2 Đề kiểm tra 1 tiết lần 3 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 (Cơ bản) - Năm học 2014-2015

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2 Đề kiểm tra 1 tiết lần 3 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 (Cơ bản) - Năm học 2014-2015
Mã đề: 901
 Đề chính thức MÔN TIẾNG ANH 10 (CB), BÀI SỐ 3 
Họ tên: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lớp: 10A1
There are incomplete sentences. Circle A, B, C or D as your best choice to complete each sentence.(2.5ps)
1. In this National Park, visitors can study butterflies, visit cases, and hike mountains. 
	A. explore 	B. go by train	C. go for a long walk 	D. go riding
2. We can't clean up our ________ rivers and seas overnight. 
	A. pulluted	B. pullution	C. pollute 	D. polluting
3. The mail ________ by Tom every day . 
	A. is being delivered	B. delivers	C. was delivered	D. is delivered 
4. If I were offered the job, I think I________ it. 
	A. would take 	B. would have taken	C. will be taken 	D. will take 
5. Sperm whales and sharks are carnivores.
	A. animals that live in the sea	B. animals that only eat plants
	C. fish that aren't born from eggs	D. animals that eat meat
6. How many offsprings does a sperm whale usually have?
	 A. eggs 	B. mammals	C. babies	 D. diets
7. The roads in our town _________now.
	A. were widened 	B. have been widened 	
	C. are being widened 	D. were being widened
8. Lan: “ Congratulations!” 
 	A. What a pity!	B. Thank you	
C. I’m sorry	D. You are welcome
9. David : “ Jame is a very brave man”
 Bob: “ Yes, I wish I________his encourage”
 	A. had	B. will have	C. have had	D. have
10. Mary didn't wear the raincoat, so she got a cold. 
A. If Mary wore the raincoat, she wouldn't get a cold.
B. If Mary had worn the raincoat, she didn't get a cold. 
C. If Mary had worn the raincoat, she wouldn't have got a cold. 
D. If Mary has worn the raincoat, she won't have got a cold. 
Reading 1. (2 ps)
	Dolphins are mammals, not fish. They are warm blooded like man, and give birth, to one baby, called a calf, at a time. At brith, a bottle-nose dolphin calf is about 90-130 cms long and will grow to approximately 4 metres, living up to 40 years.
	They are highly sociable animals, living in groups, called pods, which are fairly fluid, with dolphins from other pods interacting with each other from time to time. Dolphins carry their young inside their womb for about 12 months. The baby is born tail first, and its mother will feed the calf for up to 2 years. However, the calf will stay with its mother for between 3 and 6 years, during which time it will learn all about feeding techniques, social interaction and group hunting. 
Trang 1, mã đề 901
1. What are dolphins ? 
	A. Dolphins are fish. 	B. Dolphins are reptiles.	
C. Dolphins are softs. 	D. Dolphins are mammals. 
2. How long does a dolphin calf stay with its mother ? 
A. 2 years B. 40 years 	C. 3 - 6 years D. 30 years 
3. The word “womb” in line 6 is closest in meaning to
A. bag 	B. can 	C. organ	 D. bottle
4. All of the following are true about dolphins except
A. they are warm blooded 	B. they live in groups
C. they give birth 	D. they let the calves live alone.
Reading 2. (0,5 ps)
Choose the best interpretation for the sign/ picture
Parking space for station users only
 	A. You must pay to park here
B. If you use the train you can park here
C. This space is for railway officials
D. No one is allowed to park here
Writing 1. Rewite each sentence, beginning as shown so that the meaning stays the same (1,5 ps)
1. He is busy right now, so he can’t help them.
- If . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. I couldn’t buy that shirt because I didn’t have enough money.
- If . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. Nobody has found the flight MH 370.
- The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Imagine you are Lan, write an excepting email to response this email (1,5 ps)
Dear Lan,
Next Sunday, on 8 Mar, my class are going to visit Cat Tien National Park. We will start at 7am at our school.
Are you free to go with me?
Please let me know if you could go soon.
Trang 2, mã đề 901
Listen to questions about travel and choose the best answer.
1. Yes, very much 
 Very much, thanks.
2. 	 For about six weeks.
 Yes, I will.
3. 	 Not really.
 Until June.
4. 	 Yes, I did.
 To Madrid.
5. 	 Last week.
 Not yet.
6. 	 Not yet.
 No, I didn’t.
7. 	 Yes, I was.
 About a month.
8. 	 It was great.
 Yes, I did.
- The end –
Trang 3, mã đề 901
Mã đề: 892
 Đề chính thức MÔN TIẾNG ANH 10 (CB), BÀI SỐ 3 
Họ tên: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lớp: 10A1
There are incomplete sentences. Circle A, B, C or D as your best choice to complete each sentence.(2.5ps)
1. Some marine animals are dangerous to humans.
	A. living in the mountain	B. living in the ocean
	C. living in the forest	D. living in the house
2. Water can be held on the land by vegetation.
	 A. plants used as food	B. grown trees 
	 C. the growth of plants 	D. plants and trees
3. Cuc Phuong National Park is ______________ 160 km south west of Ha Noi.	
 A. lied 	B. established 	C. abandoned	D. located
4. We visited the National Park and enjoyed different species of fauna
 A. animals	B. flowers	C. trees	D. fish
5. I haven’t got money, so I’m not going on holiday
A. Having no money made me go on holiday.	
B. Not having money on my holiday got me down.
C. If I have money, I’ll go on holiday.	
D. If I had money, I would go on holiday.
6. The building _________ next year.
A. is going to complete 	B. will be completed 
C. has been completed 	D. was completed
7. English ____________ all over the world.
A. speaks 	B. is speak 	C. spoken 	D. is spoken
8. If I ________ you, I would study harder.
A. am	B. were 	C. had been 	D. been
9. Mai: “Happy birthday! This is a small present for you”
 	 A. What a pity	B. How beautiful it is! Thanks 
	 C. Have a good time	D. How terrible!
10. Peter : “ How do you go to school?”
 Mary: “”
 	A. I go there early	B. Everyday, except Sunday	
	C. I don’t think so	D. I go there by bus
Reading 1. (2 ps)
The elephant lives in groups. An elephant herd usually has from twenty to forty members. The leader of the herd is usually a wise, strong female which travels at the head of the herd. The members of the herd are loyal to one another. A sick or wounded elephant is not left behind to die. If an elephant is sick, the whole herd stops traveling until he gets well. When an elephant is injured, two others walk on both sides of him and support him with their bodies. Elephants are fond of youngsters in the herd and give them special care. They help the young stay on the water when the herd crosses a river and work together to rescue a baby elephant that has wandered into a dangerous place. 
 Trang 01, mã đề 892
1. The elephant lives in a group, called
	A. a herd 	B. a family	C. a school 	D. a country
2. If an elephant is injured, the herd will 
A. help him 	B. leave him 	C. kill him 	D. do nothing 
3. The word “him” in line 5 refers to
A. the sick elephant 	B. the injoured elephant	
C. the herd	 	D. the leader
4. All of the following are true about elephants except
A. they are fond of youngsters	B. they live in groups
C. they never leave the sick behind 	D. they let the injoured elephant go alone.
Reading 2. (0,5 ps)
Choose the best interpretation for the sign/ picture
Members are reminded that they are responsible for any damage caused by their guests
 	A. If your guests break anything, you have to pay
	B. If guests are hurt, members have to look after them
C. Please don’t let guests make too much noise
D. Please remember to look after guests very politely
Writing 1. Rewite each sentence, beginning as shown so that the meaning stays the same (1,5 ps)
1. She is so shy, that’s the reason why she doesn’t enjoy parties.
- If . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. I had no money with me, so I couldn’t help him.
- If . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. They are going to paint the walls of this building.
- The walls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Imagine you are Lan, write a refusing email to response this email (1,5 ps)
Dear Lan,
Next Sunday, on 8 Mar, my class are going to visit Cat Tien National Park. We will start at 7am at our school.
Are you free to go with me?
Please let me know if you could go soon.
Trang 2, mã đề 892
Listen to questions about travel and choose the best answer.
1. Yes, very much 
 Very much, thanks.
2. 	 For about six weeks.
 Yes, I will.
3. 	 Not really.
 Until June.
4. 	 Yes, I did.
 To Madrid.
5. 	 Last week.
 Not yet.
6. 	 Not yet.
 No, I didn’t.
7. 	 Yes, I was.
 About a month.
8. 	 It was great.
 Yes, I did.
- The end –
 Trang 3, mã đề 892

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