2 Đề kiểm tra 1 tiết số 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 (Thí điểm)

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2 Đề kiểm tra 1 tiết số 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 (Thí điểm)
Name: ______________________	 	45-MINUTE TEST 
Class : 10A	 SUBJECT: ENGLISH 10 (Odd number) 
LISTENING (2,5 points)
1 – What have they forgotten?
A. tickets	B. a camera	C. passports
2 – What time does the train go?
A. a quarter past six. 	B. ten to seven. 	C. ten past six.
3 – Where is the room 22?
A. on the 1st door on the right	B. on the 2nd door on the left	C. on the 2nd door on the right. 
4 – Which man want to see him?
	A. The man with glasses.	B. the man wearing a hat	C. the man cutting grasses 
5 – How did the woman get to work?
A. by bus. 	B. by car	C. by bicycle 
Part 2. Listen to the passage and fill in the missing words or phrases for the gaps
 Vitamin A comes mainly from (1) ____________, butter, cheese, fish and green vegetables. It is very important for healthy (2) ___________ and teeth as well as for normal growth of the human body. Lack of it may (3) ____ skin troubles and bad (4) _______________. And our resistance to (5) ______________ may be lowered accordingly.
	Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences
 1. I ______ Texas State University now.
	A. am attending	B. attend	C. was attending	D. attended
2. I think it __________, the sky is so cloudy.
A. is raining	B. rains	C. is going to rain	D. will rain
3. The nurse _______ her parents every day.	
A. visits 	B. is visiting 	C. will visit 	D. visited
4. ____________ are food and other goods sold at a shop or a supermarket.
Chickens	B. Groceries.	C. Breadwinners	D. Finances
5. The food ___________ down in the digestive system.
breaks.	B. broke.	C. is broken.	D. is breaking.
6. To __________________ is to stop doing something harmful that you have done for a long time.
do exercise.	B. moderate.	C. eat an apple 	D. kick a habit 
7. An: Sorry, I’ve got to go. Talk you later. 	~ Binh: __________________________.
A. Good morning	 B. Thank you for listening. 	 C. Good bye.	D. Don’t worry. You’re welcome
8. Hoa: It’s so hot today. I am dying of thirst. 	~ Giang: Ok. I ___________ something to drink.
A. am getting	B. will get	C. am going to get	D. have got
9. All the grocery shops ______________ carefully everyday to avoid dirty food.
A. check	B. are checking	C. should be checked	D. have checked
10. Jane: I’m sorry, I can’t come to your birthday party next week. Thanks anyway.
John: _________________________________
A. Are you sure?	B. Never mind, it’s not your job. 	C. It’s my pleasure. 	D. Yes, Why not?
READING (2.5 points)
Part 1. Look at the signs or the messages then choose the best answer.
1. 	A. Do not leave your bicycle touching the window.
B. Do not ride your bicycle in this area.
C. Broken glass may damage your bicycle tyres.
2. 	A. A pizza costs £ 4.00
B. Everybody has to pay at least £4.00 between 12:30 and 2pm.
C. No pizzas are served between 12:30 and 2 pm.
Open daily 10-6
(except Mondays)
3. 	 A. Shop is open on June 10th.
B. You can buy goods in this shop on Mondays only.
C. You can shop here six days a week. 
4.	 A. Telephone her sister.	
B. Write to her sister.	
C. Send her sister an email.
Shoes repaired while you wait
5. 	A. You have to wait for a long time. 	
B. We have repaired the shoes.
C. We work quickly.
Part 2. Read the passage below and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question.
 	When I was younger, I hated being the eldest child and the only girl in my family. But now I am older, I realize that being 'Big Sister' actually has its advantages. First of all, I get special treatment from my parents and brothers. I get my own room, and brothers have to do all the heavy work around the house. Another benefit is that, being the eldest, I have learned to be responsible and dependable. For example, my parents often leave my brothers in my care when they go out. I also try my best in whatever I do in order to be a good example for my brothers. The experience I've had in taking care of my brothers has prepared me for my own family in the future. So, even though I didn't choose to be the eldest child and the only girl in my family, I have succeeded in making this situation work to my best advantage. 
6. The writer disliked........ when she was younger.
 	A. having too many brothers in her family	 B. being the eldest child and the only girl in her family
 	C. being the only child in her family	 D. getting special treatment from her parents and brothers 
7. ‘Big Sister' means...... 
 	A. the only child	B. the biggest sister	C. the eldest sister 	D. the oldest person
8. She has to........when her parents go out.
 	A. look after her brothers 	B. cook every meal
 	C. do heavy work around the house 	D. lay the table for dinners
9. She has........in making the situation work to her best advantage. 
 	A. liked 	B. failed	C. chosen 	D. succeeded 
10. When the writer grows up, she finds jt is ...... to be a big sister.
 	A. boring 	B. enjoyable	C. unacceptable 	D. miserable
WRITING (2.5 points)
Part 1. Rewrite the sentences without changing their meaning
1. The police have arrested five suspects.
2. The teacher returned our written work to us.
Part 2. Do you often help with the household chores? In about 80-100 words, write a paragraph about the chores you like doing and dislike doing and give the reasons to explain your ideas.
Name: ______________________	45-MINUTE TEST 
Class : 10A	 SUBJECT: ENGLISH 10 (even number) 
LISTENING (2,5 points). Listen to the conversations and choose the best answer. 
1 – What have they forgotten?
A. tickets	B. a camera	C. passports
2 – What time does the train go?
A. a quarter past six. 	B. ten to seven. 	C. ten past six.
3 – Where is the room 22?
A. on the 1st door on the right	B. on the 2nd door on the left	C. on the 2nd door on the right. 
4 – Which man want to see him?
	A. The man with glasses.	B. the man wearing a hat	C. the man cutting grasses 
5 – How did the woman get to work?
A. by bus. 	B. by car	C. by bicycle 
Part 2. Listen to the passage and fill in the missing words or phrases for the gaps
 Vitamin A comes mainly from (1) ____________, butter, cheese, fish and green vegetables. It is very important for healthy (2) ___________ and teeth as well as for normal growth of the human body. Lack of it may (3) ____ skin troubles and bad (4) _______________. And our resistance to (5) ______________ may be lowered accordingly.
	Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences
 1. My sister _____________ an English course in Oxford University at the moment.
	A. is attending	B. attends	C. was attending	D. attended
2. I think that woman ____________ her clothes as she is filling the water in all those buckets.
A. is washing	B. washes	C. is going to wash	D. will wash
3. She ___________ to visit my parents once a week.	
A. comes 	B. is coming 	C. will come 	D. came
4. ____________ is an action that requires physical strength.
Chore	B. Laundry.	C. Heavy lifting	D. Cooking meals
5. Our body __________ up of around 7 octillion atoms.
is made.	B. made.	C. makes.	D. is making.
6. To __________________ is to go to bed later than usual.
do exercise.	B. wait to sleep	C. stay up 	D. oversleep 
7. An: Thank you very much for helping me with the heavy bags. 	~ Binh: __________________________.
A. Good morning	 B. Thank you for listening. 	 C. Good bye.	D. It’s my pleasure
8. Hoa: How stuffy is it in this room!. 	~ Giang: Ok. I ___________ the windows.
A. am opening	B. will open	C. am going to open	D. have opened
9. These apples ___________ carefully before we serve our guests.
A. wash	B. are washing	C. should be washed	D. have washed
10. Jane: Well, It’s been nice talking with you. But I must go now, catch you later.
John: Ok,_________________________________
A. Are you sure?	B. See you later. 	C. You’re welcome. 	D. Thanks anyway.
READING (2.5 points)
Police Notice Road closed
Part 1. Look at the signs or the messages then choose the best answer.
1. 	A. You can’t drive this way.
B. Divers can drive this way.
C. Only police can’t drive this way.
Adults £ 2.50
Under 12s FREE
2. 	A. After 12.00, adults do not have to pay.
B. Children do not have to pay.
C. Adults who are under 12 years old have lots of free money.
3. 	A. If you travel without a ticket you may have to pay £ 10 later.
B. The price of a ticket is £ 10.
C. If you don’t have a ticket, you will have to pay £10 on the spot. 
4.	A. Be careful when you stand up.	
B. Never mind with your head.	
I got to the hotel really late, had car trouble. Everything is Ok now. I’ll relax a bit today, then do some shopping tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday. 
Lots of love,
C. Don’t forget to bring your brain.
5. 	A. Lenny has to go back tomorrow. 	
B. Lenny is going on holiday on Sunday.
C. Lenny had a difficult day.
Part 2. Read the passage below and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question.
 Mrs. Sand was having a lot of trouble with her skin, so she went to her doctor about it. However the doctor could not find anything wrong with her, so he sent her to the local hospital for some tests. The hospital, of course, sent the results of the tests direct to Mrs. Sand’s doctor, and the next morning he telephoned her to give her a list of the things that he thought she should not eat, as any of them might be the cause of her skin trouble. 
Mrs. Sand carefully wrote all the things down on a piece of paper, which she then left beside the telephone while she went out to a ladies' meeting. 
When she got back home a couple of hours later, she found her husband waiting for her. He had a big basket full of packages beside him, and when he saw her, he said, "Hello, sweetheart. I have done all your shopping for you." 
"Done all my shopping?" she asked in surprise. "But how did you know what I wanted?" 
"Well, when I got home I found your shopping list beside the telephone," answered her husband, "so I went down to the shops and bought everything you had written down." 
Of course, Mrs. Sand had to tell him that he had bought all the things the doctor did not allow her to eat! 
1. The story is mainly about ____________. 
 A. Mrs. Sand's skin trouble 	B. Mrs. Sand's husband’s care for her 
 C. her husband's carelessness 	D. her husband's misunderstanding 
2. Her doctor sent her to the local hospital because ____________. 
 A. she was not his patient 
 B. the medical tests there would tell him exactly what her problem was 
 C. the hospital would take good care of her thanks to the tests 
 D. hers was a very serious case 
3. The ladies' meeting lasted ____________. 
 A. the whole morning 	B. exactly two hours 	C. less than two hours 	D. more than two hours 
4. Perhaps when Mrs. Sand left for the meeting, her husband ____________. 
 A. was working in the garden 	B. was in the bathroom 
 C. was somewhere in the house 	D. was out at work 
5. Mrs. Sand's husband bought all the things on the list because ____________. 
 A. he wanted to help his wife with the shopping 	B. he wanted to buy what she was not allowed to eat 
 C. he had nothing to do when he got home 	D. he himself liked them very much
WRITING (2.5 points)
Part 1. Complete these sentences
1. They have built a new sport center near my school .
2. We handed in our essay last weekend.
Part 2. How do you share the household chores? In about 80-100 words, write a paragraph about the chores you like doing and dislike doing and give the reasons to explain your ideas.

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