600 Từ vựng Toeic

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600 Từ vựng Toeic
Ths. Trần Tớn Nghị Tel: 0906687662 Email: tinnghi@gmail.com 1 
WHY TOEIC? ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 
Lesson 1: Contracts - Hợp Đồng .................................................................................................................................. 4 
Lesson 2: Marketing - Nghiờn Cứu Thị Trường ............................................................................................................. 5 
Lesson 3: Warrranties - Sự Bảo Hành .......................................................................................................................... 6 
Lesson 4: Business Planning - Kế Hoạch Kinh Doanh .................................................................................................... 7 
Lesson 5: Conferences - Hội Nghị ................................................................................................................................ 8 
Lesson 6: Computers and the Internet - Mỏy Vi Tớnh và Mạng Internet........................................................................ 9 
Lesson 7: Office Technology - Cụng Nghệ Cho Cụng Sở .............................................................................................. 11 
Lesson 8: Office Procedures - Cỏc Quy Trỡnh Trong Cụng Sở ...................................................................................... 12 
Lesson 9: Electronics - Điện Tử .................................................................................................................................. 13 
Lesson 10: Correspondence - Thư Tớn Thương Mại .................................................................................................... 14 
Lesson 11: Job Ads & Recruitment - Quảng Cỏo Tỡm Người & Tuyển Dụng................................................................. 15 
Lesson 12: Apply and Interviewing - Ứng Tuyển và Phỏng Vấn .................................................................................. 17 
Lesson 13: Hiring and Training - Tuyển Dụng & Đào Tạo ............................................................................................ 18 
Lesson 14: Salaries & Benefits - Lương & Cỏc Chế Độ Đói Ngộ ................................................................................... 19 
Lesson 15: Promotions, Pensions & Awards - Thăng Chức, Lương Hưu & Thưởng ..................................................... 20 
Lesson 16: Shopping - Mua sắm ................................................................................................................................ 21 
Lesson 17: Ordering Supplies - Đặt Hàng ................................................................................................................... 22 
Lesson 18: Shipping - Vận Chuyển Hàng .................................................................................................................... 24 
Lesson 19: Invoices - In Húa Đơn ............................................................................................................................... 25 
Lesson 20: Inventory - Hàng Húa / Kiểm Kờ Hàng Húa ............................................................................................... 26 
Lesson 21: Banking - Ngõn Hàng ................................................................................................................................ 27 
Lesson 22: Accounting - Kế Toỏn ............................................................................................................................... 29 
Lesson 23: Investments - Sự Đầu Tư .......................................................................................................................... 30 
Lesson 24: Taxes - Thuế............................................................................................................................................. 31 
Lesson 25: Financial Statements - Bản Bỏo Cỏo Tài Chớnh .......................................................................................... 32 
Lesson 26: Property & Departments - Bất Động Sản & Căn Hộ .................................................................................. 33 
Lesson 28: Quality Control - Ban Quản Lý Chất Lượng ............................................................................................... 35 
Lesson 29: Product Development - Phỏt Triển Sản Phẩm ........................................................................................... 36 
Ths. Trần Tớn Nghị Tel: 0906687662 Email: tinnghi@gmail.com 2 
Lesson 30: Renting & Leasing - Thuờ & Cho Thuờ ...................................................................................................... 37 
Lesson 31: Selecting A Restaurant - Chọn Lựa Nhà Hàng ........................................................................................... 38 
Lesson 32: Eating Out - Ăn Bờn Ngoài ........................................................................................................................ 40 
Lesson 33: Ordering Lunch - Đặt Ăn Trưa .................................................................................................................. 41 
Lesson 34: Cooking As A Career - Nghề Nấu Ăn ......................................................................................................... 42 
Lesson 35: Events - Sự Kiện ....................................................................................................................................... 43 
Lesson 36: General Travel - Du Lịch Tổng Quan ......................................................................................................... 45 
Lesson 37: Airlines - Đường / Hảng Hàng Khụng ........................................................................................................ 46 
Lesson 38: Trains - Tàu Điện ...................................................................................................................................... 47 
Lesson 39: Hotels - Khỏch Sạn ................................................................................................................................... 48 
Lesson 40: Car Rentals - Thuờ Xe Hơi ......................................................................................................................... 49 
Lesson 41: Movies - Phim .......................................................................................................................................... 51 
Lesson 42: Theater - Rạp Hỏt ..................................................................................................................................... 52 
Lesson 43: Music - Âm Nhạc ...................................................................................................................................... 53 
Lesson 44: Museums - Bảo Tàng................................................................................................................................ 54 
Lesson 45: Media - Truyền Thụng .............................................................................................................................. 55 
Lesson 46: Doctor's Office - Văn Phũng Bỏc Sĩ ........................................................................................................... 57 
Lesson 47: Dentist's Office - Văn Phũng Nha Sĩ .......................................................................................................... 58 
Lesson 48: Health - Sức Khỏe .................................................................................................................................... 59 
Lesson 49: Hopitals - Bệnh Viện ................................................................................................................................ 60 
Lesson 50: Pharmacy - Ngành Dược .......................................................................................................................... 61 
Ths. Trần Tớn Nghị Tel: 0906687662 Email: tinnghi@gmail.com 3 
Trước xu thế nhà tuyển dụng ngày càng ưu tiờn sử dụng TOEIC để chuẩn húa và nõng cao 
năng lực đội ngũ nhõn viờn, cỏc trường học và cơ sở đào tạo cũng đặt ra yờu cầu chuẩn húa trỡnh 
độ tiếng Anh đầu ra cho sinh viờn để đỏp ứng nhu cầu của xó hội về nguồn nhõn lực. Chớnh vỡ vậy 
tại Việt Nam hiện nay đó cú 127 trường đại học, cao đẳng, trung cấp nghề đang sử dụng TOEIC 
làm chuẩn đầu ra cho sinh viờn tốt nghiệp. Để đỏnh giỏ khỏch quan và chớnh xỏc năng lực sử 
dụng tiếng Anh của sinh viờn cỏc trường thường ưu tiờn sử dụng chứng chỉ TOEIC. TOEIC (Test 
of English in International Communication – do Viện Khảo thớ Giỏo dục Hoa Kỳ (ETS) nghiờn cứu 
và phỏt triển) làm chuẩn đỏnh giỏ đầu ra cho sinh viờn. 
Trong quỏ trỡnh cỏc trường ỏp chuẩn TOEIC và phấn đấu để sinh viờn tốt nghiệp đạt 
chuẩn, thậm chớ vượt chuẩn, cỏc giỏo viờn tiếng Anh nắm giữ vai trũ quan trọng. Để giỳp cho cỏc 
sinh viờn của mỡnh đạt kết quả cao trong kỳ thi TOEIC, ngoài việc tỡm kiếm cỏc tài liệu hữu ớch, cải 
tiến phương phỏp giảng dạy, giỏo viờn cũn cần nắm vững và truyền đạt lại cho sinh viờn về cấu 
trỳc bài thi TOEIC, cỏch ghi điểm, tiờu chớ chấm điểm của ETS cũng như cỏch thức làm bài để 
được điểm cao 
Với mụi trường học tập mang tớnh tương tỏc cao, cỏc khúa học Hi TOEIC sẽ cung cấp cho 
học viờn cỏc kiến thức, kỹ năng từ cơ bản đến chuyờn sõu để chinh phục bài thi TOEIC, bồi 
dưỡng và nõng cao từ vựng, ngữ phỏp, đặc biệt phương phỏp Nghe hiểu trờn cơ sở đú phỏt huy 
tối đa năng lực sinh viờn nhằm giỳp sinh viờn chuẩn bị sẵn sàng cho kỳ thi TOEIC. Tỡm hiểu và 
đăng kớ cỏc lớp tại đại chỉ: www.facebook.com/hiTOEIC 
Chỳc cỏc bạn thành cụng! 
Ths. Trần Tớn Nghị Tel: 0906687662 Email: tinnghi@gmail.com 4 
Lesson 1: Contracts - Hợp Đồng 
1. abide by /ə'baid/ to accept and act according to a law, an agreement 
(v): Tuõn theo, chịu theo 
Example: You'll have to abide by the rules of the club 
2. agreement /ə'gri:mənt/ an arrangement, a promise or a contract made with somebody 
(n): Sự thỏa thuận 
Example: They have a free trade agreement with Australia 
3. assurance /ə'ʃuərəns/ 
a statement that something will certainly be true or will certainly happen 
(n): Sự bảo đảm, chắc chắn 
Example: They called for assurances that the govement is committed to its education policy 
4. cancellation /,kổnse'leiʃn/ a decision to stop something that has already been arranged from 
(n): Sự hủy bỏ, sự bói bỏ 
Example: We need at least 24 hours' notice of cancellation 
5. determine /di'tə:min/ to discover the facts about something 
(v): Xỏc định, định rừ 
Example: An inquiry was set up to determine the cause of the accident 
6. engage /in'geidʤ/ to become involved in, to participate 
(v): Tham gia, cam kết 
Example: Before engaging a business, it is important to do thorough research 
7. establish /is'tổbliʃ/ to start or create an organization, a system 
(v): Thành lập 
Example: The committee was established in 1912 
8. obligate /'ɔbligeit/ to bind legally or morally 
(v): Bắt buộc, ộp buộc 
Example: The contractor was obligated by the contract to work 40 hours a week 
9. party /'pɑ:ti/ one of the people or groups of people involved in a legal agreemen 
(n): Bờn tham gia (hợp đồng) 
Example: The contract can be terminated by either party with three months' notice 
10. provision /provision/ a condition or an arrangement in a legal document 
(n): Sự quy định, điều khoản 
Example: Under the provisions of the lease, the tenant is responsible for repairs 
Ths. Trần Tớn Nghị Tel: 0906687662 Email: tinnghi@gmail.com 5 
11. resolve /ri'zɔlv/ to find an acceptable solution to a problem 
(v, n): (v) giải quyết, (n) sự kiờn quyết / sự tin chắc 
Example: Attempts are being made to resolve the problem of security in schools 
12. pecific /spi'sifik/ detailed abd exact 
(adj): Cụ thể, chi tiết 
Example: I gave you specific instructions. 
Lesson 2: Marketing - Nghiờn Cứu Thị Trường 
1. attract /ə'trổkt/ to draw by appeal 
(v): Hấp dẫn, lụi cuốn 
Example: I had always been attracted by the idea of working abroad 
2. compare /kəm'peə/ to examine people or things to see how they are similar and how they are 
(v): So sỏnh 
Example: It is interesting to compare their situation and ours 
3. competition /,kɔmpi'tiʃn/ use something, especially fue;, engergy or time 
(v): Sự cạnh tranh, cuộc thi đấu 
Example: The electricty industry consumes large amounts of fossil fuels 
4. consume /kən'sju:m/ to use something, especially fuel, engery or time 
(v): Tiờu dựng, sử dụng 
Example: The electricty industry consumes large amounts of fossil fuels 
5. convince /kən'vins/ to make somebody / yourselft believe that something is true 
(v): Thuyết phục 
Example: You will need to convince them of your enthusiasm for the job 
6. currently /ˈkʌrəntli/ at the present time 
(adv): Hiện thời, hiện nay 
Example: The hourly charge is currently Ê35. 
7. fad /fổd/ something that people are interested in for only a short period of time. 
(n): Mốt nhất thời 
Example: Rap music proved to be more than just a passing fad. 
8. inspiration /,inspə'reiʃn/ a thing or person that arouses a feeling 
(n): Nguồn cảm hứng 
Example: Dreams can be a rich source of inspiration for an artist. 
Ths. Trần Tớn Nghị Tel: 0906687662 Email: tinnghi@gmail.com 6 
9. market /'mɑ:kit/ to advertise and offer a product for sale 
(v): Quảng cỏo 
Example: It is marketed as a low-alcohol wine. 
10. persuasion /pə'sweiʤn/ the power to influence, a deep conviction or belief. 
(n): Sự thuyết phục, sự tin chắc 
Example: She has great powers of persuasion. 
11. productive /prəˈdʌktɪv/ making goods or growing crops. 
(adj): Năng suất 
Example: The aim was to maximize the machine's productive capacity. 
12. satisfaction /,sổtis'fổkʃn/ the good feeling that you have when you have achieved something 
(n): sự vừa lũng, sự thỏa món 
Example: She looked back on her career with great satisfaction. 
Lesson 3: Warrranties - Sự Bảo Hành 
1. characteristic /,kổriktə'ristik/ very typical of something or of somebody's character. 
(adj, n): (adj) đặc thự, (n) nột đặc trưng 
Example: She spoke with characteristic enthusiasm. 
2. consequence /'kɔnsikwəns/ a result of something that has happened 
(n): Hậu quả, kết quả 
Example: This decision could have serious consequencces for the industry 
3. consider /kən'sidə/ to think about something carefully 
(v): Cõn nhắc, suy nghĩ 
Example: I would like some time to consider 
4. cover /'kʌvə/ to include something; to deal with something 
(v): Bao bọc, bao gồm 
Example: The survey covers all aspects of the business. 
5. expiration /,ekspaiə'reiʃn/ an ending of the period of time when an official document can be used 
(n): Sự món hạn, hết hiệu lực 
Example: The license can be renewed on expiration (=expiry) 
6. frequently /ˈfriːkwəntli/ often 
(adv): thường xuyờn 
Example: Buses run frequently between the city and the airport 
7. imply /im'plai/ to suggest that something is true without saying so directly 
(v): Ngụ ý, núi búng 
Ths. Trần Tớn Nghị Tel: 0906687662 Email: tinnghi@gmail.com 7 
Example: Are you implying (that) I am wrong ? 
8. promise /promise/ to tell somebody that you will definitely do or not do something 
(v): (n) lời hứa, (v) hứa 
Example: The college principal promised to look into the matter. 
9. protect /protect/ to make sure that somebody / something is not harmed, injured 
(v): Bảo vệ 
Example: Troops have been sent to protect aid workers against attack. 
10. reputation /,repju:'teiʃn/ the opinion that people have about what s.b/s.th is like, based on what 
has happened in the past 
(n): Sự nổi tiếng, danh tiếng 
Example: She soon acquired a reputation as a first-class cook 
11. require /ri'kwaiə/ to need something; to depend on s.b / s.th 
(v): Yờu cầu 
Example: These pets require a lot of care and attention. 
12. variety /və'raiəti/ different sorts of the same thing 
(n): Sự đa dạng 
Example: There is a wide variety of patterns to choose from 
Lesson 4: Business Planning - Kế Hoạch Kinh Doanh 
1. address /ə'dres/ a formal speech that ớ made in front of an audience 
(n,v): (n) bài diễn văn; (v) trỡnh bày 
Example: There will be a televised presidential address tonight 
2. avoid /ə'vɔid/ to prevent something bad from happening 
(v): Trỏnh, ngăn ngừa 
Example: The acident could have been avoided 
3. demonstrate /'demənstreit/ to show something clearly by giving proof or evidence 
(v): Chứng minh, giải thớch 
Example: These results demonstrade convincingly that our campaign is working 
4. develop /di'veləp/ to gradually grow or become bigger, more advanced 
(v): Phỏt trển, mở rộng 
Example: The child is developing normally 
5. evaluate /i'vổljueit/ to form an opinion of amount, value or quality of something 
(v): Định giỏ, đỏnh giỏ 
Ths. Trần Tớn Nghị Tel: 0906687662 Email: tinnghi@gmail.com 8 
Example: Our research attemps to evaluate the effectiveness of the different drugs 
6. gather /'gổðə/ to come together, or bring people together 
(v): Tổng kết, thu thập 
Example: His supporters gathered in the main square 
7. offer /'ɔfə/ to say that you are willing to do something for somebody 
(n,v): (n) lời đề nghị; (v) đề nghị 
Example: He offered some useful advice 
8. primarily /'praimərili/ mainly 
(adv): Trước hết, chủ yếu 
Example: The report is primarily concerned with aircraft safety 
9. risk /rɪsk/ the possibility of something bad happening at some time in the future 
(n): Rủi ro 
Example: Smoking can increase the risk of developing heart disease 
10. strategy /ˈstrổtədʒi/ a plan that is intended to achieve a particular purpose 
(n): Chiến lược 
Example: It is all part of an overall strategy to gain promotion 
11. strong /strɔɳ/ having a lot of physical power 
(adj): Bền, vững, chắc chắn 
Example: He is strong enough to lift a car! 
12. substitution /,sʌbsti'tju:ʃn/ to take the place of somebody / something else 
(n): Sự thay thế 
Example: Nothing can substitute for the advice your doctor is able to give you 
Lesson 5: Conferences - Hội Nghị 
1. accommodate /ə'kɔmədeit/ to provide somebody with a room or place to sleep, live or sit 
(v): Điều tiết, cung cấp (ăn, ở...) 
Example: The hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests 
2. arrangement /ə'reindʤmənt/ a plan or preparation that you make so that something 
(n): Sự tổ chức, sắp xếp 
Example: I'll make a arrangements for you to be met at the airport 
3. association /ə,sousi'eiʃn/ an officcial group of people who have joined together for a particular 
(n): Sự liờn hợp, hội liờn hiệp, đoàn thể 
Ths. Trần Tớn Nghị Tel: 0906687662 Email: tinnghi@gmail.com 9 
Example: Do you belong to any professional or trade associations ? 
4. attend /ə'tend/ to be present at an even 
(v): tham dự, chỳ tõm 
Example: The meeting was attended by 90% of shareholders. 
5. get in touch (Vp) to communicate / contact with somebody 
(v): Giữ liờn lạc với 
Example: I'm trying to get in touch with Jane. Do you have her number? 
6. hold /hould/ to have a meeting 
(v): tiến hành, dàn xếp 
Example: It's impossible to hold a conversation with all this noise 
7. location /lou'keiʃn/ a place where something happens or exists 
(n): địa chỉ, vị trớ 
Example: What is the exact location of the ship? 
8. overcrowded /

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