Đề kiểm tra chất lượng ôn thi THPT Quốc gia lần 2 môn Tiếng Anh năm 2015 - Mã đề thi 124 - Trường THPT Liễn Sơn

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Đề kiểm tra chất lượng ôn thi THPT Quốc gia lần 2 môn Tiếng Anh năm 2015 - Mã đề thi 124 - Trường THPT Liễn Sơn
(Đề thi có 07 trang)
Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề
Họ, tên thí sinh:.......................................................... Số báo danh:.......................................
I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions from 01 to 02.
Câu 01. A. washes	 B. leaves	 C. dresses	 D. watches 
Câu 02. A. acted	B. sacrificed 	C. trusted 	D. recorded 
II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the provided italicized ones from 03 to 07.
Câu 03. Lin’s success took us all by surprise.
A. We were taken aback by all of Lin’s successes.
B. Lin’s success was surprised to all of us.
C. Lin was successful, which surprised all of us.
D. We took all of Lin’s successes surprisingly.
Câu 04. I no longer speak to my neighbor since our quarrel.
A. I stopped speaking to my neighbor since our quarrel.
B. Before our quarrel, I spoke longer to my neighbor than now.
C. I have longed for speaking to my neighbor since our quarrel.
D. I have spoken long to my neighbor since our quarrel. 
Câu 05. The Minister said that he had not done anything improper.
A. The Minister denied doing anything improper.
B. The Minister denied that he would do anything improper. 
C. The Minister refused to have done anything improper.	
D. The Minister refused to do anything improper.
Câu 06. Kate works for an organization which collects money to help orphans.
A. The organization for that Kate works collects money to help orphans.
B. The organization which Kate works for collects money to help orphans.
C. Money of orphans is collected in the organization where Kate works.
D. The organization where Kate works for collects money to help orphans.
Câu 07. Sue is too slow to understand what you might say.
A. So slow is Sue that she can’t understand what you might say.
B. Sue is not enough quick to understand what you might say.
C. Sue is so slow to understand what you might say. 
 D. What you might say, Sue can understand slowly.
III. Read the following passage carefully, then mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 08 to 12.
According to airline industry statistics, almost 90 percent of airline accidents are survivable or partially survivable. But passengers can increase their chances of survival by learning and following certain tips. Experts say that you should read and listen to safety instructions before takeoff and ask questions if you have uncertainties. You should fasten your seat belt low on your hips and as tightly as possible. Of course, you should also know how the release mechanism of your belt operates. During takeoff and landings you are advised to keep your feet flat on the floor. Before takeoff you should locate the nearest exit and an alternative exit and count the rows of seat between you and the exits so that you can find them in the dark if necessary. In the even that you are forewarned of the possible accident, you should put your hands on your ankles and keep your head down until the plane come to complete stop. 
	If smoke is present in the cabin, you should keep your head low and cover your face with napkins, towels, or clothing. If possible, wet these for added protection against smoke inhalation. To evacuate as quickly as possible, follow crew command and do not take personal belongings with you. Do not jump on escape slides before they are fully inflated and when you jump, do so with your arms and legs extended in front of you. When you get to the ground, you should move away from the plane as quickly as possible, and never smoke near the wreckage. 
Câu 08. The word “them” in line 8 is closest in meaning to_______.
A. rows of seat	B. the dark	C. exits	D. landings
Câu 09. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. Guidelines for increasing aircraft passengers survival.	
B. Procedures for evacuating aircraft. 
C. Airline industry accident statistics.	
D. Safety instructions in air travel.
Câu 10. What does the paragraph following the passage most probably discuss? 
 A. How to recover your luggage. 
B. How to proceed once you are away from the aircraft. 
C. Where to go to continue your trip.	
D. When to return to the aircraft.
Câu 11. The word “inflated” in line 14 is closes in meaning to_______.
A. expanded	B. increased	C. lifted	D. assembled
Câu 12. The word “evacuate” in line 13 is closes in meaning to_______.
A. vacate	B. maintain	C. escape	D. return
IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correcting in each of the following questions from 13 to 17.
Câu 13. I strongly object the idea of students in the final year working part-time jobs.
 A. object the idea B. jobs	 C. the final year	 D. working
Câu 14. The president refused to accept either of the four new proposals made by the contractors.
A. either	B. to accept 	C. the	D. made by
Câu 15. John announced that he could not longer tolerate the conditions of the contract under which he was working. 
A. under which	B. not longer	C. that 	D. of 
Câu 16. After the rain had let out, the Mitchells continued their hike up the mountain. 
A. let out	B. After	C. continued	D. their hike
Câu 17. Follow vaporisation, a reduction in temperature will result in condensation.
A. Follow vaporisation	B. reduction in	
C. result in	 	D. condensation
V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions from 18 to 20. 
Câu 18. A. canteen	 B. human	 C. animal	 D. weather
Câu 19. A. encounter	B. consonant 	C. determine	D. disaster
Câu 20. A. agriculture	B. mathematics 	C. personality	D. referee
VI. Read the following passage then mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 21 to 30.
 	Etymologically, anthropology is the science of humans. In fact, however, it is only one of the sciences of humans, bringing together those disciplines the common aims of which are to describe human beings and explain them on the basis of the biological and cultural characteristics of the populations among which they are distributed and to emphasize, through time, the differences and variations of these populations. The concept of race, on the one hand, and that of culture, on the other, have received special attention; and although their meaning is still subject to debate, these terms are doubtless the most common of those in the anthropologist's vocabulary.	
 Anthropology, which is concerned with the study of human differences, was born after the Age of Discovery had opened up societies that had remained outside the technological civilization of the modern West. In fact, the field of research was at first restricted to those societies that had been given one unsatisfactory label after another, "savage," "primitive," "tribal," "traditional," or even "preliterate," "pre-historical," and so on. What such societies had in common, above all, was being the most "different" or the most foreign to the anthropologist; and in the early phases of anthropology, the anthropologists were always European or North American. The distance between the researcher and the object of his study has been a characteristic of anthropological research; it has been said of the anthropologist that he was the "astronomer of the sciences of man."	
 	Anthropologists today study more than just primitive societies. Their research extends not only to village communities within modern societies but also to cities, even to industrial enterprises. Nevertheless, anthropology's first field of research, and the one that perhaps remains the most important, shaped its specific point of view with regard to the other sciences of man and defined its theme. If, in particular, it is concerned with generalizing about patterns of human behavior seen in all their dimensions and with achieving a total description of social and cultural phenomena, this is because anthropology has observed small-scale societies, which are simpler or at least more homogeneous than modern societies and which change at a slower pace. Thus they are easier to see whole.
 What has just been said refers especially to the branch of anthropology concerned with the cultural characteristics of man? Anthropology has, in fact, gradually divided itself into two major spheres, the study of man's biological characteristics and the study of his cultural characteristics. The reasons for this split are manifold, one being the rejection of the initial mistakes regarding correlations between race and culture. More generally speaking, the vast field of 19th century anthropology was subdivided into a series of increasingly specialized disciplines, using their own methods and techniques, that were given different labels according to national traditions.
Câu 21. According to the passage, anthropology is most likely defined as the study of______. 
A. the distribution of human beings the world over
B. the biological and cultural characteristics of human beings
C. one of the sciences of humans
D. the lives of peoples all over the world	
Câu 22. It is mentioned in the passage that anthropology began to divide into various disciplines in______.
A. the Age of Discovery	B. the 19th century 
 C. the 20th century 	 D. prehistoric times
Câu 23. Anthropologists of the early phases were regarded as the "astronomers of the sciences of man" because______.
A. they also studied the sun, moon, stars, planets, etc
B. they also studied our planets as the sciences of man
C. they did not belong to the societies into which they did research
D. they applied the sciences of man to astronomy 
Câu 24. It is mentioned in the passage that the split of anthropology into two major areas is partly due to______.
A. more knowledge to be gained	B. the development of the sciences of humans
C. the development of modern anthropology	D. the interpretation of race and culture	
Câu 25. Small societies are preferable to anthropological research because they are______.
A. small, isolated, and easy to study	B. similar to primitive societies
C. simple, homogeneous, and change slowly 	D. ancient, exotic, and interesting
Câu 26. The phrase "first field of research" in paragraph 3 most likely refers to the study of______.
A. modern societies	B. industrial societies
C. primitive societies 	D. large societies 
Câu 27. Which of the following is NOT stated in the passage?
A. Anthropology is concerned with the study of human differences. 
B. Anthropology gives special attention to the concept of race.
C. Anthropologists are agreed on the meaning of race and culture.	
D. Anthropology has been subdivided into specialized disciplines
Câu 28. According to the passage, modern anthropologists study______.
A. both communities and modern societies	B. both primitive and modern societies
C. only primitive and tribal societies	D. only modern industrial enterprises
Câu 29. It can be inferred from the passage that anthropology was first developed in______. 
A. Europe and North America 	B. some tribal societies
C. some primitive societies	D. some prehistoric societies
Câu 30. It is implied in the passage that the early anthropologists did research only on______. 
A. modern groups	B. racial minorities	
C. large societies	D. civilized societies
VII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions from 31 to 35.
Câu 31. Her thoughtless comments made him very angry.
A. honest	B. pleasant	C. kind	D. thoughtful
Câu 32. She is a very generous old woman. She has given most of her wealth to a charity organization.
A. kind	B. amicable	C. mean	D. hospitable
Câu 33. We are now a 24/7 society where shops and services must be available all hours.
 A. an active society	 B. a working society
C. an inactive society	 	D. a physical society
Câu 34. A chronic lack of sleep may make us irritable and reduces our motivation to work.
A. miserable 	B. uncomfortable	C. responsive	D. calm
Câu 35. We’d better speed up if we want to get there in time.
A. turn down	B. slow down	C. lie down	D. put down
VIII. Read the following passage, and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word that fits each of the blanks from 36 to 45.
 	The traditional definition of literacy is considered to be the ability to read and write, or the ability to use language to read, write, listen, and speak. In modern contexts, the word refers to reading and writing at a level (36)_____ for communication, or at a level that lets one understand and communicate ideas in a literate society,' so as to take (37)_____ in that society. The United Nations, Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has drafted the following definition: “Literacy is the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute, using printed and written' materials (38)_____ with varying contexts. Literacy involves a continuum of learning to enable an Individual to achieve his or her goals, to develop his, or her (39)_____ and potential, and to participate fully in the wider society." 
 	Many policy analysts consider literacy rates a crucial measure of a region's human capital. This claim is made on the (40)_____ that literate people can be trained less expensively than illiterate people, generally have a higher socio-economic (41)_____ and enjoy better health and employment prospects. Policy makers also argue that literacy increases job opportunities and access to higher education. In Kerala, India, for example, female and child mortality rates declined (42)_____ in the 1960s, when girls who were educated in the education reforms after 1948 began to raise families. Recent researchers, (43)_____, argue that correlations such as, the one listed above may have more to do with the effects of schooling rather than literacy in general. Regardless, the (44)_____ of educational systems worldwide includes a basic (45)_____ around communication through test and print, which is the foundation of most definitions of literacy.
Câu 36. A. suitable	B. adequate	C. important	D. adaptable 
Câu 37. A. part	B. control	C. comfort	D. honor	
Câu 38. A. associated	B. worked	C. appropriated	D. related 
Câu 39. A. performance	B. ability	C. behavior 	D. knowledge 
Câu 40. A. foundations	B. basics	C. grounds	D. ways 
Câu 41. A. condition	B. status 	C. request	D. state
Câu 42. A. accurately	B. dramatically	C. actually	D. extremely
Câu 43. A. however	B. additionally	C. consequently 	D. therefore	
Câu 44. A. demand	B. majority	C. focus	D. main 
Câu 45. A. context	 B. concept	 C. contact	 D. content
IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to complete each of the following incomplete sentences from 46 to 50.
Câu 46. Le: “I can’t understand how you missed the exit.”
 Linh: “Well, it was so dark that ____________.”
A. we could hardly see the road signs	B. we could see hardly the road signs
C. we could see the road signs hardly	D. hardly could we see the road signs 
Câu 47. After seeing the movie Centennial, ____________.
A. many people wanted to read the book	
B. the book was read by many people
C. the book made many people want to read it	
D. the reading of the book interested many people
Câu 48. Many of the current international problems that we are now facing ____________.
A. are the results of misunderstandings. 
B. linguistic incompetences	
C. lacks of the intelligent capabilities of understanding each other
D. are because of not understanding themselves
Câu 49. George didn’t do well in the class because ____________.
 A. he was not good studywise	 B. he failed to study properly
C. he studied bad	D. he was a badly student
Câu 50. ____________ did Arthur realize that there was danger.
A. Only after entering the store	B. On entering the store
C. When he entered the store	D. After he had entered the store
X. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions from 51 to 55.
Câu 51. He was asked to account for his presence at the scene of crime.
A. explain	B. exchange	C. complain	D. arrange 
Câu 52. The teacher gave some suggestions on what could come out for the examination.
A. effects	B. hints	
C. symptoms	D. demonstrations 
Câu 53. In most countries, compulsory military service does not apply to women.
 A. beneficial	 B. superior	 C. mandatory	 D. constructive
Câu 54. On the second thought, I believe I will go with you to the theater.
A. For the second time	B. After discussing with my wife
C. Upon reflection	D. For this time only	
Câu 55. I’ll take the new job whose salary is fantastic.
A. wonderful	B. reasonable	C. acceptable	D. pretty high	
XI. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to complete each of the following incomplete sentences from 56 to 80.
Câu 56. You may borrow as many books as you like, provided you show them to______ is at the desk.
A. whoever	B. whom	C. which 	D. who	
Câu 57. - “How did you feel before the exam?” - “Very____________.” 
A. nervous	B. shy	C. fearsome 	D. happy
Câu 58. Of the two new teachers, one is experienced and______.
A. the others are not 	B. the other is not
C. other lacks experience 	D. another is inexperienced 
Câu 59. As it was very hot in summer, sales of bottles of water went______ the roof.
A. to 	B. over 	C. through	D. above
Câu 60. I wish you ______ me a new one instead of having it______ as you did.
A. had given/ repaired	B. would give/ to repair 
C. gave/ to repair 	D. had given/ to be repaired
Câu 61. Dr. Evans has______ a valuable contribution to the life of the school.
A. made	B. done	C. created 	D. caused 
Câu 62. I’d rather he______ the door blue. 
A. painted 	B. painting	C. paints	D. paint 
Câu 63. Hellen: “I’ve got a new grammar book.” 	Jack: “____________”
A. How much was it?	B. How many cost?	
C. What its price?	D. How much you paid? 
Câu 64. - “Another cup of coffee?” 	- “No, but thank______.”
A. all the same	B. for all	C. you for all	D. not at all
Câu 65. Very often the chocolate inside is not as exciting as its______.
A. cover	B. wrapper	C. paper	D. coat
Câu 66. He travels______ for 20 years and then he decided to return home. 
A. far and wide 	B. farthest of all 	C. far from it	D. father away 
Câu 67. We need______ information before we can decide.
A. farther	B. far	C. furthest	D. further
Câu 68. This book gives a brief______ of the history of the university. 
A. research 	B. reference	C. article	D. outline 
Câu 69. I do not believe that this preposterous scheme is______ of our serious consideration.
A. worthy	B. worth	C. worthwhile	D. worthless 
Câu 70. ______, the people who come to this club are in their twenties. 
A. To a degree	B. By and large	C. Virtually	D. Altogether 
Câu 71. - Anne: Do you know her number? 	- Peter: __________, it’s here somewhere. 
A. Let me see	B. Mind you	C. Well	D. You see
Câu 72. ______ you feel thirsty, please help yourself to the drink at home. 
A. Unless	B. Would 	C. Should	D. Because
Câu 73. It turned out that we______ rushed to the airport as the plane was delayed by several hours.
A. can’t have	B. needn’t have	C. hadn’t	D. mustn’t have
Câu 74. The FDA was set up in 1940______ that maintain standards for the sale of food and drugs.
A. enforcing laws	B. to enforce the laws
C. to enforcing

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