. due to 	D. but for 
26. My parents object. your living the dinner table to take calls.
A. about 	B. for 	C. of 	D. to
27. A smile is a sign of and interest.
A. friend 	B. friendly 	C. friendship 	 	D. friendliness 
28. You should concentratewhat the teacher is saying.
A. on 	B. at 	C. to 	 	D. in 
29. The drug made it difficult for the people in a reasonable way.
A. thought 	B. to think 	C. thinking	 	D. thought
30. The government introduced a wage freeze.inflation might be brought under control. 
A. so that 	B. although 	C. while 	 	D. because
Choose the underlined part (A, B, C or D) which needs correcting.
31. The people who waiting outside are becoming impatient.
 A	 B	 	 C	 D
32. My father is a good family man , completely devoted for his wife and kids.
 	 	 A	 	 B	 C D
33. My mother told me to watch the milk and don’t let it boil over.
 	 A	 B	 	 C	 D
34. It would have been better if you wouldn’t have argued with him last night.
	 A	 	 B 	 C 	 	 D
35. He apologized about not coming to the meeting.
 A	 B	 C	 D
Choose the best answer which expresses the same meaning with the given one.
36. The secret to succeed is hard working.
A . Working hard ensures success.	B. One must work hard to keep secrets.
C. One cannot succeed if he has secrets.	D. If you keep your work secret , you will succeed.
37. Don’t let her treat you like that.
A. She isn’t let treat you like that.	B. You are not let be treated by her like that.
C. Don’t allow you to be treated like that by her.	D. Don’t let you be treated by her like that.
38. I don’t have enough money , so I am not going on holiday.
A. If I have enough money, I will go on holiday.	B. If I had enough money, I would go on holiday.
C. If I had enough money, I’d have gone on holiday.D. If I had had enough money, I’d go on holiday.
39. The coffee was too hot for me to drink.
A. The coffee is so hot that I can’t drink it.	B. The coffee is so hot that I can’t drink.
C. The coffee was so hot that I couldn’t drink.	D. The coffee was so hot that I couldn’t drink it.
40. Learning English is not easy.
A. It is not easy to learning English.	B. It is not easy learning English.
C. It is not easy to learn English.	D. It is not difficult to learn English.
Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each question/statement
Jack London was the famous American novelist and short story writer. He was born in San Francisco in 1876. He quit school at 14 to become a sailor. He was a self-taught student, he finished his high school and college education in 6 months. He led an adventurous but poor life. His viewpoint was in favour of the poor and socialism. He read a lot of books of Karl Marx. He was influenced by Marxist theory and the October Revolution. In 1895, he joined the Socialist Labour Party but in the last years of his life he moved away from the working class and in 1916 he left the Party. In 1916 he committed a suicide because of despair of life and disillusion with American dream. He used an overdose of morphine and drowned himself in the sea.
41.Jack London quit school in..
A. 1876	B. 1895	C. 1890	D. 1916
42.He had a / an.life
A. adventurous and poor	B. rich and adventurous	C. rich and quiet	D. poor and quiet
43.He was in favour of.
A. the rich	B. capitalism	C. self-teaching	D. the poor and socialism 
44.He committed a suicide by..
A. using poison	B. using an overdose of morphine and drowned himself in the sea
C. swimming	D. shooting
45.Why did he commit a suicide ?
A. Because of despair of life and disillusion with Americam dream	B. Because of the socialism
C. Because he used to be a dream	D. Because he left the party
Read the passage and choose the best answer to fill in each blank.
This job will be studied very carefully when you send your letter of (46)....for your next job. It (47).... show evidence of serious career planning. (48).....important, it should extend you, develop you and give you increasing responsibility. Incidentally, if the travel bug is bitting, now is the time to pack up and go. You can do temporary work for a (49)....;when you return, pick up where you have (50)......off and get the second job.
46. A . applicants	B. applications	C. form	D. employment
47. A. will	B. would	C. should	D. may
48. A. Less	B. Even	C. Almost	D. Most
49. A. day	B. time	C. while	D. ages
50. A. came	B. left	C. taken	D. paid
1.C	2.C	3.B	4.A	5.D	6.A	7.A	8.D	9.D	10.D
11.A	12.B	13.B	14.B	15.B	16.D	17.A	18.D	19.B	20.C
21.C	22.A	23.A	24.D	25.C	26.D	27.D	28.A	29.B	30.A
31.B	32.D	33.C	34.A	35.B	36.A	37.D	38.B	39.C	40.C
41.C	42.B	43.A	44.D	45.C	46.B	47.C	48.D	49.C	50.B
Ñaùp aùn 
Moân : Tieáng Anh ( khoái 12 )
Thôøi gian : 45 phuùt
Choïn töø maø phaàn gaïch chaân coù caùch phaùt aâm khaùc so vôùi caùc töø coøn laïi:
1. A. attract	B. clap	C. wave	D. hand
2. A. excellent	B. except	C. excite	D. expensive
3. A. allowed	B. passed	C. argued	D. raised
4. A. compulsory	B. certificate	C. secondary	D. category
5. A. require	B. society	C. twice	D. applicant	 	
Choïn caâu traû lôøi ñuùng nhaát trong soá caùc caâu A hoaëc B, C, D:
6 The college he  to have accepted him .
A. submitted 	B. required	C. applied	D. decided
7. The floor in the room was so dirty as if it . for months .
A. hadn’t swept	B. wouldn’t have swept 	C. haven’t been swept	D. hadn’t been swept 
8. I wish Mark .  a little better when we have visitors . 
A. will behave	B. would behave 	C. behaves	D. had behaved
9. The students failed to meet the necessary  for admission to the course .
A. fulfilments	B. qualities	C. requirements	D. aptitudes .
10. The academic year year in England  into three terms .
A. divides	B. are divided 	C. is divided	D. divided
11. What are you going to get the roof ..? it leaks quite badly .
A. repaired	B. to repair	C. repairing	D. repair
12. It’s rude to point  someone ! 
A. on	B. to	C. out	D. at
13. While studying , he was financially dependent .. his parents .
A. on	B. to	C. of	D. from
14. It’s ok to use . Language if you’re speaking to a friend .
	A. verbal	B. non - verbal	C. formal	D. informal
15.When I last . My cousin Lucy , she  hard prepairing for her final exams .
	A. saw / was working	B. saw / worked	C. have been / worked	D. see / is working 
16. for him , he was very soon offered another job .
A. Fortunate B. Fortunately	 C. Unfortunate 	D. unfortunately
17.Tom said that he  nothing to upset daisy the day before .
	A. do	B. did	C. was doing	D. had done 
18. Rarely  attracted so much media attention .
A. a debate has B. a debate was 	 C. has a debate D. was a debate 
19. There is time when pointing is perfectly .  such as when a teacher wants to get someone’s attention in class .
A. accepted B. acceptably	C. acceptable D. accept
20. “ . “ is use to express agreement .
A. I can’t agree with you more B. I can’t help thinking the same
 C. I’m with you there 	 D. All are correct 
Choïn phöông aùn A hoaëc B,C,D öùng vôùi töø/cuïm töø coù phaàn gaïch chaân caàn phaûi söûa :
21. It would have been better if you wouldn’t have argued with him last night .
 	A	 B	 	C	 D
22. You can’t get a driver’s license unless you are not at least eighteen years ago .
 	 A	 	B	 C	D
23. Tom apologized about not ringing me earlier .
 	A	 B	 C	D
24.Thank you for your letter , that arrived yesterday .
	A	 B 	 C 	 D
25. The President was said to delivered the speech on his platform last year .
 A	 B	 C	 	 D
Choïn phöông aùn ñuùng ( öùng vôùi A hoaëc B , C , D ) ñeå hoaøn thaønh moãi caâu sau :
26.They didn’t travel far a lot because they were afraid of flying .
	A . If they were afraid of flying , they wouldn’t travel far a lot
	B. If they hadn’t been afraid of flying , they would have traveled far a lot
	C. If they hadn’t been afraid of flying , they would travel travel far a lot
	D. If they weren’t afraid of flying , they wouldn’t have traveled far a lot
27.My father hasn’t smoked for three years .
A. My father started smoking 3 years ago .	B. My father quit smoking 3 years ago .
C. My father stopped smoking 3 years ago ..	D. My father won’t continue smoking in 3 years 
28. She will be ill  
	A.unless she takes a few days rest .	B. provided she takes a rest for a few days .
	C. in case she takes a rest few days .	D. If she takes a few days rest
29. It is said that two men were arrested after the explosion .
Two men are said to be arrested after the explosion
Two men is said to be arrested after the explosion
Two men are said to have been arrested after the explosion
Two men were said to be arrested after the explosion
30. She asked if I had passed the English test the week before .
”Had you passed the English test the week before ? “ She asked .
”Have you passed the English test the week before ? “ She asked .
C. ”Did you pass the English test last week ? “ She asked .
D. ”If you passed the English test last week ? “ She asked .
Ñoïc kó ñoaïn vaên vaø traû lôøi caùc caâu hoûi beân döôùi baèng caùch choïn phöông aùn ñuùng nhaát :
 	Today , in many parts of the world , it is customary for people to shake hands upon meeting as gesture of good will . Originally , however , the practice of shaking hands had a more practical purpose .
	Shaking hands originated in medieved times . In those days , when a man came on a stranger , he would often automatically reach for his sword with his right hand , in case he had to use the weapon to defend himself . Sometimes , both parties found themselves circling around each other , weapons in hand , until it was mutually agreed that the weapons could be laid aside . Then , the two parties extended their right hands to show they had no weapons , and clasped them . This was the beginning of the hanshake .
	The custom of shaking hands is not a universal one . In the Orient , people have , for centuries , clasped their own hands in front of themm upon meeting to show that they held no weapons . In france , a custom developed in which people who met would kiss each other on both cheeks . The natives of some South seas islands greet by rubbing noses .
31. At first the purpose of shaking hands was 
A.to show a good relationship with each other .
B.to show that there were no weapons in hands 	
C.to show that both parties were ready for a fight 
D.a gesture of good will 
32. To show that one has no intention to fight , 
A. shaking hands has been practiced all over the world 
B.the oriental people kiss each other’s hand .
C.people laid aside their weapons .
D. there have been various ways depending on different cultures 
33. According to the passage ,the practice of shaking hands . 
A. was used to extend greetings 	B. used to be popular , but now it is out of date .
C. is replaced by other customs in some countries .	D. is considered not to be very polite .
34. The word “came on “ in the second paragraph can best be relaced by .
A.waited for 	 	B. visited	C. attacked	D. happened to meet 
35. which of the following is NOT true about the hand shake ?
A.It happened for the first time very long times ago .
B.It is a gesture of good will .
C.It is very popular all over the world .
D.It is one of the social customs . 	 
Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ñieàn vaøo moãi choå troáng sau : 
This job will be studied very carefully when you send your letter of (36)...for your next job . It (37)... show evidence of serious career planning. (38).....important, it should extend you, develop you and give you increasing responsibility . Incidentally , if the travel bug is bitting , now is the time to pack up and go . You can do temporary work for a (39).... ; when you return , pick up where you have (40).....off and get the second job.
	36. A . applicants	B. applications	C. form	D. employment
	37. A. will	B. would	C. should	D. may
	38. A. Less	B. Even	C. Almost	D. Most
	39. A. day	B. time	C. while	D. ages
40. A. came	B. left	C. taken	D. paid

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