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Bài tập Sửa lỗi sai trong tiếng Anh - Ôn thi THPT Quốc gia
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction.
Pop Art was a movement of the 1950's and 1960's whom imagery was based on readily 
 A B C
recognized American products and people. 
Because the tachinid fly is a parasite of harmful insects, much species have been imported 
 A B C
into the United States to combat insect pests. 
 All almost the electricity for industrial use comes from large generators driven by steam 
 A B C D
The Egyptians first discovered that drying fruit preserved it, made it sweeter, and 
 A B C
improvement its flavor. 
During his twelve year there, Ellis Marsalis turned the New Orleans Center for the Creative
 A B 
Arts into a rich training place for future jazz stars. 
 C D
Algebra is the branch of mathematics concerned with operations on sets of numbers or other 
 A B
elements that are often represented at symbols. 
   C            D
As her focus changed, the love poetry that Edna St. Vincent Millay produced in the 1920's 
increasing gave way to poetry dealing with social injustice. 
When a pearl is cut in half and examined under a microscope, but its layers can be seen.
 A B C D
A conductor uses signals and gestures to let the musicians to know when to play various 
 A B C D
parts of a composition. 
If a glass lizard loses its tails, a new one grows to replace it. 
 Many of the recording instruments used in vary branches of science are kymographs.
 A B C D
It was near end of prehistoric times that the first wheeled vehicles appeared. 
 A B C D
Martin Luther King. Jr.'s magnificent speaking ability enabling him to effectively express
 A B C
the demands for social justice for Black Americans. 
Designers of athletic footwear finely tune each category of shoe to its particularly activity by
 A B C 
studying human motion and physiology. 
Gothic Revival architecture has several basis characteristics that distinguish it from other
 A B C D
nineteenth-century architectural styles.
Since rats are destructive and may carry disease, therefore many cities try to exterminate
 A B C D
In the United States among 60 percent of the space on the pages of newspapers is reserved
 A B C
for advertising. 
Recently in the automobile industry, multinational companies have developed to the point 
where such few cars can be described as having been made entirely in one country.
 B C D
Scientists believe that by altering the genetic composition of plants it is possible to develop
specimens that are resisting to disease and have increased food value
. B C D
The purpose of traveler's checks is to protect travelers from theft and accidental lost of 
 A B C D
The early periods of aviation in the United States was marked by exhibition flights made by 
 A B
individual fliers or by teams of performers at country fairs. 
 C D
The American anarchist Emma Goldman infused her spirited lectures, publishes, and 
demonstrations with a passionate belief in the freedom of the individual. 
 B C D
Being the biggest expanse of brackish water in the world, the Baltic Sea is of special
 A B C
interesting to scientists
. D
The main advertising media include direct mail, radio, television, magazines, and 
While studying the chemistry of human body, Dr. Rosalyn Yalow won a Nobel Prize for the 
 A B
research she conducted on the role of hormones. . 
   C D
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction
According to most psychological studies, body language expresses a speaker's emotions and 
 A B C
 attitudes, and it also tends to affect the emotions and attitudes of the listen.
The dachshund is a hardy, alert dog with a well sense of smell.
 A B C D
Quasars, faint celestial objects resembling stars, are perhaps the most distant objects know.
 A B C D
The importance of environmental stimuli in the development of coordination between
 A B
sensory input and motor response varies to species to species.
 C D
A smile can be observed, described, and reliably identify; it can also be elicited and 
 A B C
manipulated under experimental conditions
A musical genius, John Cage is noted for his highly unconventional ideas, and he respected
 A B C
for his unusual compositions and performances.
Chocolate is prepared by a complexity process of cleaning, blending, and roasting cocoa
 A B
beans, which must be ground and mixed with sugar.
 C D
Several million points on the human body registers either cold, heat, pain, or touch.
 A B C D
In the 1800's store owners sold everything from a needle to a plow, trust everyone, and
 A B C
never took inventory.
Although they reflect a strong social conscience, Arthur Miller's stage works are typical 
 A B
more concerned with individuals than with systems.
 C D
While highly prized for symbolizing good luck, the four-leaf clover is rarity found in nature.
An involuntary reflex, an yawn is almost impossible to stop once the mouth muscles begin 
 A B C
the stretching action.
Elected to serve in the United States House of Representatives in 1968, Shirley Chisholm 
was known for advocacy the interests of the urban poor.
 B C D
A mirage is an atmospheric optical illusion in what an observer sees a nonexistent body of 
 A B
water or an image of some object.
 C D
Turquoise, which found in microscopic crystals, is opaque with a waxy luster, varying in
 A B C
color from greenish gray to sky blue.
Homo erectus is the name commonly given into the primate species from which humans are
 A B C
believed to have evolved.
Today, modern textile mills can manufacture as much fabrics in a few seconds as it once
 A B
took workers weeks to produce by hand.
 C D
The Hopi, the westernmost tribe of Pueblo Indians, have traditionally lived large multilevel 
 A B C
structures clustered in towns.
Exploration of the Solar System is continuing, and at the present rate of progress all the
 A B
planets will have been contacted within the near 50 years.
 C D
Since their appearance on farms in the United States between 1913 and 1920, trucks have 
 A B C
changed patterns of production and market of farm products.
Antique collecting became a significant pastime in the 1800's when old object began to be
 A B C
appreciated for their beauty as well as for their historical importance.
American painter Georgia O'Keeffe is well known as her large paintings of flowers in which
 A B
single blossoms are presented as if in close-up.
 C D
Despite television is the dominant entertainment medium for United States households, 
Garrison Keillor's Saturday night radio show of folk songs and stories is heard by millions of 
 B C D
The work which the poet Emma Lazarus is best known is "The New Colossus," which is
 A B
inscribed on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty.
 C D
In the New England colonies, Chippendale designs were adapted to locally tastes, and 
 A B
beautiful furniture resulted.
 C D          
The Armory, Show held in New York in 1913, was a important exhibition of modern 
 A B C D
European art. 
Ripe fruit is often stored in a place who contains much carbon dioxide so that the fruit will 
not decay too rapidly.
In 1852 Massachusetts passed a law requiring all children from four to eighteen years of old 
 A B C D
to attend school. 
The main purpose of classifying animals is to show the most probable evolutionary 
 A B
relationship of the different species to each another. 
 C D 
Matthew C. Perry, a United States naval commander gained fame not in war and through 
 A B C
One of the most impressive collections of nineteenth-century European paintings in the 
 A B
Unites States can be found to the Philadelphia Museum of Art. 
 C D
There of every four migrating water birds in North American visits the Gulf of Mexico's 
 A B C
winter wetlands. 
Charleston, West Virginia, was named for Charles Clendenin, who son George acquired land 
 A B C
at the junction of the ELK and Kanawha rivers in 1787. 
Financier Andrew Mellon donated most of his magnificent art collection to the National 
 A B C
Gallery of Art, where it is now locating. 
Soil temperatures in Death Valley, California, near the Nevada border have been known to 
reach 90 of degrees Celsius
. D
When the Sun, Moon, and Earth are alignment and the Moon crosses the Earth's orbital 
 A B C
plane, a solar eclipse occurs. 
Mary Cassatt's paintings of mothers and children are known for its fine linear rhythm, simple 
 A B C
modelings, and harmonies of clear color. 
Plants synthesize carbohydrates from water and carbon dioxide with the aid of energy is 
 A B
derived from sunlight.
 C D 
The best American popular music balances a powerful emotions of youth with tenderness, 
 A B C
grace, and wit.
In the nineteenth century, women used quilts to inscribe their responses to social, economic, 
and politics issues. 
Fossils in 500-million-year-old rocks demonstrate that life forms in the Cambrian period
 A B
were mostly marine animals capability of secreting calcium to form shells. 
 C D
Rainbows in the shape of complete circles are sometimes seen from airplanes because they 
 A B
are not cutting off by the horizon. 
 C D
Hot at the equator causes the air to expand, rise, and flow toward the poles.
 A B C D
Although research has been ongoing since 1930, the existence of ESP-perception and 
 A B
communication without the use of sight, hear, taste, touch, or smell-is still disputed. 
 C D
As many as 50 percent of the income from motion pictures produced in the United States 
 A B
comes from marketing the films abroad. 
 C D
 Sleep is controlled by the brain and associated by characteristic breathing rhythms. 
 A B C D
The walls around the city of Quebec, which was originally a fort military, still stand, making 
 A B C
Quebec the only walled city in North America. 
The manufacture of automobile was extremely expensive until assembly-line techniques 
 A B C
made them cheaper to produce. 
The ballad is characterized by informal diction, by a narrative largely dependent on action 
 A B
and dialogue, by thematic intense, and by stress on repetition. 
 C D
Eleanor Roosevelt set the standard against which the wives of all United States Presidents 
 A B C 
since have evaluated. 
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction.
Gold or silver bullion serves into commerce as mediums of exchange all over the world.
 A B C D
Today's farmers have increased milk production greatly through improved methods of
 A B C
breeding, feeding, and manage dairy cattle. 
 Hypoglycemia is a condition in which a rapidly drop in blood sugar most often results from 
 A B C
an over-secretion of insulin from the pancreas. 
Newborn infants show a distinct preference for human voices over other sounds and also 
 A B 
prefer her own mothers' voices to the voices of strangers. 
 C D
The Chippewa and Santee Sioux of the Upper Mississippi River regional have used catlinite 
 A B
to produce carvings for almost 150 years. 
      C D
Absolutely nothing that floats, neither a corked bottle nor a 50,000-ton ships, can escape 
 A B C D
the effects of water currents. 
The Wright Brothers were owner of a bicycle shop, and they used a number of bicycle parts
 A B
to make the original motorized airplane. 
 C D
Gemstones are usually bright, color, opaque or transparent minerals found in the rocks of the 
 A B C D
The modern detective story, in which a detective solves a crime by discovering and 
 A B 
interpretation evidence, is considered to have originated with Edgar Allan Poe's "The
 C D
Murders in the Rue Morgue" in 1841.
The superintendent of women nurse for the Union Army during the Civil War was Dorothea 
 A B C D
Slow growth in the early 1900's, linked with rising unemployment, less spend, and meager 
business investments, led many experts to declare a recession.
Orchestrating musical works requires a understanding of the range and characteristics of 
 A B C
each instrument. 
The Canadian province of British Columbia is rich of minerals and, because over 50 percent 
of the land is covered with forests, lumbering is its major industry. 
 B C D
Each major styles of architecture emerged because new problems in building or challenges 
 A B
in design appeared for architects to resolve.
 C D
Much of the significant research related for the theory of numbers concerns the distribution 
 A B C D
of prime numbers. 
Lauren Bacall made her film debut in To Have and Have Not, starring together Humphrey 
 A B C
Bogart, who later became her husband. 
The black leopard is very dark that its spots are difficult to see. 
 A B C D
 On steep hillsides, tree roots bind to soil that might otherwise be washed away if heavy 
Carson McCullers was only 23 when she published her first novel, The Heart is a Lonely 
 A B
Hunter, for what she received much acclaim.
 C D
 Through the process of imprinting, the young of a species rapidly learn to recognize and 
 A B 
 follow other members of own species.
 C D
The invention of fresh metaphors today continues to make it possible the vivid expression of 
 A B C D
Proteins are made up of long, folded irregularly chains, the links of which are amino acids.
 A B C D
Although most species of small birds gather in groups at feeders provided by bird-watchers, 
the bright red cardinals usually appears alone or with its mate.
 B C D
The astronomy is the oldest science, but it continues to be at the forefront of scientific 
 A B C D
Henry David Thoreau was an American writer who is remembered for his faith in the 
 A B C
religious significance of the nature.
The firstly naval battle of the Revolutionary War was fought off the coast of Machias, Maine 
 A B C
in June 1775. 
The public ceremonies of the Plains Indians are lesser elaborate than those of the Navajo in 
 A B C
the Southwest
In some species of fish, such the three-spined stickleback, the male, not the female, 
 A B
performs the task of caring for the young. 
 C D
When she retires in September 1989, tennis champion Christine Evert was the most famous 
 A B C
woman athlete in the United States. 
The ancient Romans used vessels equipped with sails and banks of oars to transporting their 
Dinosaurs are traditionally classified as cold-blooded reptiles, but recent evidence based on 
 A B
eating habits, posture, and skeletal structural suggests some may have been warm-blooded.
 C D
Since the Great Depression of the 1930's, social programs such as Social Security have been 
built into the economy to help avert severity business declines.
 B C D
In the 1970's consumer activities succeeded in promoting laws that set safety standards for
 A B C
automobiles, children's clothing and a widely range of household products. 
Zoos in New Orleans, San Diego, Detroit, and the Bronx have become biological parks 
where animals roams free and people watch from across a moat.
 B C D
In human beings as in other mammal, hairs around the eyes and ears and in the nose prevent
 A B C
dust, insects, and other matter from entering these organs.
The Rocky Mountains were explored by fur traders during the early 1800's, in a decades 
 A B C
preceding the United States Civil War. 
The works of the author Herman Melville are literary creations of a high order, blending 
 A B
fact, fiction, adventure, and subtle symbolic. 
 C D
Each chemical element is characterized to the number of protons that an atom of that 
 A B C
element contains, called its atomic number. 
The body structure that developed in birds over millions of years is well designed for flight, 
 A B C
being both lightly in weight and remarkably strong. 
From 1905 to 1920, American novelist Edith Wharton was at the height of her writing career, 
A B 
publishing of her three most famous novels. 
 C D
In the early twentieth century, there was considerable interesting among sociologists in the 
fact that in the United States the family was losing its traditional roles.
 B C D
Although pure diamond is colorless and transparent, when contaminated with other material 
 A B
it may appear in various color, ranging from pastels to opaque black 
 C D
Comparative anatomy is concerned to the structural differences among animal forms. 
 A B C D
A seismograph records oscillation of the ground caused by seismic waves, vibrations that 
travel from its point of origin through the Earth or along its surface. 
 B C D
Electric lamps came into widespread use during the early 1900's and have replaced other 
type of fat, gas, or oil lamps for almost every purpose. 
 B C D
Located in Canada, the Columbia Ice-field covers area of 120 square miles and is 3,30 feet 
 A B
thick in some places. 
 C D
Composer Richard Rodgers and lyricist Oscar Hammerstein II brought to the musical 
Oklahoma extensive musical and theatrical backgrounds as well as familiar with the
 B C
traditional forms of operetta and musical comedy.
Because of its vast tracts of virtually uninhabited northern forest, Canada has one of the 
 A B C
lowest population density in the world.
Rice, which it still forms the staple diet of much of the world's population, grows best in hot, 
 A B C D
wet lands. 
Government money appropriated for art in the 1930's made possible hundreds of murals and 
 A B
 statues still admiration in small towns all over the United States. 
   C D
Margaret Mead studied many different cultures, and she was one of the first anthropologists 
 A B C
to photograph hers subjects.
Talc, a soft mineral with a variety of uses, sold is in slabs or in powdered form.
 A B C D
During the 1870's iron workers in Alabama proved they could produce iron by burning iron 
ore with coke, instead than with charcoal.
Geologists at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory rely on a number of instruments to studying 
 A B C D
the volcanoes in Hawaii.
Underlying aerodynamics and all other branches of theoretical mechanics are the laws of 
 A B C
motion who were developed in the seventeenth century.
Was opened in 1918, the Phillips Collection in Washington, D. C., was the first museum in 
 A B
the United States devoted to modern art.
 C D
A mortgage enables a person to buy property without paying for it outright; thus more people 
 A B C
are able to enjoy to own a house.
 Alike ethnographers, ethnohistorians make systematic observations, but they also gather 
 A B C
data from documentary and oral sources.
 Basal body temperature refers to the most lowest temperature of a healthy individual during 
 A B C D
waking hours.
Research in the United States on acupuncture has focused on it use in pain relief and 
 A B C D
The Moon's gravitational field cannot keep atmospheric gases from escape into space.
 A B C D
Although the pecan tree is chiefly value for its fruit, its wood is used extensively for 
 A B C D
flooring, furniture, boxes, and crates.
Born in Texas in 1890, Katherine Anne Porter produced three collection of short stories 
before publishing her well-known novel Ship of Fools in 1962.
 Insulation from cold, protect against dust and sand, and camouflage are among the functions 
 A B C D
of hair for animals.
The notion that students are not sufficiently involved in their education is one

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