Đề khảo sát chất lượng giữa học kì II Tiếng anh lớp 7 - Năm học 2016-2017 - Trường THCS Tam Hồng

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Đề khảo sát chất lượng giữa học kì II Tiếng anh lớp 7 - Năm học 2016-2017 - Trường THCS Tam Hồng
Họ và tên:
Lớp: 7..
NĂM HỌC: 2016 – 2017
Môn: Tiếng Anh 7
Time: 45 minutes
Question I.Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. 
1. A. cycled	B. walked	C. crossed	D. brushed
2. A. station	B. mistake	 	C. safety	D. action
3. A. traffic	B. license	C. disaster	D. favorite
4. A. nevertheless	B. incredible	C. government	D. met
5. A. features	B. coconuts	C. mangoes	D. things
Question II. Circle the right answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. The film was so boring . ,Jack saw it from the beginning to the end.
A. Therefore 	B. However	 	C. Although 	D. Despite
7. According to the report, many road users don’ttraffic rules.
A. obey 	B. obeying	 	C. to obey	 D. obeyed
8. I used to ride my bike to school.I was small.
A. where	 	B. because	 C. when	 	D. although
9. My father the bus to work every day, but I cycle.
A. catches	 	B. drives	C. goes	D. runs
10. Minh..English for 7 years.
A. was learnt 	 	B. have learnt 	C. is learnt 	D. has learnt
11. ..about 5kilometers from my house to the nearest town.
A. They’re	B. It’s 	C. There’re 	D. There’s
12. Be a Buddy was founded.to help the homeless children.
A. since 2010	B. in 2010	C. for 2010	D. every year
13. “Oggy and the cockroaches” is. as “Tom and Jerry”.
A. as funny	B. as funny than	C. more funny as 	D. as funnier
14. Look! The bus.
A. came	B. come	C. is coming 	D. comes
15. They like.in the local orphanage.
A. work	B. paint	C. works	D. working
16.The weather in Ha Noi is different..that in Ho Chi Minh city.
A.to	B.from	C.with	D.as
17. My father drive a car to work last year.
A.used to	B.use to	C.used	D.uses
18. I’m sure that you’ll find the film.
A.interested	B.interesting	C.interest	D.interests
19coming late,Tom still enjoyed the whole comedy.
A.Despite	B.Despite of 	C.Although 	D. In spite
20.I didn’t..go out on Sundays.
A.used to	B.uses	C.uses to	D. use to
21.My teacher was..that I got good marks on Math test.
A.amazing	B.amazed	C.amazes	D.to amaze
22. Action film is very frightening., many people like watching it.
A.although	B.in spite of	C.However	D.Despite
23. .are you going to stay in Hue? - For a week
A.How long	B.How	C.How often	D.How far
Question III. Choose the words or phrases that are incorrect then correct them.
 24. Although they spent a lot of money on the film,but it wasn’t a big performance.
 A B C D
 25. We used to cycled to school last year.
 A B C D
 26.The film was so bored that all people fell asleep.
 A B C D 
 27. In spite of he is old, he runs seven kilometers everyday.
 A B C D 
Question IV. Read the passage then choose the correct answer to fill in each gap.
 When you are in Singapore, you can go around (28)....... taxi , by bus, or by 
underground. I myself prefer the underground (29) ................... it is fast, easy and cheap. 
There are (30) .......... buses and taxis in Singapore and one cannot drive along the road 
(31)........... and without many stops, especially on the Monday morning. The underground 
is therefore usually quicker (32) .................... taxis or buses. If you do not know 
Singapore very well, it is difficult to find the bus you want. 
28. A. at B. in C. by D.on
29. A. but B. because C. when D. although
30. A. many B. a lot C. few D. little
31. A. quick B. quickly C. quicker D. quickness
32. A. so B. like C. than D. as
Question V. Read the passage then choose the correct answer for the questions below
One of the most popular quiz programmes on television in the world is called Who Wants 
To Be A Millionaire?In Britain, the quiz master is Chris Tarrant. He asks the contestants
fifteen questions. The first questions are easy but later they are more difficult. If you 
can answer the fourteenth question, you can win £500,000. You can win a million 
pounds if you can answer the last question. Of course, the last question is very difficult.
All the questions on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? are multiple-choice questions. 
After you hear the question, you see four answers. Only one answer is correct. You have 
to choose the correct answer. If you don’t know the answer to a question, there are 
three ways you can get help: you can ask the quizmaster to take away two wrong 
answers: you can ask the studio audience which answer is right; or you can telephone
 a friend and ask for help. You can only do these things once. Very few people win a 
million pounds. The first person won a millon pounds one year after the programme 
started.Today, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?can be seen in more than 100 countries
 and is now the world’s most popular quiz programme.
33.Who is the quiz master in Britain?
A. Chris Tarrant	B.a millionaire	 C.a friend	 D.the first person
34.How much can you win if you can answer 15 questions?
A. £500,000	B.a million pounds	C.a million	D.nothing
35.How many ways to help you are there if you don’t know the answer?
A.one	B. two	C.fifteen	D.three
36.Was there anyone who won a million pounds?
A.Yes,there was	B.No,there wasn’t	C.Yes, he did D.No, he didn’t
Question VI. Writing: Write a paragraph (about 60-80 words) to tell about 
your favorite film.( name or title of the film,type of film, stars,acting..)
 The end
 - Tổng điểm toàn bài: 10đ
-Từ câu1 đến câu 36: mỗi câu đúng được 0.25đ: 36 x 0.25 =9đ
Question I:
1.A	2.D	3.B	4.C	5.B
Question II:
6.B	 7.A	8.C	9.A	10.D	11.B	12.B	
13.A	 14.C	15.D	16.B	17.A	18.B 19.A
20.D	 21.B	22.C	23.A	 
Question III:
24.C=>0	25.B=>cycle	26.B=>boring	27.A=>Although	Question IV:
28.C	29.B	30.A	31.B	32.C
Question V:
33.A	34.B	35.D	36.A	
Question VI: Writing: 1đ
	- Đúng form.
 - Nội dung ,đầy đủ,rõ ràng.
 - Bố cục chặt chẽ.
 - Ngữ pháp chính xác: 3 lỗi chính tả hoặc ngữ pháp trừ 0.1đ 

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