Bộ đề kiểm tra 1 tiết môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 (Chương trình thí điểm)

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Bộ đề kiểm tra 1 tiết môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 (Chương trình thí điểm)
Time allotted: 45 minutes
Student's name: ........................................................ Class: ............
Date of test : .. Date of correction: .
I.Circle the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest (0.75 pt)
1	A. qualified	B. violent	C. different 	D. eliminated
2.	A. discrimination B. bridegroom	C. assignment 	D. violence
3.	A.harm 	B.smartphone	C.embarrassing	D. target
II.Choose the word that is stressed differently from the rest. (0.5 pt)
4.	A.treatment 	B.protest	C. portable 	D.media
5.	A.exciting 	B.research 	C.radiation	D.forget
III.Circle the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentence. (3.75pts)
6.Nowadays, many people have still fought for gender.. in many fields, especially in education and employment.
A. discrimination	B. equality	C. opportunity 	D. elimination
7.Most people consider it women's . to take care of children and do housework.
A. limit 	B. relationship 	C. responsibility 	D. respect
8.Gender equality means that both men and women are equally.
A. worked	B. treated	C.played	D. provided
9.Language translation allows you to to translate from one language to another.
	A. hardware	B.screen	C.facility	D. software
10.An whiteboard is an electronic device that helps students learn English in a more stimulating way.
A. active 	 B.supperactive	C.underactive	D.interactive
11.In ., people are advised not to arrive early if they are invited to someone’s home.
	A.Korea	B.The USA	C. Thailand	D. Indonesia
12.Electronic dictionaries in mobile devices are a great learning but you need to think how to use them effectively.
	A.facility	B.address 	C.tool	D. mail
13.Modern technology has enter your life and you should of it.
	A.make use 	B. take advantage 	C.pay attention	D. A& B are correct
14.Not being able to buy personal electronics, some studets may feel sad and bad about themselves and this may ..their performance at school.
	A.affect 	B.effect 	C.cause 	D.result
15.Electronic mobile devices can be used to record English speech, lessons, songs or English language films from TV or Internet.
	A.true- life	 B. actual-like 	C.present- like 	D. real- life
16.Before eating,.. carefully with soap and clean water.
A. you should wash your hands 	B. your hands should be washing
C. you need washing your hands 	D. Your hands need washed
17.Electronic devices can be used to.. .and store information, do calculations and play games.
	A.look for 	B.look up	C.look down on	D. look into
18.Everyone knows what is happening to . earth but we just do not know how to stop it.
A. a 	B. an 	C. the 	D. Ø
19.I’ll always remember the teacher taught me how to read and write.
	A.which 	B. whom	C. who	D. whos
20.People ..work involves using a computer for most of the day may suffer from headaches.
	A. that	B. whom	C. who	D. whose
IV.Read the following passage and do the following task (2pts)
 1. Mobile technology can help students open the door to new horizons, making their learning flexible,and motivating. It is not difficult to understand why more and more schools are encouraging mobile learning in the classroom. Smartphones, tablets computers, e-readers, netbooks and laptops, etc, are gradually becoming great learning tools for students.
 2. Mobile devices make learning flexible (linh hoạt). School computer labs with desktops are wonderful but they are not handy. Students can not use them in the school yard during the break time or in the school canteen while they wait for lunch. Mobile learning devices are different. They are light, portable and convenient. Students can carry these devices with them wherever they want and whenever they like.
 3.Mobile learning is motivating (kích thích)). Students are more excited and inspired to study when they work with different types of apps. These apps not only help them understand the materials better but also motivate them to study harder both in and out of the classroom. Motivation and inspiration can lead to good results, and good results can lead to more motivation and inspiration.
 4. Mobile technology is already here. It is up to each school to choose the time when they allow the use of mobile devices and the extent to which their ‘digital natives’ can take full advantage of these devices. Hopefully, they can make the right decision quickly to help broaden student’s learning opportunities both inside and outside of class.
1.Find the word in the passage which means: (0.5 pt)
a. a software programme designed to do a particular job.
b.easy to carry or to move
c.make use of something to the fullest extent
d.places where experiments(thí nghiệm) are often done
e.line at which earth and sky appear to meet. 
2.Answer the following questions. (1.5 pts)
a. Why are more and more schools encouraging mobile learning in the classroom?
b. How are learning devices different from desktops?
c.What will the decision on using mobile technology in learning help students?
3.Translate the second paragraph into Vietnamese. (1 pt)
V. Rewrite the following sentences begginning with the words (2 pts)
1.They will send her everything she needs for the party.
2. Dr. Fleming discovered penicillin. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1945.
	Dr. Fleming	
3.No river in the world is longer than the Nile.
	The Nile 	
4.I have never tasted such a delicious cake before.
	This is 	
Time allotted: 45 minutes
Student's name: ........................................................ Class: ............
Date of test : .. Date of correction: .
I.Circle the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest (0.75 pt)
1. 	A.reception	B.ceremony	C.celebrate	D.calendar
2. 	A. qualified	B. violent	C. different 	D. eliminated
3. 	A. workfoce	B. progress	C. proposal	D. protest
II.Choose the word that is stressed differently from the rest. (0.5 pt)
4.	A. involve	B.relate	Cdaughter	Ddelighted
5.	A.digital	B.engaged	C.eliminate	D.discriminate
III.Circle the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentence. (3.75pts)
6.Women in developing countries are fighting .gender equality.
	A.for	B. against	C.with	D. about
7.You can learn English easily by using .devices such as a laptop,a tablet etc.
	A.electric	B.mobile	C.permanent	D. desktop
8. .is a formal agreement or promise to get married.
	A. engagement	B. wedding 	C. bridegroom 	D. ceremony
9. Interactive whiteboards are very for both teachers and students in the classroom.
	A. benefit	B.beneficial 	C.popular 	D. famous 
10.We can guess the meaning of words/ phrases by looking at the parts of them or using ..
	A.letters 	B.spelling	C.context	D. pronunciation
11.Like children in ., children in the USA have greatly benefited from modern technology. 
	A.somewhere	B.everywhere	C. nowhere 	D.elsewhere
12.A/An ..is a software programme designed to do a particular job.
 	A. media player	B. application 	C.tablet 	D. computer
13.Students may take .pitures of others and use them to demand money or force others to do things they do not want to. 
	A.surprising 	B.exciting	C.embarrassing	D. confusing
14believe “ money goes to money” so they leave coins scattered around their homes in bags, cupboards and drawers.
A. Amerrians	B.English	C. Russians	D. Japaneses
15.In the UK, adults often receive a silver as a present to symbolize their entry into the adult world.
	A. book	B.directory	C.key	 D. device
16.The situation.to continue.
A. cannot allow 	B. cannot be allowed	
C. cannot have allowed 	D. cannot be allowing
17.Life is ..today than it was 100 years ago.
	A. most dangerous	B. more dangerous 	C. as dangerous	 D. dangerous
18.Cities are more .than they were in the past.
	A. large	B.hot	C.polluted	 D. hard
19..Jack, , told me this story.
	A. that is my friend	 	B. who is mine friend 
C. is a friend of mine	 	D. a friend of mine
20.Some sicentists think that children .parents allow them to use electronic devices early will have more advantages in the future.
	A. that	B. whom	C. who	D. whose
IV.Read the following sentences and do the following task (2pts)
 1.Mobile technology can help students open the door to new horizons, making their learning motivating and speedy. It is not difficult to understand why more and more schools are encouraging mobile learning in the classroom. Smartphones, tablets computers, e-readers, netbooks and laptops, etc, are gradually becoming great learning tools for students.
 2.Mobile learning is motivating (kích thích). Students are more excited and inspired to study when they work with different types of apps. These apps not only help them understand the materials better but also motivate them to study harder both in and out of the classroom. Motivation and inspiration can lead to good results, and good results can lead to more motivation and inspiration.
 3. Mobile learning make learning speedy. Without having to leave the school building, students can instantly get information or materials necessary for their study. This can be done easily thanks to mobile devices with WiFi. The Internet brings the whole world into the classroom and it takes students just a few seconds to access this wonderful world of knowledge and information.
 4.Mobile technology is already here. It is up to each school to choose the time when they allow the use of mobile devices and the extent to which their ‘digital natives’ can take full advantage of these devices. Hopefully, they can make the right decision quickly to help broaden student’s learning opportunities both inside and outside of class.
1.Find the word in the passage which means. (0.5 pt) 
a.line at which earth and sky appear to meet. 
b.thing made for a particular purpose.
c.make use of something to the fullest extent
d.stimulating interest
a. a software programme designed to do a particular job.
2.Answer the following questions. (1.5 pts)
a.What are listed as as mobile devices in the text?
b.How are students when they work with different types of apps?
c.How long does it take students to access knowledge and information?
3.Translate the third paragraph into Vietnamese. (1 pt)
V. Rewrite the following sentences begginning with the words (2 pts)
1. The examination lasted two days. I was successful in this examination.
	The exam	
2.We can encourage married women to pursue a career of their preference.
	Married women	
3.No sea in the world is warmer than the Red Sea.
	The Read Sea	
4.I have never seen such an exciting film before.
	This is the	
Time allotted: 45 minutes
Student's name: ........................................................ Class: ............
Date of test : .. Date of correction: .
I.Circle the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest (0.75 pt)
1.	A.position 	B.existence	C.exercise	D.exactly
2.	A.children 	B.technology	C.characteristic 	D.Chrismas
3. 	A.discrimination 	B. application	C.native	D. portable
II.Choose the word that is stressed differently from the rest. (0.5 pt)
4. A.affect B.annoying C.performance D.damage
5 A. advantage B.provide C. improve D.language
III.Circle the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentence. (3.75pts)
6.In some most Asian countries women are undervalued and they never have the same . as men.
A. formality 	B. basis 	C. limit 	D. status
7.It is difficult to talk about the typical American because America is a large country with people from different ..and races.
	A. positions	B.backgrounds	C.families	D. communities
8.Santa Claus is thought to come in through the ..to give children present.
	A. window	B.main door	C.roof	D. chimney
9.On Christmas Eve, children think Santa Claus often puts presents in..for them while they are sleeping.
	A.pillows	B.drawers	C.stockings	D. fridge
10.The American idea success of has not changed much over the several centuries of its...
	A.exist 	B.existence	C.existance	D. existed
11.On the day he met his wife, he asked her out . a day.
	A. for 	B.on	C.about 	D. with
12.Programmes and materials downloaded from the Internet can help people ..their knowledge.
	A. open	B. strengthen	C. widen	D. lean
13.The voice ..technology allows the use of speaking electronic dictionaries.
	A.preparation 	B. recognition C. presentation 	D. location
14.To improve your listening, speaking pronunciation, practise online with speakers.
	A. tourist	B. teachers C. professor 	D. native
15.This laptop, .cover is decorated with funny animals, belongs to my aunt.
	A. that	B. whom	C. who	D. whose
16.People ..work involves using a computer for most of the day may suffer from headaches.
	A. that	B. whom	C. who	D. whose
17.Shakepeare, whose birthplace was in Straford-upon-Avon, was a famous 
	A.novelist	B.composer	C.playwright 	D. painter
18.Some people say that boys perform .worse than girls at school.
	A.bad	B.badder	C. worse 	D. worst
19.You frequently see this kind of violence on television.
A. a 	B. an 	C. the 	D. Ø
20. Listening to music is one of the ..ways to relax.
	A.popular	B. more popular 	C.most popular	D. B&C are correct
IV.Read the following passage and do the following task (2pts)
	1. Mobile technology can help students open the door to new horizons, making their learning flexible, and speedy. It is not difficult to understand why more and more schools are encouraging mobile learning in the classroom. Smartphones, tablets computers, e-readers, netbooks and laptops, etc, are gradually becoming great learning tools for students.
	2. Mobile devices make learning flexible (linh hoạt). School computer labs with desktops are wonderful but they are not handy (thuận tiện). Students can not use them in the school yard during the break time or in the school canteen while they wait for lunch. Mobile learning devices are different. They are light, portable and convenient. Students can carry these devices with them wherever they want and whenever they like.
	3. Mobile learning make learning speedy. Without having to leave the school building, students can instantly get information or materials necessary for their study. This can be done easily thanks to mobile devices with WiFi. The Internet brings the whole world into the classroom and it takes students just a few seconds to access this wonderful world of knowledge and information.
	4. Mobile technology is already here. It is up to each school to choose the time when they allow the use of mobile devices and the extent to which their ‘digital natives’ can take full advantage of these devices. Hopefully, they can make the right decision quickly to help broaden student’s learning opportunities both inside and outside of class.
1.Find the word in the passage which means: (0.5 pt)
a.line at which earth and sky appear to meet. 
b.easy to carry or to move
d.stimulating interest
a. make use of something to the fullest extent
2.Answer the following questions. (1.5 pts)
a. Why are more and more schools encouraging mobile learning in the classroom?
b.What will the decision on using mobile technology in learning help students?
c.How long does it take students to access knowledge and information?
3.Translate the second paragraph into Vietnamese. (1 pt)
V. Rewrite the following sentences begginning with the words (2 pts)
1.People should not pollute the environment.
	The environment	
2.What is the name of the boy. His father is the director of this company. 
	What is	?
3.Mount Everet is the highest mountain in the world.
	No mountain 	
4.They have never seen such beautiful landscape.
	This is the 	
Khối 10- Bài 1 –Học kỳ 2
I.Mục đích yêu cầu	
	-Kiểm tra những kiến thức đã học trong các bài theo phân phối chường trình.
	-Đánh gia về kết quả học của học sinh cũng như quá trình giảng dạy của giáo viên.
	-Có biện pháp điều chỉnh phương pháp giảng dạy để phù hợp đối tượng.
II.Các kiến thức và kỷ năng cần kiểm tra.
1.Kiến thức:
	a. Viết lại câu
	b.Chia dạng từ .
	c. Phát âm.
	d.Trăc nghiệm chung
	e.Đọc hiêu
	f.Viết câu dùng từ cho sẵn
2.Kỷ năng
3.Hình thức kiểm tra 
	-Trăc nghiệm
	-Tự luận.
III.Khung ma trận đề kiểm tra
Chủ đề
Nhận biết
(cấp độ 1) 
Thông hiểu (cấp độ 2)
Vận dụng
Cấp độ thấp
(cấp độ 3)
Cấp độ cao
(cấp độ 4)
a.Trăc nghiệm chung
Số câu: 10
Số điểm: 2.5
Số câu: 1
Số điểm: 0.25
Số câu: 1
Số điểm: 0.25
Số câu: 3
Số điểm: 0.75
Số câu: 22
Số điểm: 3.75
b. Phát âm
Số câu: 2
Số điểm: 0.5
Số câu: 1
Số điểm: 0.25
Số câu: 1
Số điểm: 0.25
Số câu: 1
Số điểm: 0.25
Số câu: 5
Số điểm: 1.25
d. Viết lại câu
Số câu: 2
Số điểm:1
Số câu:1
Số điểm: 0. 5
Số câu: 1
Số điểm: 0.5
Số câu: 0
Số điểm: 0
Số câu: 4
Số điểm: 2
e.Chia dạng từ
Số câu: 2
Số điểm:0.5
Số câu:1
Số điểm: 0.25
Số câu: 1
Số điểm: 0.25
Số câu: 0
Số điểm: 0
Số câu: 4
Số điểm: 1
f. Đọc hiêu
-Tìm từ đồng nghĩa
Số câu: 3
Số điểm: 0.3
Số câu: 1
Số điểm: 0.1
Số câu: 1
Số điểm: 0.1
Số câu: 
Số điểm: 0
Số câu: 5
Số điểm: 0.5
-Trả lời câu hỏi
Số câu: 1
Số điểm: 0.5
Số câu: 1
Số điểm: 0.5
Số câu: 0
Số điểm: 0
Số câu: 1
Số điểm: 0.5
Số câu: 3
Số điểm: 1.5
Số câu: 1
Số điểm: 1
Số câu: 1
Số điểm: 1
Khối 10-Bài 1
0 -≤ 3
3-≤ 5
5- ≤6.5
6.5- ≤ 8.0
8- ≤ 10
2.Rút kinh nghiệm
-Nhìn chung điểm tương đối đạt.
-Phần vận dụng điểm còn thấp.
-Để đạt điểm thì cần ra đề dễ hơn. 
Time allotted: 45 minutes
Student's name: ........................................................ Class: ............
Date of test : .. Date of correction: .
I.Circle the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest (0.75 pt)
1	A. depletion 	B.mobile	C.survival 	D. device
2.	A.confusing B.consumption	C.destruction	D.agriculture
3.	A. ecosystem B.smartphone	C.contaminate	D.promote
II.Choose the word that is stressed differently from the rest. (0.5 pt)
4.	A.activity	B.impact 	C. pollution	D.renewable
5.	A.environment	B.operation 	C.forestation 	D.vegetation 
III.Circle the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentence. (3.25pts)
6.A tablet is a kind of mobile computer that can be used to take notes with a special pen on a 
	a. touch screen	b. floppy disk	c. printer	 d. keyboard
7.Detailed information on how to do or use something is called an ..
	a. software	b. hardware 	c. instruction d.tool
8.Electronic devices help students communicate ..each other or relax when they are tired of learning.
	a.in	b.for	c.with 	 d. at
9.The WWF is a ..governmental organization with over 5 million supporters worldwide.
	a.multi- 	b. self- 	c.non- 	d.sub- 
10.Deforestation has led to the of rare animals, extreme floods and land erosion.
	a.appearance 	b.extinction 	c.prosperity 	d.potentiality 
11. ..is a complex set of relationships among the living resouces, habitats and residents of an area, including plants, trees, animals, fish, birds, etc.
	a.ecosystem 	b.vegetation 	c.pollutants 	d.pesticides
12.Environmental pollution needs to be taken care of as soon as possible, not only for the .of the environment but also for the people that live in it.
	a.sake 	b.role 	c. part 	d.purpose 
13.The .-term effects of soil pollution are contaminated vegetation and the decrease of soil fertility.
	a.short 	b.long 	c.far 	d.high 
14.There are too many poor people  do not have enough to eat in the world.
	a. whose 	b. whom	c. who 	d. which
15.Could you iron the trousers . are hanging up behind the door?

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