Bộ đề thi học kỳ 1 môn Tiếng Anh Khối 10

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Bộ đề thi học kỳ 1 môn Tiếng Anh Khối 10
Miss Rose Thanh Do Center 
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest. 
1. A. heat B. scream C. meat D. dead 
2. A. subject B. just C. put D. study 
3. A. determine B. settle C. letter D. bed 
4. A. together B. work C. about D. today 
5. A. play B. radio C. newspaper D. graphic 
Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each of the following sentences. 
6. Luong Hong Anh often _________Maths on Tuesday and Friday. 
 A. have B. has C. had D. is having 
7. Minh is looking forward to _________from you soon. 
 A. hearing B. to hear C. heard D. hear 
8. They _________two new buildings for the poor in our town since last year. 
 A. have built B. have build C. built D. are building 
9. What _________last Monday? 
 A. did she did B. does she do C. did she do D. do she do 
10. Ngoc Han: “_________” Yingjun: “in Beijing.” 
 A. How are you today? B. What do you do? 
 C. When did you come here? D. Where do you live? 
11. Do you _________watching cartoons? 
 A. want B. enjoy C. hope D. decide 
12. It is impolite _________people about their salary. 
 A. asked B. asking C. to ask D. ask 
13. Minh and Lan didn’t go to the cinema because they _________that film. 
 A. saw already B. already saw C. already had seen D. had already seen 
14. The government is discussing the problem of housing for the _________. 
 A. unemployed B. unemploy C. employed D. employ 
15. They decided to go for a picnic _________the cold weather. 
 A. because of B. in spite of C. because D. although 
16. When she was a student, she _________her bike to school. 
 A. used to riding B. uses to ride C. used to ride D. used ride 
17. People _________from Russia are called Russian. 
 A. whom come B. who come C. who comes D. which come 
18. She has just bought a new laptop from this shop. 
 A. A new laptop has been just buy from this shop. 
 B. A new laptop have just been bought from this shop. 
 C. A new laptop have been just bought from this shop. 
 D. A new laptop has just been bought from this shop. 
19. These are the pictures of Uncle Ho _________my friends presented on my 28th birthday. 
 A. who B. which C. whom D. whose 
20. I haven’t seen my girl friend _________last month. 
 A. since B. for C. during D. from 
21. David has lost his job _________his laziness. 
 A. although B. because C. in spite of D. because of 
22. What will happen if my parachute _________? 
 A. hasn’t opened B. doesn’t open C. don’t open D. didn’t open 
23. “I am going to Moscow Capital soon.” said she_________. 
 A. She said she was going to Moscow Capital soon. B. She said I was going to Moscow Capital soon. 
 C. She said she is going to Moscow Capital soon. D. She said I am going to Moscow Capital soon. 
24. If the train is late, we _________to the office. 
 A. would walk B. walked C. will walk D. could walk 
25. Her father _________his house this weekend. 
 A. was going to paint B. are going to paint 
Miss Rose Thanh Do Center 
 C. am going to paint D. is going to paint 
Choose the underlined part (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting. 
26. She has study Chinese and Japanese for two years. 
 A B C D 
27. Because the bad condition of the house, the Council demolished it? 
 A B C D 
28. Our class room has repaired since last month. 
 A B C D 
29. When Mary has free time, she enjoys to watch cartoons. 
 A B C D 
30. A fridge is a machine what is used for keeping food fresh. 
 A B C D 
Read the following passage and then choose the best option A, B, C or D to fill in each space. 
The small old houses (31)______ pulled down, and tall buildings have been put there instead. They’ve also (32)______ 
a big hotel in the middle of the town. The narrow streets have been (33)______ and resurfaced, so the big trees on the two 
sides of the streets have been (34)______ down. The large area of grass land in the suburbs of the town has (35)______ 
turned into an ugly car park. Even the old corner shop isn’t there anymore. It has been replaced by a big (36)______ store. 
And there is an expensive restaurant where there used to be an old tea shop. 
31. A. have been B. has been C. having been D. have be 
32. A. build B. builded C. built D. building 
33. A. widen B. widened C. widening D. to widen 
34. A. grown B. planted C. done D. cut 
35. A. been B. being C. be D. was 
36. A. market B. restaurant C. department D. shop 
Read the following passage and then choose the best option A, B, C or D for each question. 
Mary’s parents didn’t have much money, so they sent her to a state primary school when she was five. She enjoyed 
her reading and writing lessons but there were so many pupils in the class that the teacher found it difficult to control them. 
When Mary was eleven, her father got a better job, and decided to spend some money on her education. He sent her 
to an expensive private school, where the girl wore dark green uniforms and did two hours’ homework every evening. 
Mary liked her new school, and did well. Because she studied hard, she passed all her exams, and went to university 
at eighteen. She chose Maths course and was an excellent student. In the end she decided to become a teacher and returned 
to her old primary school to teach. 
37. How many kinds of lessons did Mary like learning? 
 A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 
38. Her course at university related to __________________. 
 A. past events B. medicine C. linguistics D. numbers 
39. What was an important event for Mary when she was eleven? 
 A. getting better education B. leaving her home 
 C. passing the exams D. going overseas 
40. What profession did she finally decide to choose? 
 A. cooking B. nursing C. teaching D. advertising 
Sentence transformation ( Chương trình cơ bản) 
1. Just when he arrived at the station, the train started to move. 
Hardly .............................................................................................. 
2. She watched TV, then she prepared her lessons. 
 After  
3. Before he returned his home town. He had spent his childhood in Oslo for ten years, 
 Having .......................................................................... 
4. “Remember to wash your feet before going to bed” 
The mother reminded .. 
5. My father is a doctor 
My father works --------------------------------------------- 
Word form 
1. People use radios, television, phones, newspapers and computers for___________. (communicate) 
Miss Rose Thanh Do Center 
2. It's the most __________________ film I've ever seen. (fright) 
3. They are going to announce the__________________ of the Prince. (arrive) 
4. Their __________________ has lasted a lifetime. (friend) 
5. It is usually forbidden to destroy __________________ buildings. (history) 
 Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern. 
 1. A. background B. career C. private D. brilliant 
 2. A. intend B. channel C. deliver D. presenting 
Choose a best option for these sentences: 
 3. I've been in this city for a long time. I __________ here sixteen years ago. 
 A. have come B. was coming C. came D. had come 
 4. A film which is made by photographing a series of changing drawings is called a __________. 
 A. comedy B. drama C. cartoon D. documentary 
 5. It was quite a cold day __________ it was sunny. 
 A. because B. in spite of C. because of D. although 
 6. She often __________ to work at 5: 30 in the morning. 
 A. is B. get C. goes D. go 
 7. They are living in the house __________ they bought last month. 
 A. when B. which C. why D. who 
 8. They are excellent students __________ have complete confidence. 
 A. that B. which C. whose D. whom 
 9. When I was young, I received some __________ training from my father 
 A. scientific B. scientist C. science D. scientifically 
 10. He __________ London 2 years ago and I __________ him since then. 
 A. was living-haven't seen B. left-haven't seen C. left- hadn't seen D. left-didn't see 
 11. __________ is used to copy the information from a computer onto paper. 
 A. Speaker B. Photocopier C. Mouse D. Printer 
 12. Would you __________ looking after my children for a while? 
 A. care B. stand C. agree D. mind 
 13. After it __________ dry for two months, it rained heavily last night 
 A. was B. would be C. had been D. has been 
 14. My father didn't __________ coffee for the breakfast. 
 A. use to have B. use be having C. use to having D. used to have 
 15. Robert is going to be famous someday. He __________ in three movies already 
 A. appeared B. has appeared C. has been appeared D. had appeared 
 16. I think the __________ should help the poor. 
 A. elderly B. rich C. sick D. injured 
 17. It __________ me 15 minutes to get to school every morning. 
 A. take B. took C. takes D. has taken 
 18. Tom: - Hello, Mary! How are you? - Mary : __________ 
 A. Hi, Tom! Fine. Thanks B. Yes, I am fine. C. Bye. See you later D. And you? 
Find a word that has a different sound with the rest. 
 19 A. advantage B. mistake C. newspaper D. radio 
 20. A. eighty B. life C. height D. sky 
Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting: 
 21. We had to cancel the match because the bad weather. 
 A B C D 
 22. I decided changing my job because the boss made me work overtime 
 A B C D 
 23. He avoids to travel during rush hours. 
 A B C D 
Miss Rose Thanh Do Center 
 24. The young has the future in their hands. 
 A B C D 
 25. About one hundred buildings and houses have destroyed in the earthquake. 
 A B C D 
Read the passage and then fill in the gaps. 
Internet services themselves are, generally speaking, easy (27) _____ and use; however, you will find yourself isolated 
on the Internet if you are not familiar with English. This means that knowledge or lack of knowledge of English is one of 
the most severe factors that prevent people (28)_____ using the Internet. Learning to use a new Internet service may take a 
few hours, a few days, or even weeks, but it takes years to learn a (29)_____ so that you can use it in a fluent and self-
confident manner. Of course, when you know some English, you can learn more just by using it on the Internet. The advent 
of online universities has now made it possible for more people to learn English, people (30)_____ may live in countries 
where access to standard education facilities is limited. While it may have been impossible for these people to learn English 
in the past, the Internet has opened up new career (31)_____. These people are now able to learn English, and they can use 
their English skills to get better paying jobs at home, or they can use them to find jobs overseas. In any event, the Internet 
has played a (32) __________ role in allowing English to spread across the world, and the number of people learning it is 
likely to increase in the future. (advent: the coming of/ presence) 
26. A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. learned 
27. A. for B. about C. from D. again 
28. A. language B. subject C. job D. service 
29. A. which B. who C. whom D. whose 
30. A. occasions B. conditions C. facilities D. opportunities 
31. A. power B. powered C. powerful D. powerfully 
Read the passage and then choose the best answers for the following questions. 
In the early years of television, educational specialists believed that it would be very useful in teaching and learning. 
Many schools have bought television sets, intending to use them effectively to improve the quality of education; but actually 
they are not used properly in classrooms. Meanwhile, children spending the majority of their out- of school hours watching 
TV and their typical school days proceed as if television did not exist. There are some explanations for the failure of 
television to get the interest of the teachers. Firstly, the schools that purchased television sets have not set aside money for 
equipment repairs and maintenance so these television sets are sooner and later out of work. Secondly, these schools have 
not found an effective way to train teachers to integrate television into their ongoing instructional programs. Lastly, most 
teachers do not regard the quality of television and its usefulness in the classroom. Teachers at the schools work hard for at 
least twelve years to train their students to become good readers. However, according a recent statistics, teenagers seldom 
spend their free time reading books and newspapers but watching television instead. (Meanwhile : at the same time, set 
aside: để dành, integrate: combine, ongoing: đang xảy ra) 
32. When TV first appeared, educational specialists _______. 
 A. did not appreciate it B. did not think it would be useful 
 C. believed it would be useful for schooling D. banned children from watching TV 
33. Teenagers seldom spend their free time _______. 
 A. integrating television into their ongoing instructional programs 
 B. watching television 
 C. training their students to become good readers 
 D. reading books and newspapers 
34. According to the text, TV _______. 
 A. has not been used properly in classroom B. has been used effectively in classrooms 
 C. has not existed in classrooms D. has not attracted students’ interest 
35. Children spend the majority of their free time _______. 
 A. reading books. B. reading newspapers 
 C. learning foreign languages D. watching TV 
36. I go hill-walking for ___________________.(relax) 
37. Radar is an __________________ device. (electricity) 
38. This company’s __________________ are washing machines, disk washers  (productive) 
39. I watch the news every day because it’s very __________________. (inform) 
40. Many newer cars have a much lower fuel _____________________.(consume) 
Miss Rose Thanh Do Center 
41. He left school and then joined the army. 
  After ______________________________________________________________________________________ 
42. The leak was repaired by the plumber this morning. 
  The plumber ________________________________________________________________________________ 
43. This flower is very beautiful! 
  How ______________________________________________________________________________________ 
44. Somebody stole his watch yesterday. 
  His watch __________________________________________________________________________________ 
45. We took many pictures though the sky was cloudy. 
 → Despite ____________________________________________________________________________________ 
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest: 
1. A. maps B. books C. seats D. pictures 
2. A. dead B. scream C. heat D. meat 
3. A. needed B. worked C. started D. wanted 
4. A. idea B. bike C. opinion D. library 
5. A. star B. far C. marvelous D. war 
Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences: 
6. Look! They _______cups of tea and _______a lot of sandwiches. 
 A. are drinking/eat B. drink/are eating C. drink/eat D. are drinking/eating 
7. They didn’t come to the party because they_______. 
 A. didn’t invite B. are not invited C. were not invited D. don’t invite 
8. Do you enjoy _______cartoons? 
 A. to watch B. watched C. watching D. watch 
9. It’s not good to avoid _______the teacher’s questions in class. 
 A. answer B. answering C. to answer D. answered 
10. She knows a lot of people _______live in Hanoi. 
 A. whose B. who C. of whom D. which 
11. We could _______swimming in the morning. 
 A. be B. go C. make D. do 
12. She only allows her children _______T.V on the weekends. 
 A. for watching B. watching C. to watch D. watch 
13. He goes to the library to _______some reference books. 
 A. borrow B. lend C. buy D. pay 
14. She has come here_______ last week. 
 A. for B. in C. since D. from 
15. Which of the following is NOT a type of the mass media? 
 A. television B. radio C. magazines D. dictionaries 
16. When you phoned me I _______my homework. 
 A. did B. was doing C. am doing D. have done 
17. The postman _______come yet. 
 A. hasn’t B. has C. have D. haven’t 
18. We’ll have more time for _______on holiday. It is said that the restaurants are really good there. 
 A. shopping B. cooking C. eating out D. cleaning 
19. I remember _______you about this before. 
 A. to tell B. told C. tell D. telling 
20. The blind _______unable to see anything. 
 A. am B. have C. is D. are 
21. Mrs. Phuong is our _______teacher. Her lessons are about past events. 
 A. history B. physics C. literature D. chemistry 
22. Janet is _______. 
Miss Rose Thanh Do Center 
 A. an old my friend B. an old friend of mine C. an old friend of me D. a my old friend 
23. They often play ball games with their friends _______lessons. 
 A. on B. after C. when D. while 
24. I _______to England 2 years ago. 
 A. went B. had gone C. was going D. go 
25. How long ago _______you _______it? 
 A. were/bought B. did/buy C. could/buy D. have/bought 
26. _______he _______much when he was young? 
 A. Did/use to smoke B. Used/to smoking C. Did/used to smoking D. Used/to smoke 
27. Lan always _______her bike to school. 
 A. drives B. travels C. rides D. runs 
28. He asked me_______. 
 A. where did I live B. where do I live C. where I live D. where I lived 
29. _______lessons does Nam have every day? 
 A. How many B. What kind C. How much D. What kinds 
30. When I arrived at the theatre, the play_______, so I missed the first part. 
 A. has started B. had started C. started D. was starting 
Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting: 
31. Pollutions is the worst problem in the world today. 
 A B C D 
32. With entertainment, you can listen to the radio or watch television. 
 A B C D 
33. Marie Curie went to school in Warsaw which she was born. 
 A B C D 
34. In spite of stay up late, she got up early the next morning. 
 A B C D 
35. She was born in Warsaw, so her date of birth is Warsaw. 
 A B C D 
Read the following passage and then choose the best answer to the question. 
Louis Braille was born in France in 1809. His father had a small business. He made shoes and other things from 
leather. Louis liked to help his father in the store even when he was very small. One day when Louis was 3 years old, he 
was cutting some leather, suddenly the knife slipped and hit him in the eyes. He soon became completely blind. 
When he was ten years old, he entered the National Institute for the blind in Paris. One day his class went to visit a 
special exhibit by a captain in the army. One thing in the exhibit was very interesting for Louis. It showed messages in code. 
Armies send messages in secret codes so no-one else can read them. The captain wrote this code in raised letters on very 
thick paper. 
Louis thought a lot about this code. Then he decided to write in the same way so the blind could “read” with their 
fingers. It is very difficult to feel the differences between raised letters. Instead of letters, Louis used a “cell” of six dots. He 
arranged the dots with two dots across and three down. So blind people can read and write even write music by Braille. 
36. It is difficult to feel the differences between______________. 
 A. arrangements of dots B. coded messages 
 C. raised letters D. a system of raised dots 
37. He saw a special exhibit. It showed _______in code. 
 A. systems B. computers C. arrangements D. messages 
38. Louis Braille’s father made things from______________. 
 A. codes B. exhibit C. leather D. wood 
39. Which of these sentences is probably not true? 
 A. Braille invented a system of reading for blind people. 
 B. Braille system is used for everyone. 
 C. Braille visited an exhibit of codes 
 D. Braille was an intelligent boy. 
40. When Louis was ten years 

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