Bộ đề luyện thi THPT Quốc gia năm môn Tiếng Anh - Năm học 2016-2017 (Phần 17)

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Bộ đề luyện thi THPT Quốc gia năm môn Tiếng Anh - Năm học 2016-2017 (Phần 17)
 (Đề gồm có 03 trang) MÔN TIẾNG ANH ~ MÃ ĐỀ 816
 Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề
 Mark(s) Mã Phách . 
Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting.
Question 1: The professor is thinking to go to the conference on nuclear power next month.
A. on nuclear power	B. is	C. next month	D. to go
Question 2: His father does not approve of him to go to the party without dressing formally.
A. formally	B. him to go	C. without dressing	D. does not
Question 3: No one would have attended the lecture if you told the truth about the guest speaker.
A. attended	B. truth	C. guest speaker	D. told
Question 4: The bomb which went out this morning caused a lot of damage.
A. damaged	B. went out	C. caused	D. which
Question 5: Before the 1920s, no women have voted in national elections in the US.
A. no	B. have voted	C. the	D. in
Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the given one.
Question 6: If George keeps studying as he has been, he'll have no trouble in passing his exams.
A. George has trouble in passing his exams.	B. George will not pass his exams because he is not studying.
C. George has passed his exams.	D. George is studying hard to pass his exams.
Question 7: Nothing but the whole story would satisfy Tim.
A. Tim wouldn't be satisfied with anything.
B. Tim insisted on being told the complete story.
C. Tim wanted to know just the end of the story.
D. On the whole, Tim was satisfied with the story.
Question 8: John didn't attend the class because he was seriously ill.
A. John's class was not serious.	B. John was absent from class many times.
C. John never attended the class.	D. John was too ill to attend the class.
Question 9: My mother had the house decorated.
A. My mother had to decorate the house.	B. The house is going to be decorated by my mother.
C. My mother has just decorated the house.	D. My mother had someone decorate the house.
Question 10: Robert outdoes his brother in maths.
A. His brother surpasses Robert in maths,	B. Robert and his brother make the same grade in maths.
C. Robert always does his brother's maths.	D. Robert surpasses his brother in maths.
Pick out the word that has the primary stress different from that of the other words.
 Question 11:A. postpone	B. postcard	C. product	D. purpose
 Question 12:A. textile	B. believe	C. silence	D. nothing
 Question 13:A. computer	B. company	C. museum	D. committee
 Question 14:A. politics	B. homemaking	C. involvement	D. childbearing
 Question 15:A. elephant	B. elegant	C. element	D. elaborate
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C, or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
 Women's Rights, rights that establish the same social, economic, and political ...(16)... for women as for men. Women's rights guarantee that women will not face ...(17)... on the basis of their sex. Until the second half of the 20th century, women in most societies were denied some of the legal and political rights accorded ...(18)... men. Although women in much of the world have gained significant legal rights, many people believe that women still do not have ...(19)... political, economic, and social equality with men.
 Throughout much of the history of Western civilization, ...(20)... cultural beliefs allowed women only limited roles in society. Many people believed that women’s natural roles were as mothers and wives. These people ...(21)... women to be better suited ...(22)... childbearing and homemaking rather than for involvement ...(23)... the public life of business or politics. Widespread belief that women were intellectually inferior to men led most societies to ...(24)... women's education to learning domestic ...(25)....Well-educated, upper-class men controlled most positions of employment and power in society.
 Question 16:A. status	B. position	C. place	D. seat
 Question 17:A. difference	B. distinguish	C. differences	D. discrimination
 Question 18:A. as	B. with	C. to	D. for
 Question 19:A. total	B. full	C. finished	D. complete
 Question 20:A. deep-based	B. deep-footed	C. in-depth	D. deep-seated
 Question 21:A. All are correct B. considered	C. thought	D. believed
 Question 22:A. as	B. with	C. to	D. for
 Question 23:A. with	B. in	C. about	D. at
 Question 24:A. ban	B.deny	C. allow	D. limit
 Question 25:A. skills	B. work	C. tasks	D. duty
Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.
Question 26: Man is killing......all the fish in the sea.
A. away	B. out	C. up	D. off
Question 27: He had a......desire to become a doctor when he was young.
A. C and D	B. deeply-rooted	C. deep-rooted	D. deep-seated
Question 28: If you leave......any information, the form will be returned to you.
A. down	B. away	C. out	D. up
Question 29: The gunman told the victim to hand......all his money.
A. off	B. out	C. in	D. over
Question 30: Don't throw your jacket on the bed. Hang it......
A. over	B. in	C. up	D. on
Question 31: The supervisor told her to keep.....the good work.
A. with	B. on	C. up	D. over
Question 32: The media play a/an......role in influencing people's opinions.
A. important	B. major	C. essential	D. All are correct
Question 33: I couldn't make......all the words on the sign because my glasses were dirty.
A. up with	B. up	C. out	D. clear
Question 34: Tony and Nancy always kiss and make......after their arguments.
A. with	B. up with	C. up	D. off
Question 35: If you don't know what a word means, look it......in the dictionary.
A. over	B. at	C. on	D. up
Question 36: If people can bribe police officers, it makes a complete......of the legal system.
A. inability	B. break	C. sense	D. nonsense
Question 37: The article......doubts about how effective the new drug really was.
A. raised	B. rose	C. increased	D. brought
Question 38: Cross........my name because I won’t be able to attend.
A. up	B. out	C. away	D. down
Question 39: Security is very important in this building. Don’t let anyone......unless they show you proper identification.
A. on	B. in	C. off	D. out
Question 40: Look this document.......carefully before you sign it.
A. at	B. up	C. over	D. on
Pick out the word whose underlined and bold part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
 Question 41:A. opened	B. linked	C. lived	D. arrived
 Question 42:A. station	B. transfer	C. cable	D. stable
 Question 43:A. pear	B. tearing	C. bear	D. hear
 Question 44:A. gone	B. none	C. done	D. won
 Question 45:A. some	B. come	C. comb	D. comfortable
Choose the item among A, B, C, or D that best answers the question about the passage:
 Until the 19th century, the denial of equal rights to women met with only occasional protest and drew little attention from most people. Because most women lacked the educational and economic resources that would enable them to challenge the prevailing social order, women generally accepted their inferior status as their only option. At this time, women shared these disadvantages with the majority of working class men, as many social, economic, and political rights were restricted to the wealthy elite. In the 19th century, as governments in Europe and North America began to draft new laws guaranteeing equality among men, significant numbers of women - and some men - began to demand that women be accorded equal rights as well.
 At the same time, the Industrial Revolution in Europe and North America further divided the roles of men and women. Before the Industrial Revolution most people worked in farming or crafts-making, both of which took place in or near the home. Men and women usually divided the numerous tasks among themselves and their children. Industrialization led male workers to seek employment outside of the home in factories and other large-scale enterprises. The growing split between home and work reinforced the idea that women’s “rightful place” was in the home, while men belonged in the public world of employment and politics.
 Organized efforts by women to achieve greater rights occurred in two major waves. The first wave began around the mid-19th century, when women in the United States and elsewhere campaigned to gain suffrage - that is, the right to vote. This wave lasted until the 1920s, when several countries granted women suffrage.
Question 46: Until the 19th century, what was the status of the working class men in the society?
A. They had much power in the society. B. They had the same rights as women.
C. They had no right at all. D. They did not have much power compared to the wealthy people.
Question 47: What did the effect of the Industrial Revolution in Europe and North America bring about?
A. Well-educated, upper-class men controlled most positions of employment and power in society.
B. It did not bring the equality to women.
C. Male workers tried to seek employment outside of the home.
D. All are correct.
Question 48: Why did the denial of equal rights to women draw little attention from the society until the 19th century?
A. All are correct.	 B. They could not challenge the prevailing social order.
C. Most women lacked the educational and economic resources. D. They did not have any other option.
Question 49: What was the aim of the women’s movement in the United States in the 1920s?
A. To gain the right to vote.	B. To gain the right to have much power in the society.
C. To gain the right to go to work in the factory.	D. To have the complete equality to men. 
Question 50: When did the women’s movement start in Western countries?
A. In the 18th century.	B. In the early 20th century.
C. In the late 18th century.	D. In the 19th century.
 (Đề gồm có 00 trang) MÔN TIẾNG ANH ~ MÃ ĐỀ 837
 Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề
 Mark(s) Mã Phách . 
Pick out the word whose underlined and bold part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
 Question 1:A. opened	B. lived	C. arrived	D. linked
 Question 2:A. tearing	B. hear	C. bear	D. pear
 Question 3:A. won	B. none	C. done	D. gone
 Question 4:A. cable	B. transfer	C. stable	D. station
 Question 5:A. comb	B. come	C. some	D. comfortable
Pick out the word that has the primary stress different from that of the other words.
 Question 6:A. politics	B. homemaking	C. involvement	D. childbearing
 Question 7:A. nothing	B. believe	C. silence	D. textile
 Question 8:A. company	B. museum	C. computer	D. committee
 Question 9:A. product	B. postcard	C. postpone	D. purpose
 Question 10:A. elephant	B. elegant	C. elaborate	D. element
Choose the item among A, B, C, or D that best answers the question about the passage:
 Until the 19th century, the denial of equal rights to women met with only occasional protest and drew little attention from most people. Because most women lacked the educational and economic resources that would enable them to challenge the prevailing social order, women generally accepted their inferior status as their only option. At this time, women shared these disadvantages with the majority of working class men, as many social, economic, and political rights were restricted to the wealthy elite. In the 19th century, as governments in Europe and North America began to draft new laws guaranteeing equality among men, significant numbers of women - and some men - began to demand that women be accorded equal rights as well.
 At the same time, the Industrial Revolution in Europe and North America further divided the roles of men and women. Before the Industrial Revolution most people worked in farming or crafts-making, both of which took place in or near the home. Men and women usually divided the numerous tasks among themselves and their children. Industrialization led male workers to seek employment outside of the home in factories and other large-scale enterprises. The growing split between home and work reinforced the idea that women’s “rightful place” was in the home, while men belonged in the public world of employment and politics.
 Organized efforts by women to achieve greater rights occurred in two major waves. The first wave began around the mid-19th century, when women in the United States and elsewhere campaigned to gain suffrage - that is, the right to vote. This wave lasted until the 1920s, when several countries granted women suffrage.
Question 11: Why did the denial of equal rights to women draw little attention from the society until the 19th century?
A. They did not have any other option.	 B. All are correct.
C. Most women lacked the educational and economic resources. D. They could not challenge the prevailing social order.
Question 12: What was the aim of the women’s movement in the United States in the 1920s?
A. To gain the right to have much power in the society.	B. To gain the right to vote.
C. To gain the right to go to work in the factory.	D. To have the complete equality to men. 
Question 13: Until the 19th century, what was the status of the working class men in the society?
A. They did not have much power compared to the wealthy people. B. They had the same rights as women.
C. They had much power in the society.	 D. They had no right at all.
Question 14: What did the effect of the Industrial Revolution in Europe and North America bring about?
A. It did not bring the equality to women.
B. All are correct.
C. Well-educated, upper-class men controlled most positions of employment and power in society.
D. Male workers tried to seek employment outside of the home.
Question 15: When did the women’s movement start in Western countries?
A. In the early 20th century.	B. In the 18th century.
C. In the late 18th century.	D. In the 19th century.
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C, or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
 Women's Rights, rights that establish the same social, economic, and political ...(16)... for women as for men. Women's rights guarantee that women will not face ...(17)... on the basis of their sex. Until the second half of the 20th century, women in most societies were denied some of the legal and political rights accorded ...(18)... men. Although women in much of the world have gained significant legal rights, many people believe that women still do not have ...(19)... political, economic, and social equality with men.
 Throughout much of the history of Western civilization, ...(20)... cultural beliefs allowed women only limited roles in society. Many people believed that women’s natural roles were as mothers and wives. These people ...(21)... women to be better suited ...(22)... childbearing and homemaking rather than for involvement ...(23)... the public life of business or politics. Widespread belief that women were intellectually inferior to men led most societies to ...(24)... women's education to learning domestic ...(25)....Well-educated, upper-class men controlled most positions of employment and power in society.
 Question 16:A. place	B. position	C. seat	D. status
 Question 17:A. differences B. distinguish	C. difference	D. discrimination
 Question 18:A. to	B. as	C. with	D. for
 Question 19:A. total	B. finished	C. complete	D. full
 Question 20:A. deep-footed B. deep-seated	C. deep-based	D. in-depth
 Question 21:A. believed	B. All are correct	C. considered	D. thought
 Question 22:A. as	B. with	C. to	D. for
 Question 23:A. about	B. at	C. with	D. in
 Question 24:A. allow	B. limit	C. ban	D.deny
 Question 25:A. tasks	B. work	C. duty	D. skills
Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the given one.
Question 26: Robert outdoes his brother in maths.
A. His brother surpasses Robert in maths,	B. Robert and his brother make the same grade in maths.
C. Robert surpasses his brother in maths.	D. Robert always does his brother's maths.
Question 27: If George keeps studying as he has been, he'll have no trouble in passing his exams.
A. George has passed his exams.	B. George is studying hard to pass his exams.
C. George has trouble in passing his exams.	D. George will not pass his exams because he is not studying.
Question 28: John didn't attend the class because he was seriously ill.
A. John was absent from class many times.	B. John never attended the class.
C. John's class was not serious.	D. John was too ill to attend the class.
Question 29: My mother had the house decorated.
A. The house is going to be decorated by my mother.	B. My mother has just decorated the house.
C. My mother had to decorate the house.	D. My mother had someone decorate the house.
Question 30: Nothing but the whole story would satisfy Tim.
A. Tim wanted to know just the end of the story.
B. Tim insisted on being told the complete story.
C. Tim wouldn't be satisfied with anything.
D. On the whole, Tim was satisfied with the story.
Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting.
Question 31: No one would have attended the lecture if you told the truth about the guest speaker.
A. told	B. truth	C. guest speaker	D. attended
Question 32: The professor is thinking to go to the conference on nuclear power next month.
A. is	B. to go	C. next month	D. on nuclear power
Question 33: His father does not approve of him to go to the party without dressing formally.
A. without dressing	B. does not	C. formally	D. him to go
Question 34: Before the 1920s, no women have voted in national elections in the US.
A. no	B. the	C. have voted	D. in
Question 35: The bomb which went out this morning caused a lot of damage.
A. caused	B. damaged	C. went out	D. which
Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.
Question 36: The gunman told the victim to hand......all his money.
A. out	B. off	C. over	D. in
Question 37: Don't throw your jacket on the bed. Hang it......
A. over	B. in	C. up	D. on
Question 38: He had a......desire to become a doctor when he was young.
A. deep-rooted	B. deeply-rooted	C. deep-seated	D. A and C
Question 39: The article......doubts about how effective the new drug really was.
A. raised	B. rose	C. brought	D. increased
Question 40: Tony and Nancy always kiss and make......after their arguments.
A. up with	B. off	C. up	D. with
Question 41: I couldn't make......all the words on the sign because my glasses were dirty.
A. out	B. up with	C. clear	D. up
Question 42: The supervisor told her to keep.....the good work.
A. on	B. with	C. over	D. up
Question 43: Cross........my name because I won’t be able to attend.
A. away	B. up	C. out	D. down
Question 44: If people can bribe police officers, it makes a complete......of the legal system.
A. nonsense	B. inability	C. sense	D. break
Question 45: The media play a/an......role in influencing people's opinions.
A. important	B. major	C. All are correct	D. essential
Question 46: If you leave......any information, the form will be returned to you.
A. down	B. away	C. up	D. out
Question 47: Security is very important in this building. Don’t let anyone......unless they show you proper identification.
A. on	B. in	C. out	D. off
Question 48: Man is killing......all the fish in the sea.
A. away	B. out	C. off	D. up
Question 49: Look this document.......carefully before you sign it.
A. up	B. on	C. at	D. over
Question 50: If you don't know what a word means, look it......in the dictionary.
A. up	B. on	C. over	D. at
 (Đề gồm có 03 trang) MÔN TIẾNG ANH ~ MÃ ĐỀ 343
 Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề
 Mark(s) Mã Phách . 
Pick out the word whose underlined and bold part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
Question 1:A. some	B. come	C. comb	D. comfortable
Question 2:A. cable	B. transfer	C. station	D. stable
Question 3:A. hear	B. pear	C. tearing	D. bear

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