Collocation cho THPT Quốc gia (Phần 1)

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Collocation cho THPT Quốc gia (Phần 1)
(PHẦN 1)
needless to say
also / in addition
ex: I’m a very sociable person. I prefer team sports. such as basketball and football, in addition, I like going to English club with my friends.
 I prefer cycling rather than driving a car because it helps me keep fit, in addition, it’s better for the environment and it’s also cheaper.
postscript: “besides” at the beginning of a phrase means “as well as”, whereas at the beginning of a clause it means “anyway”.
ex: I like riding a bike as it’s a very convenient way to travel. Besides, it’s cheap and I can’t afford a car.
golden opportunity
expand / broaden / widen (sb’s) horizons 
as opposed to 
ex: Students discuss ideas, as opposed to just copying from books.
generally speaking = in most situations = ordinarily
as for: còn như, về phần
ex: I love playing golf and tennis. As for cooking, I have no real interest in it.
as a rule 
rarely = once in a blue moon
be quite into = be keen on = have a strong interest in = be into 
other countries = faraway places
find oneself doing st = suddenly realise that you are doing st unintentionally
regarding = in / with regard to = in terms of: về 
ex: She said nothing regarding your request . 
 I've nothing to say in / with regard to your complaints
regardless of: bất kể
ex: They are allowed to have whatever they want, regardless of price and to behave as they please. 
in other words
or more precisely = or rather: hay chính xác hơn
rather than = instead of 
take up further education: học lên cao
ought to
“ought to” có dạng phủ định là “ought not” hoặc “oughtn’t”
get in the way (of st) = prevent (st) from happening ex: We had almost reached an agreement, but some 
unimportant details got in the way. 
have difficulty v-ing: khó khăn trong việc
burst out: thốt lên, òa lên
ex: He suddenly bursts out laughing (Anh ta đột nhiên cười phá lên).
shrink from (st / doing st): lưỡng lự (làm cái gì)
be dumped by partner: bị người yêu đá
grim reaper: thần chết
speed up: tăng tốc độ
sunbathe topless: cởi trần tắm nắng
do + B-I 
“do” ở đây để nhấn mạnh “B-I”
ex: I do know this (Tôi thực sự biết điều này).
freeze someone's blood: làm ai sợ hết hồn
a chain of: một loạt / dãy
ex: a chain of mountains 
 a chain of events
far from it
ex: Do you think you need a new car? Far from it. The old one is fine. 
in the region of: trong khoảng
ex: This costs in the region of 500 dong.
 These clouds form in the region of mountains.
slow down: làm chậm lại, làm trì hoãn
ex: They slow down a process.
hail sb / st as: hoan hô, hoan nghênh (ai đó / thứ gì đó) như
ex: The crowd hailed him as a hero.
chain reaction: phản ứng dây chuyền
come under st: be forced to experience st unpleasant
ex: We have to come under pressure (Chúng ta phải chịu nhiều áp lực).
the embodiment of: hiện thân của
ex: She's the embodiment of kindness.
physical force: sức mạnh vật chất
in form: sức khỏe tốt, sung sức
out of form: sức khỏe không tốt
moral force: sức mạnh tinh thần
down below
sharp practice: những chuyện làm ăn không lương thiện
ex: The building industry brought in rules to protect customers from sharp practice.
a growing tendency: một xu hướng đang phát triển
in outline: những nét chính
ex: I like your idea in outline but would like some time to study the details.
not quite: không hẳn
be on the anvil: đang làm / xem xét / nghiên cứu
by force of circumstances: do hoàn cảnh bắt buộc
force a smile: gượng cười
as sharp as a needle: rất thông minh và nhanh trí
ex: His response was as sharp as a needle.
in force: có hiệu lực
ex: The law remains in force (Điều luật đó còn hiệu lực).
rarer still: còn hiếm hơn nữa (trạng từ)
take a sharp walk: đi bộ rảo bước
sharp remark: lời nhận xét gay gắt
be shorn of (st): bị lấy đi, bị tước mất (cái gì)
a good anvil does not fear the hammer: cây ngay không sợ chết đứng
for a long stretch of time: lâu lắm rồi
stretch a point: chiếu cố, nhân nhượng

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  • doccollocation_cho_thpt_quoc_gia_phan_1.doc