Chuyên đề Phrasal verb

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Chuyên đề Phrasal verb
- back up
ủng hộ
- Blow up
làm nổ tung
-bring about
Làm xảy ra, dẫn đến, gây ra
-bring down
Hạ xuống, làm tụt xuống
- bring up
Đưa ra một vấn đề
- bring up
Nuôi dạy
- call off
Hoãn lại, dừng lại, bỏ đi
- carry on
Tiếp tục
- cheer up
Làm phấn khởi, vui vẻ lên
- clear up
Dọn dẹp, giả quyết
- cut down
Giảm bớt, cắt bớt
- do over
Làm lại từ đầu
- draw up
Lập kế hoạch
- fill in/out
Điền vào đơn, tờ khai
- fill up
Đổ đầy, lấp đầy
- find out
Phát hiện ra
- figure out
Suy nghĩ để tìm ra
- give away
Cho, phân phát
- give back
Hoàn lại, trả lại
- give up
Từ bỏ
- hand in
Nộp bài vở
- hand out
Phân phát
- hang up
Treo lên, cúp máy
- hold up
Làm đình trệ, trì hoãn
- lay off
Cho ai nghĩ việc
- leave out
Bỏ đi
- let down
Làm thất vọng
- look over
Xem xét, kiểm tra
- look up
Tra cứu
- make up
Bịa, dựng chuyện
- make out
Hiểu, nhận ra
- pass on
Truyền, chuyển tiếp
- pick out
Chọn ra
- pick up
Đón ai bằng xe
-point out
Chỉ ra
- put away
Cất đi chỗ khác
-put off
Hoàn lại
- put on
Mặc quần áo
- put out
Dập tắt
-set up
Bắt đầu, thành lập
- take down
Ghi chép
- take off
Cởi, tháo
- take over
Tiếp quản
- throw away
Ném đi, vứt đi
- try on
Mặc thử
- try out
Kiểm tra
- turn down
Giảm âm lượng
- turn down
Khước tù
- turn into
Biến thành, trở thành
- turn off
Khóa, tắt
-turn on
Mở, bật
- use up
Dùng hết
Ngữ động từ không tách ra đuợc
-break in/into
Đột nhập
- call on
Thăm viếng
- call for
Đòi hỏi
- care for sb
Chăm sóc
- come across
Gặp tình cờ
- count on
Tin cậy vào, dựa vào
- get over
Vượt qua
- go over
Xem lại, đọc lại
- hear from
Nhận được tin của ai
-look after
Chăm sóc
- look for
Tìm kiếm
- look into
Điều tra
-run across
Tình cờ gặp
- run into
Điều tra
- stand for
Thay cho, đại diện cho
- take after
Giống ai
Ngữ động từ không có tân ngữ
- break down
Hỏng máy
- break out
Nổ ra, bùng nổ
- catch on
- come back
Quay lại, trở lại
- come in
Đi vào
- come to
Tỉnh lại
- come over
Ghé thăm nhà ai
- come up
Nêu lên vấn đề
- die down
Lắng xuống
- dress up
Mặc diện
- drop by
Ghé thăm
- eat out
Ăn ngoài
- get on
Tiến bộ
- get up
Thức dậy
- go back
Trở về, troe lại
- go off
Nổ, reo
- go on
Tiếp tục
- go up
Tăng lên
- grow up
Trưởng thành
- hold on
Giữ máy điện thoại
- keep on
Tiếp tục
- pass out
Mê đi, bất tỉnh
- pull up
Dừng lại
- set off
Bắt đầu lên đường
- show off
Khoe khoang
- show up
Xuất hiện
- speak up
Nói to hơn
- take off
Cất cánh
- turn up
Đến, xuất hiện
- break in on
Cắt ngang, làm gián đoạn
- catch up with
Đuổi kịp
- come in for
Hứng chịu phê bình,chỉ trích
- come up with
Tìm ra lời giải, ý tưởng
- cut down on
Cắt giảm
- do away with
Loại bỏ
- drop out of
Bỏ học
- face up to
Đối mặt
- get away with
Thoát khỏi sự trừng phạt
- get down to
Bắt đàu công việc
- get on/along with
Hòa đồng, có quan hệ tốt
- get through with
Hoàn thành, hoàn tất
- keep up with
Theo kịp
- look forward to
Mong chờ
- look down on
Xem thường
- look out for
Cẩn thận, coi chừng
- look up to
Ngưỡng mộ
- make up for
Bù đắp
- put up with
Chịu đựng
- run out of
Cạn, hết
She applied for training as a pilot, but they turned her . because of her poor eyesight.
 	A. up	B. back	C. down	D. over
Mom told her little boy to put all his toys  before coming to dinner.
 	A. out	B. off	C. away	D. in
It's difficult to  luxuries when you're used to having them.
 	A. cut down on	B. cut down at	C. cut off on	D. cut down into
All students must hand.their homework the day after it is assigned.
 	A. out	B. on	C. to	D. in
You should always fill. your tank when it gets down to a quarter.
 	A. off	B. up	C. in	D. out
“Have youthis contract yet?” “Not yet, I’ll try to read it this weekend.
 	A. looked over	B. looked after	C. looked up	D. looked out
The daughter looked.her mother after her mom was sent home from the hospital with a broken hip.
 	A. upon	B. after	C. on	D. at
Once the fire.out we had to sit in the cold.
 	A. lit	B. fell 	C. went	D. came
Why don’t you look.this situation and see if you can figure out a way to fix it without spending too much money?
 	A. into	B. on	C. up	D. out
When the old school friends met, a lot of happy memoriesback.
 	A. brought	B. had brought	C. were brought	D. had been brought
My father decided to..smoking after he had been smoking for ten years.
 	A. put away	B. give up	C. get over	D. take up
“How can you live in this messy room? Go and up at once.”
 	A. dust	B. sweep	C. tidy	D. do
It is difficult to pay one’s bills when prices keep...
 	A. raising	B. going up	C. gaining	D. growing
It is hard to get..him; he is such an aggressive man.
 	A. by	B. on with	C. into	D. over to
I wish my friends would call me first before they drop..
 	A. in	B. out	C. at	D. off
The bus stops here in order to.passengers only.
 	A. get off	B. pick up	C. pull up	D. pull in
In many big cities, people have to.up with the noise, overcrowding and bad air.
 	A. keep	B. catch	C. face	D. put
My mother told mefor an electrician when her fan was out of order.
 	A. turn	B. rent	C. send	D. write
I am so tired that I can’t takewhat you are saying.
 	A. up	B. out	C. in	D. on
After you fill the application form, sign it and date it.
 	A. on	B. off	C. out	D. with
Deborah is going to take extra lessons to. what she missed while she was away.
 	A. catch up on	B. cut down on	C. put up with	D. take up with
A washing machine of this type will certainly.normal domestic use.
 	A. stand up for	B. come up with	C. get on to	D. take down with 
The train accident . the other train’s departure by a few hours.
 	A. sent back 	B. called off 	C. delayed	D. retained
He was her tale of hardship.	
 	A. taken away 	B. taken down 	C. taken in	D. taken up
If he is in trouble, it is his own fault; I personally wouldn’t .a finger to help him.
	A. bend	B. turn	C. rise	D. lift
Everyone knows about pollution problems, but not many people have .any solutions.
	A. looked into	B. come up with	C. thought over	D. got round to
My friend has .for a bargain.
	A. a sharp ear	B. a strong head	C. a keen eye	D. a keen ear
He kept his marriage for years, but eventually the truth .
	A. came out	B. went out	C. came through	D. fell out
Stop fighting you two- shake hands and .your peace with each other!
	A. set	B. do	C. make	D. bring
Don’t .. You’ve only just begun the course.
	A. put up	B. get up	C. give up	D. grow up
As the managing director can’t go to the reception, I’m representing the company
	A. from his point of view	B. on his account
	C. on his behalf	D. for his part
Those trousers are far too big. Why don’t you have them?
	A. taken on	B. taken in	C. taken over	D. taken out
My cousin obviously didn't . much of an impression on you if you can't remember meeting her.
	A. do	B. make	C. create	D. Build
 “I’m tired of the same old routine.” _ “I know how you feel. I get tired of doing the same things day in..”
	A. and day off	B. and day on	C. and day of	D. and day out
He was looked .by others because of his poverty.
	A. out for	B. up to	C. down on	D. into
The boy did his homework..........................
	A. by himself B. his own self	C. on himself	D. by his own
She didn’t get . well with her boss, so she left the company.
 	 	A. at 	B. through 	C. up	D. on
Everybody in the house woke up when the burglar alarm..
	A. went out 	B. went off 	C. came about 	D. rang off
Please .your cigarette. I am going to get choked.
	A. cut down 	B. blow out 	C. put aside 	D. put out
After running up the stairs, I was .breath.
 	A. without	B. out of	C. no	D. away from
I couldn’t .them when we climbed the mountain.
	A. keep on with	B. keep up with 	C. keep away from	D. keep out of
Uncle Ho’s desire was that our country might.other countries in the world.	
 	A. be fed up with 	B. make use of	C. keep pace with	D. take grand for
The smell of the kippers cooking .my breakfast. 
	A. put me off 	B. came up against 	C. gave off 	D. held up 
There was an accident on the motorway, and we were . for over an hour.	
	A. held down	B. held up	C. put back	D. put up
“Could you put me .Mr. Rogers, please?”
	A. to	B. with	C. in connection with	D. through to
He is unhappy because his parents do not.very well.
	A. get over	B. get off	C. get on	D. get away
She should have been here but she’s.a terrible cough.
	A. gone down with	B. gone through with	C. come for	D. come up against
It is vital that we . a change in people's attitudes.
	A. bring about	B. bring back	C. look after	D. bring down
Just keep.on the baby while I cook the supper, will you?
	A. a look 	B. a glance 	C. an eye 	D. a care
Remember to appreciate what your friends do for you. You shouldn’t take them.
	A. as a rule	B. as usual	C. out of habit	D. for granted
Dr. Evans has . a valuable contribution to the life of the school.
	A. done 	B. created 	C. caused 	D. made
Sportsmen .their political differences on the sports field.
	A. take part	B. put aside	C. take place 	D. keep apart 
The government have tried to.the price of petrol, but they failed.
	A. get over	B. bring on	C. bring down	D. put in
I have had such important decisions.for the last three months.
	A. to make	B. to do	C. to give	D. to put
My uncle when he retired from work.
	A. after	B. over	C. up	D. on
Although the coach had not thought her a good tennis player at first, be a champion.
	A. came out	B. turned out	C. turned up	D. came round
I just can’t.that noise any longer!
	A. sit out	B. stand in for	C. stand up for	D. put up with
He always . the crossword in the newspaper before breakfast. 
	A. writes 	B. makes 	C. works 	D. does 
It is hard to get .him; he is such an aggressive man. 
	A. by 	B. on with 	C. into 	D. over to 
You need more exercise - you should . jogging. 
	A. try on 	B. take up 	C. carry out 	D. hold up 
If you don’t know when that important football match takes place, look it . in the World Cup timetable.
 	A. after 	B. up 	C. into 	D. out 
“If we can’t afford a car, we’ll just have to .one.” 
	A. do with 	B. put up with 	C. do without	D. catch up with 
 “Don’t worry about your necklace. Give it to me and I promise to .great care of it.” 
	A. bring 	B. take 	C. keep 	D. make 
The twins look so much alike that almost no one can.them.
 	A. take....apart	B. tell....away	C. tell....apart	D. take....on
He has always looked .his elder brother.
	A. up to	B. back on	C. into	D. up and down
I know we had an argument, but now I'd quite like to.
	A. look down 	B. make up 	C. fall out	D. bring up
I'm going to stay at university and try to . off getting a job for a few years!
	A. stay 	B. put	C. move	D. set
You may be artistic, but I believe you are not cut . the job at the theatre.
	A down for 	B. in for 	C. down to 	D. out for
I am looking for a friendly young person to help my elderly brother while go out to work during the day.
	A. take after 	B. give care of 	C. put up with 	D. look after
I . Katie, an old friend on the way home from the office yesterday.
 A. came into 	B. broke into 	C. ran into 	D. went into
British and Australian people share the same language, but in other respects they are as different as.
	A. cats and dogs 	B. salt and pepper 
	C. chalk and cheese 	D. here and there
Although the conditions weren’t ideal for a walk, we decided to.a go of it.
	A. make	B. do	C. run	D. carry
The new system didn’t .expectations.
	A. catch up with 	B. bring about 	C. come across 	D. come up to
Jane's very modest, always.her success.
	A. playing down	B. turning around	C. keeping down	D. pushing back
I'm sure when you've stopped looking for your keys, they'll . up somewhere.
	A. take	B. look	C. turn	D. pull
As children, we were very poor. When my father finally became rich, he told us that he wanted to .all the hardships we had suffered 
	A. make over to	B. make up for	C. make out with	D. make off with
She really.reading intelligent books.
	A. make up of	B. go in for	C. catch up on	D. bring in
Learning English isn’t so difficult; once you ...................... .
	A. get down to it	B. get off it	C. get on it	D. get down with it
It seems impossible to ..terrorism in the world.	
	A. put stop to	B. put an end of	C. put an end to	D. stop at
Although he is my friend, I find it hard to .his selfishness.
	A. catch up with	B. come down with	C. put up with	D. keep up with
She had to borrow her sister’s car because hers was .
	A. off work	B. out of order	C. out of work	D. off chance
It is interesting to take . a new hobby such as collecting stamps or going fishing.
	A. up	B. in	C. on	D. over
My son and joined the army.
 	A. away from 	B. out of	C. off 	D. by
On hearing the news she fainted and it was half an hour before she came. again.
	A. round	B. up	C. over	D. forward
I don’t really .winter sports very much.
	A. deal with B. face up to	C. go in for 	D. get round to
In many big cities, people have to . up with noise, overcrowding and bad air. 
	A. keep 	B. catch 	C. face 	D. put
What chemical is this? It's . a horrible smell.
	A. giving over	B. giving off	C. giving down	D. giving up
I hope you will	notice of what I am going to tell you.
	A. gain	B. keep	C. get	D. take
Jogging every day will. you good.
	A. do	B. help	C. keep	D. make
In the early years of the 20th century, several rebellions .in the northern parts of the country.
	A. rose up	B. turned out	C. came up	D. broke out
What ever Jane . to do, she finishes.
	A. gets on 	B. sees to 	C. sets out	D. looks for
He told everyone that he had flu, but in fact, he had just .a cold. 
 	A. come up with	B. come down with	C. gone in for	D. made up for 
I wish I hadn't said it. If only I could................
	A. turn the clock round	B. turn the clock down
	C. turn the clock back	D. turn the clock forward
Many people like the slow................... of life in the countryside.
	A. step 	B. pace	C. speed	D. space
Although the weather is not so good, the match will ..
	A. go about 	B. go ahead 	C. go over	D. go along
We don't seem to have any more of that book, Sir. It is out of . but we are getting a new delivery next Thursday if you would like to pop back then.
	A. stock	B. order	C. print	D. shop
If you want to join that club, you have to ......... a form and send it to your secretary.
	A. fill up	B. fill out	C. fill into	D. fill over
You need not worry that you'll be left on your own because I'll always ......... you.
	A. stand for 	B. stand to 	C. stand by 	D.  stand from
Take that shirt off and .a new one. You can't go out in such an old shirt.
	A. to put on	B. wear	C. get dressed	D. put on
As you’ve arrived late, you’ll have to .the time you’ve lost.
	A. do up for	B. make up to	C. make up for	D. do up to
Don't worry about trying to catch last train home, as we can easily  you up for the night.
	A. keep	B. put	C. set	D. take
No matter how often I explain it to him, he doesn’t seem to ..
	A. take it in	B. put it through	C. put it on	D. come up with
Quite soon, the world is going to .energy resources.
	A. get into 	B. run out of	C. keep up with	D. come up against
Many young people travel all over the world, and then do all kinds of jobs before they.
	A. touch down	B. settle down 	C. put down 	D. go down
He always .the crossword in the newspaper before breakfast. 
	A. writes 	B. makes 	C. works 	D. does 
Over 20 years has..but I never forget the time we first met each other. 
	A. gone up	B. gone out	C. done down	D. gone by
In publics places, you should ask everyone for permission before you..a cigarette. 
	A. turn up	B. put out	C. light up	D. put up
The family could not.. because they had forgotten their passports.
	A. check up	B. check out	C. check through	D. check in
It is time you got a job and You are in your late thirties, aren’t you? 
	A. turned down	B. settled down	C. put down	D. fell down
You have toyour holiday if you are too ill to travel. 
	A. call off	B. cut down	C. back off	D. put aside
If it is raining tomorrow afternoon, we’ll have to ..the match till next Sunday. 
	A. put out	B. put off	C. put up	D. put away
Smoking is not permitted here, so you had better.your cigarette. 
	A. put off	B. put away	C. put away	D. put through
I can’t my mind which shirt I should take. 
	A. decide 	B. take up	C. choose	D. make up
As the fairy tail goes, the ugly frog.a handsome prince after being kissed. 
	A. turned into	B. turned out	C. turned out	D. turned away
I am so tired that I cannot.what you are saying. 
	A. take up	B. take out	C. take in	D. take on
 The conference had to be put.until next Monday. 
	A. on	B. away	C. off	D. down
Pleaseyour cigarette. This is no-smoking compartment.
 	A. put down	B. put away 	C. put out	D. put off
Don’tany notice of what he says.
 	A. give	B. take 	C. have	D. make
I was so tired thatasleep in a chair.
 	A. dropped	B. fell 	C. went	D. became
My children cannot.the noise from the factory nearby any more.
 	A. take part in	B. go with 	C. stand up to	D. put up with
Shedown completely on hearing of her friend’s death.
 	A. broke	B. turned 	C. put	D. fell
He was born in Dong Hoi butin Hue.
 	A. put up	B. developed up 	C. grew up	D. picked up
We have no time left, so pleasean end to our discussion here.
 	A. bring	B. put 	C. come	D. send
He was asked to account for his presence at the scene of crime.
 	A. complain	B. exchange 	C. explain	D. arrange
He lost the race because he .. petrol on the last lap.
 	A. got out of	B. ran out of	C. made out of	D. put out of
I don’t really _______ winter sports very much.
	A. deal with 	B. face up to 	C. go in for 	D. get round to
Deborah is going to take extra lessons to.what she missed while she was away.
	A. catch up on 	B. cut down on 	C. put up with 	D. take up with
A washing machine of this type will certainly.normal domestic use.
	A. stand up for 	B. come up with 	C. get on to 	D. take down with 
The train accident _____________ the other train’s departure by a few hours.
 	A. sent back B. called off 	C. delayed 	D. retained
Uncle Ho’s desire was that our country might______other countries in the world.	
 	A. be fed up with B. make use of	C. keep pace with	D. take grand for
The twins look so much alike that almost no one can ____them____
 	 A. take....apart	B. tell....away	C. tell....apart	D. take....on
I was passing their house, so I ..Claire and Michael.
	a. got on with	b. came up with	c. dropped in on	d. ran into	
The Government hopes to its plans for introducing cable T.V.
	a. carry out	b. turn out	c. carry on	d. keep on
We _________ on our close friend on the way here. That’s why we are a bit late.
	A. visited	B. dropped in	C. paid a visit	D. came across
Quite soon, the world is going to _________ energy resources.
A. get into 	B. run out of	C. keep up with	D. come up against
Take the number 7 bus and get ________ at Forest Road.
A. down	B. up	C. off 	D. outside
Many young people travel all over the world, and then do all kinds of jobs before they __________.
A. touch down	B. settle down 	C. put down 	D. go down
I think I should have...your mother while I was passing.
	A. dropped in on 	B. come up with	C. got on with 	D. run into
It is hard to get ______ him; he is such an aggressive man. 
A. by 	B. on with 	C. into 	D. over to 
In many big cities, people have to ______ up with noise, overcrowding and bad air. 
A. keep 	B. catch 	C. face 	D. put 
Deborah is going to take extra lessons to_____ what she missed while she was away.
A. catch up on	B. cut down on	C. take up with	D. put up with
He was completely_________________________by her tale of hardship.	
 A. taken away 	B. taken down 	 C. taken in 	D. taken up
Nothing can ____________ the loss of the child.
A. make up with	B. make up for	C. do with	D. come up w

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